chapter 5: icecream and dreams

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"oi the hell is taking you two idiots so long" Baji came back into the store to find the twins both holding a bag of something they had bought. "the hell did you buy?" Baji asked as he knew they didn't sell male clothes in here so he quickly pulled one of the dresses out. "the hell you got a dress for?" He asked if it turned out they were buying it for themselves he wouldn't really care but it definitely peaked his interest. "and what's it to you huh?" Smiley grabbed the outfit out of his hands and shoved it back into the bag. "oh not much just curious" Baji shrugged as it really didn't concern him. "we just thought L/n would like them..." Angry whispered mainly to himself but Baji heard it loud and clear. "wait what? you I- don't tell me you guys like her or something" He laughed. "well so what if we do" Nahoya was starting to get annoyed now. "no I know it is a little dumb how we got dresses we definitely should wait at least a month we might weird her out otherwise" Souya spoke up he definitely knew buying them was a little bit stupid they only met a few hours earlier. "hmpf yeah probably" Nahoya nodded as he closed up the bag to make sure it couldn't be seen. "well we'll be going now tell L/n we said bye" Angry waved goodbye as he pulled his brother along with him. Baji just nodded as he went back outside and joined up with you and Chifuyu who were casually enjoying some icecream together.

y/n p.o.v

"hmm where are the Twins they leave already?" I asked as I noticed Baji walking towards us. "yeah they said they had somewhere to be and legged it" Baji sat down next to Chifuyu who was sitting across from me. "ah yeah is that so, oh well their loss but man is this stuff good" I took another spoonful of this icecream stuff I had gotten a strawberry flavoured one I didn't know how this tasted like strawberries but it did and I loved it. "wow I still can't believe you've never had icecream before must of been a boring childhood" Chifuyu laughed, "huh wait fr you haven't damm" Baji sighed out as he took a spoon and took some of chifuyu's "hey! get your own would you" Chifuyu jerked his icecream back and away from Baji's reach. "oi I don't have the money so just let me have some" Baji tried to grab it off chifuyu but chifuyu was quick to sit up and sit next to me. "ah god dammit what about you y/n can't you let me have some please" He pulled out these puppy dog eyes and leaned his chin against the table. "no" I bluntly said as I took another bite no way in hell I was giving this golden heaven of yummy stuff. "what that quickly man you guys are assholes" Baji cursed under his breath as he crossed his arms like some kid throwing a tantrum. "well what do you expect someone who has never had it and turns out to love it what you expected her to just give it to you?" Chifuyu said nonchalantly as he finished off his icecream. "mhm exactly right" I nodded and just like classic old me I decided to be a tad annoying. I grabbed the final spoon full and let Chifuyu have it feeding him myself. "ah! mm" he bit down onto it his face lighting up clearing enjoying the flavour. "HUh! the hell how come he gets some he had his own!" Baji shot up picking the chair up with him. "what?, calm down people are staring" I waved my hand singling for him to sit. Chifuyu wasn't talking his face was a bright strawberry pink just like the icecream he'd just been fed. Baji huffed as he sat down causing the chair to hit the ground with him landing on it which was very loud and drew even more attention to us. "anyway what's the plan now?" I asked as I threw the container into the bin that was near me. "I don't guess we can go back home?" Baji huffed not making any eye contact with me whatsoever. "actually we've got a test next week and that means we need to study so I'll be joining you to help Baji with it" Chifuyu stretched as he got up to throw away his rubbish while eyeing the long haired male sharply. "what already that's bullshit arrrghh" Baji seemed to throw a mini tantrum as he got up and started walking with chifuyu. I also got up to follow the boys. wow whatever this place or this world is it's pretty nice no scent of demons at night or during the day it's definitely much safer than what I'm used to. I thought as a small smile appeared on my face watching the two boys Infront of me bicker between one another.

I wish things could stay this way if this is a dream it sure is a good one

omg it's been so long since I've updated so sorry I just got stuck on what to write but finally got an idea and yeah. I don't like to start writing something without knowing exactly what I'm going to be writing so that's why I may take awhile to write sometimes. but anyway hope you liked this chapter honestly the thing with the twins buying that stuff was a stupid idea now that I think about it but I'll make a joke with it later down the storyline.

word count: 955

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