"So why have you all of a sudden started to be nice to me" Speckledsnow asked
"Because I want to be friends with you" Riverpaw answered
The moor seems to be a place where twolegs like to bring there dogs Riverpaw thought
"Oh okay" Speckledsnow replied
"I'm sorry for calling you the insult you hate a while ago" Riverpaw said
"Well your still a furball" Speckledsnow replied
"No I'm not" Riverpaw argued
"Riverpaw come on you are supposed be hunting with me" Cloudfrost said
"Don't be grumpy because she is always like this" Speckledsnow whispered to Riverpaw
And he walked over to Cloudfrost
And they went out hunting
And after a bit of hunting they split up
Sometimes twolegs bring the cats they capture out to the moor
"Hi hi who are you" a kittypet asked
"You need to tell me your name first" Riverpaw replied
"I'm Husky now who are you" Husky asked
"I'm Riverpaw" Riverpaw answered
"And why are you on my territory" Riverpaw asked
"My owner bought me here" Husky answered
"Owner Do you mean your twoleg" Riverpaw asked
"I guess" Husky answered
"What's going on" Cloudfrost asked
"This kittypet is on our territory and she won't leave" Riverpaw answered
"Get off our territory now" Cloudfrost said
"I'm only visiting with my owner" Husky said
"Owner?" Cloudfrost said and sounded confused
"It's a type of twoleg" Riverpaw said
"Oh okay" Cloudfrost said
And a twoleg called out
"Oh I have to go bye" Husky said and ran off towards her twoleg
"Well she is getting off our territory" Riverpaw said
"You should of made her get out" Cloudfrost said
"She wasn't doing anything wrong she didn't know that this was our territory" Riverpaw replied
"Let's just get back to hunting" Cloudfrost said
"Alright" Riverpaw replied
And they went back to hunting
He had caught three rabbits during there hunting patrol
And now they were returning to camp
"Hey Riverpaw" Winterpaw said after running over to him
"Wait do I smell Nightclan" Riverpaw said
"Yes you do" Cloudfrost replied
And they walked into the camp to find a few nightclan warriors
"Hey where's Deputy" Cloudfrost asked
"At camp" a Ruesst she-cat said
"We don't want a fight we just want to talk" a silver she-cat said
And Eaglestar came out with a nightclan tom
"Has any of you had received a vision from Starclan" Eaglestar asked
"Um I did" Poppymist answered
"What was it about" Eaglestar asked
"They told me that Chaos well spread and the only way to stop it is bringing a truce once a moon" Poppymist answered
"That is the prophecy" Eaglestar the gray tom said
"I believe you now Heavystar" Eaglestar replied
"So are we going to do whatever it is now" a dark ginger tom asked
"Maybe Emberjump if Eaglestar and the other two leaders agree" Heavystar answered
What are they talking about Riverpaw wondered
"Well we can try it and if it works out we continue" Eaglestar said
"Okay but we well go ask the other leaders now" Heavystar said
"And I'll send a patrol your way if the other leaders agree" Heavystar said
"Okay" Eaglestar replied
And the nightclan patrol left the camp

the tail of the forgotten clans (Book Two) The Prophecy's Meaning
Fanficwhat well happen to clans now that they know about this new prophecy well the clans go into chaos or well they complete the prophecy who knows you just need to read to find out