chapter 26 Blazepelt

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"Thunderflame Skydawn Sunpelt blazepelt Thunderflame Skydawn Sunheart Blazepelt" the clan cheerd

He was finally a full warrior of Pineclan

No cat can stop me now Blazepelt thought

"Wow we are warrior now" Skydawn said

"You guys well have a silent vigil tonight" Mossfur said

"Why" Sunpelt asked

"Because it well be your last thing to do before you are full warriors" Mossfur answered

"And you guys well be guarding the camp well your clan-mate sleep" Mossfur said

"Okay" Thunderflame said

Someday I well be the leader of Pineclan Blazepelt thought

"Well should we start now" Thunderflame asked

"Yes" Mossfur answered

And they sat down in a circle in the middle of camp

They watched there clan-mate's go to there dens

And the camp go into darkness

And a long time later the first light of dawn came

Mossfur walked out of the warriors den

"Alright your vigil is over" Mossfur said

"Go get some sleep" Mossfur ordered

And the four of them walked into the warriors den

And they lyed down in some of the empty nests

And he woke up in the late afternoon

He went out to collect some fresh moss for his nest

And after he collected it and put it in his nest

"Hi Blazepelt" Goldenfang said

"Hi" Blazepelt replied

And he walked back out of camp

He was going out hunting

And once he was done he has caught four voles

And now he was returning to camp

My clan-mate's don't really understand me Blazepelt thought

He walked into the camp and dropped his catch on the fresh-kill pile

And sat on the edge of camp

Watching his clan-mate's do the everyday stuff

"Hey Blazepelt we need help making the walls stronger" Marshear said

"Okay" Blazepelt replied

And he walked over to help them

"So what should we do" Blazepelt asked

"Can you go with Duskmoon and Skydawn and get new Brambles" Marshear replied

"Sure" Blazepelt said

Apprentice takes I'm a warrior now I shouldn't be collecting stuff I should be helping build Blazepelt thought

And the three warriors walked out of the camp

And started to collect some Brambles for the camp walls because they didn't want anyone to get through any other way then the entrance of camp

And once they had enough they walked back to camp

The only way I well truly belong in this clan is of I'm leader Blazepelt thought

And he started putting the Brambles in the wall

Skydawn is so cheerful well I'm just clam and I think a lot Blazepelt thought

And after he finished it was dark

And he walked into the warriors den And went back to his nest and fell asleep

"Welcome back Blazepelt" Aspenlight said

"So what well you be teaching me today" Blazepelt asked

He had been coming to this place since he opened his eyes

They called it the dark forest and he could see why it was called the dark forest because it was literally a dark forest

"You well be showing your moves to the cats who are here" Aspenlight answered

the tail of the forgotten clans (Book Two) The Prophecy's Meaning Where stories live. Discover now