chapter 1 his death and the new surroundings

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yo hi

It was the start of a new day you were once again called in by the master too another hashira meeting. You arrived pretty early only the stone, wind and serpent hashira were there. "oh hey Nemi~" your voice cooed sarcastically. While you waited there was no harm in teasing the wind hashira a little was there, no this was the perfect way to pass the time in your eyes that or complain to the serpent hashira why he hasn't confessed yet. The wind hashira let out an annoyed hiss as he heard the familiar voice of the girl that he'd dreaded seeing today. "what!" he whipped his head around to look at you his face already displayed a more pissed off expression than normal. "oh nothing, woah is that another new scar man getting uglier by the day I see eyebrowless grandpa" you faked a sad shocked face as you proceeded to mock him. "what was that y/n you bitch" The hashira drew his sword as he towered over you ready to beat the shit outta you. "huh? you monster threating a poor innocent defenceless girl oh the master won't be happy if you break the rules you know" you poked your tongue out and pulled your eye lid down with your ring finger. "why you!" The scared up male put his sword away and quickly put you in a headlock. "ah! hey no fair!" you giggled as you struggled in his grip but it was no use he was way stronger than you. Even tho you were an annoying little gremlin he still loved you ( like a little sister of course 👁️👄👁️) But you pissed him off so much. "Shinazagawa-san, y/n what's happening!" You heard the voice of the love pillar also you're best friend call out as she and the insect pillar had now arrived and also the water pillar how long had he been there oh well who cares. "yo Mitsuri hi" you waved as Sanemi loosened his grip on you and you easily broke free and hopped over to the pink haired girl. Soon enough within the next 10 minutes all the hashira had arrived and the meeting had started it was mainly the usual stuff for most of it but at the end you and your teacher the flame hashira were given a new mission. "hmm Rengoku, L/n I have a request to ask" the master looked over at me and Rengoku and explained to us the new mission Turns out there was a demon train? eh who cares we just have to kill the demon. As everyone was leaving you were stopped by sanemi. "hmm yes what you want a goodbye hug~" you hugged yourself jokingly as you spun around. "yeah I would and also be careful if you get yourself killed I'll destroy your rock figure!" Sanemi threatened, your face went pale not your beautiful rock figure a year ago you had found this rock that was somewhat easy to pick at and so you had made this sculpture of you sanemi his little brother, mitsuri and rengoku it was in honour of the people closes to you. "you wouldn't " you laughed worryingly as you scratched the back of your neck looking at him as if he was crazy. "who knows but anyway don't die out there ok sis it could very well be an uppermoon" Sanemi looked worried for a second before going back to his neutral pissed of expression. "yeah ok I'm not gonna die" I smiled as I waved him goodbye.

(time skip to right after Enmu was killed because I'm too damm lazy )

also y/n p.o.v

Ah fuck I have to get out and go help Rengoku I sense another demon has shown up and he's strong rengoku will need my help. I pulled on my arm with my free hand, half of my arm was trapped under a piece of the trainthat had broke off and it wasn't impossible to move I was getting there just hard to do it with one hand. Soon enough after a whole 3 minutes of struggle I freed my arm, it was definitely broken my right arm was completely deformed. It would heal tho for now I had to help Rengoku, as I ran towards the others holding my broken arm in place a massive explosion erupted it had to be Rengoku's technique. As I strained to see rengoku admits the smoke I felt as if something was wrong and the smell and sound of blood dripping was strong. (a/n: y/n is like zenitsu and tanjiro has enhanced smell and hearing btw) finally the dust started to clear and I could see the demon and Rengoku but what I saw was something that shocked me to my core. The demon had punched right through him Rengoku loved food but he never wanted to become one for gods sake. I felt tears well and prick the edge of my eyes as I gripped my sword with my left hand and ran towards him with a painful battle cry. "SCREW YOU, YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I screamed as I ran my sword right through his forehead just as tanjiro and inosuke were about to come and try to cut his head off he ripped his own arms off and was quick to run away and into the woods. After that I broke down anything that happened after anything that was said it went through one ear and out the other the only thing that didn't were Rengoku's last wishes and words he mainly had them for tanjiro but the ones for me I'd never forget them for as long as I lived and even after death they'd stay with me. "Y/n thank you, you were the best student and friend I could ask for and with me gone there will be an empty spot open I wish for you to fill in for me I know you have what it takes and you are only two demons away from being qualified so I'm sure you'll do fine" He laughed lightly at the last part he slowly slipped away as he died with the same smile displayed on his face as it always was. The next day had come as the sun shone brightly onto the world a hashira meeting was called to welcome the newest hashira. "everyone y/n is now the newest hashira please welcome her" I walked over as I gave them a small wave. Soon enough the meeting ended and I headed off with lady kocho to the butterfly estate so I could let my injuries heal my arm was currently wrapped up pretty good they said it should take a month or 2 to heal.

Later that night (11pm-ish)

I layed in my hospital bed I guess you could call it as I sobbed to myself if only I hadn't of gotten caught under the train I would of been there to help. My vision blurred as I cried my tears were running down my face like they were running for their life. My heartbeat wouldn't slow I felt weird everything was spinning the surrounding were quickly changing infront of my very eyes I didn't know what to do but cry.

Soon enough everything had went black for a good minute and when I was able to see again I was in a small park area there were weird things made of what I believe was mental
( a/n like swings ext ) and beyond that were massive buildings and smaller ones like houses it reminded me of a city but way different the buildings were so strange. Everything was just so confusing and as for my clothing I still wore the clothes that I was given while staying in the butterfly estate. The moon was bright it happened to be a full moon even though just before the moon was a cresent moon just what was happening where am I.

ok so first chapter done yay hope it was ok I promise the next chapter will include the Tokyo revengers characters 🙂👍

word count: 1366

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