chapter 12 Riverpaw

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"Riverpaw wake up" Cloudfrost said

"I'm wake" Riverpaw replied

"Well come on its time for some training" Cloudfrost said

Is she normally this grumpy with everyone Riverpaw thought

"We are hunting today" Cloudfrost said

"Okay" Riverpaw replied

"Well are you going to see if you can spot any rabbits or just talk with me" Cloudfrost asked

"I'm looking" Riverpaw answered

"You better be" Cloudfrost replied

And he ran down the hill towards a rabbit

He caught it with as much speed as he had running down the hill

"We need to catch more for the clan" Cloudfrost said after she caught up to him

"I know" Riverpaw replied

And he scanned the open area to find more rabbits

He quickly found a another one and raced off towards it to catch the rabbit

And he missed it by a kit step

"Hare-dung" Riverpaw said

He walked back to camp with Cloudfrost and he had two rabbits in his jaws

And Cloudfrost had caught three mices

Does she think I'm a waste of energy Riverpaw thought

He dropped his prey on the fresh-kill pile and walked over to Winterpaw who was cleaning the elders den

The line of grass around the den gave it some privacy but there being no grass on the inside makes it so the elders can sleep under silverpelt Riverpaw thought

"Hi Riverpaw" Winterpaw said

"Hi Winterpaw can I help you with cleaning the elders den" Riverpaw asked

The only two cats who understand me are Winterpaw and Firetail Riverpaw thought

"Yeah you can" Winterpaw answered

And the two of them cleaned the elders den twice as fast as Winterpaw was cleaning it

"I feel like our father Bluegaze pretends that I don't exist" Riverpaw said

"Oh why do you feel like that" Winterpaw asked

"Because the only time he ever talks to me is when he has to" Riverpaw answered

"Well you always have me" Winterpaw said

"Yeah I do" Riverpaw replied

"I think I heard something about a prophecy when I was going to see if I could help Poppypaw but I didn't hear what the prophecy was" Winterpaw said

Is she going to stop being my friend Riverpaw wondered

"You know if you want friends you can be nice to other cats" Winterpaw said

"I know" Riverpaw replied

Is she going to continue to grow closer to Poppypaw and is going to stop being friends with me Riverpaw thought

"Oh it looks like Cinderfrost needs me bye" Winterpaw said

And she walked over to Cinderfrost

"Thanks for cleaning it for me" Softpelt said

Softpelt had moved to the elders den recently

"Your welcome" Riverpaw replied

"But Winterpaw did most of it" Riverpaw said

"Then next time I see her I well say thanks" Softpelt said

"Okay" Riverpaw said

"So do you like being a apprentice" Softpelt asked

"Kinda but Cloudfrost is really tough on me" Riverpaw answered

"Well she is making sure that you learn" Softpelt said

"Yeah I guess she is" Riverpaw replied

"Hey what are you doing" Cloudfrost asked

"He was just talking to me" Softpelt answered

"Well I have been looking all over the camp for you because we are doing some more training" Cloudfrost said

"Okay let's go" Riverpaw replied

And they walked out of camp

"Come on let's do some battle training" Cloudfrost said

"Alright" Riverpaw replied

And they started to train

the tail of the forgotten clans (Book Two) The Prophecy's Meaning Where stories live. Discover now