chapter 7: An old friend... kinda

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(warning this chapter will go into more manga spoilers from here on, if you wanna read it there are plenty of manga sites to read it on just search demon slayer manga chapter- whatever one you want. eventually this story will also follow the Tokyo revengers manga too🙁)

Y/n p.o.v

I slowly opened my eyes, coming back to reality as I realised the sun had set and I had fallen asleep. "huh crap what's the time?" I said to myself as I was about to jump up I felt the pressure of two people on me. Looking down at the boys, one asleep on my shoulder and the other asleep on my lap, a small pool of drool forming on my clothed thigh. how cute I thought as I pat the blue fluff that was Souya's hair. I got distracted before it hit me again that I had to go hopefully I wasn't too late. So carefully I removed the pink haired boy from my shoulder, placing his head against the lounge instead. Even with a broken arm I was able to pick the blue haired boy up with ease as I took him to his room laying him down in his bed. I did the same with the other brother, coming back out picking him up gently as to not wake him. Once that was done I headed out the door, night had fallen only the small street lights and the moon gave light onto the dark street. I raced back to the home I was staying in, running up the stairs I came face to face with the door. whew I made it surely it's not that late I thought as I opened the door slipping inside. "oh thank god your ok I thought something bad happened!" I heard a voice yell as I was swooped into a hug by none other than Baji's mother. "yeah of course I am" I reassured her as she let go of me. "there you are I told you to be back before 6!" Baji ran over to me shaking me by my shirt. "hey what happened to you?" I asked pointing at the black eye the boy had. "nothing ok!" he snapped marching off to his room. wow so nice of him I huffed as I also made my way back to the room I was staying in. well I know this place isn't a dream is it? Enmu had the power to make us see different things in our dreams could it be that I'm still on the train and none of the things I thought happened actually didn't happen. No he definitely died and so did I shaked my head as all the sad shit flowed back into my mind, I had to figure out what was going on here.
Setting up my plan was easy grabbing a few things and putting them under my blanket to hopefully full anyone who happened to peep into my room. I quietly opened the window in my room jumping out from the top floor. I ran off into the dimly lighted street, the moon was out and yet no scent of demons at all. I walked around the town/city for what felt like hours but still nothing that was until I picked up a demons scent, a familiar one.

I ran too it not wanting it too escape, I turned a corner and their I found the demon. "YUSHIRO! wait" I called to the silver haired boy, he turned and locked eyes with me and they filled with horror. I caught up to him sighing with relief "what the hell yn you- you?" he couldn't form the right words to say. "hey Yushiro what's up man it's good to see someone I know hehe" I patted his shoulder laughing slightly. "80 years" huh? "what was that?" I asked as he whispered something. "you went missing after the flame hashira's death 80 years ago how the hell are you here, where the hell did you go?" he gripped my shoulders, he was shaking physical sick. "what no way 80 years, Yushiro Kyojuro died only 1 week ago" I said, my voice was shakey just what was he talking about. "huh what?" is all he could say "listen Yushiro, I don't know how but I woke up in this strange new world things I've never seen before are here and look my arm, it's still broken see!" I showed my arm to him just what was going on here. "you, did you time travel perhaps?" Yushiro asked as he started to pice it back together. "what, no pfff" I tried to deny it but that would be a logical explanation, was this strange place the future?. "hey Yushiro, are the demon slayers still around or?" I asked and he stayed quiet for a mere moment before speaking again. "no, Muzan was killed by the other hashira and that Tanjiro kid finished him off over 75 years ago!" Yushiro said as he let go of me. "w-what! Taniiro really did that no way and that means, I wasn't there to help them" it hit me that I didn't get to help my friends back then which really weighed heavy on my heart. "so what about Mitsuri and Tanjiro and everyone else are they still around, I know it's been 80 years but people do make it to their 90s and that?" I asked and Yushiro just shaked his head. "no, out of the people you know back then I'm the only one around, Nezuko was turned human again and lady- well you know Muzan was quite strong" his voice trembled as he relayed this information. "sorry to say this might not be what you want to hear but with the fight with Muzan all the Hashira died, except for your brother and the water hashira" Yushiro said giving me a sad look. "wait even Mitsuri, no way if only I'd been there" I felt like I was gonna cry, no I was definitely going to cry. "and also you're other brother his name was Genya I believe sorry to say he didn't make it either" Yushiro sighed as he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down on it. "here if you need to come find me, this is my address I'll leave you be for now" Yushiro handed me a small slip of paper before leaving and disappearing around a corner. After a few minutes I felt the hot tears fall from my eye as I used my one hand that was free to cover my mouth as it was late and didn't want to alert people to my location. I was curled over while on my knees I couldn't stop the tears and my cry was still fairly loud even with me covering my mouth.

hey sorry about how long this took but I finished this chapter finally anyway one question I want a character to come along and find yn and comfort her or something but I'm stuck here on who I have 2 in mind help me pls who'd you prefer

1 is Baji after discovering she's gona and goes out to look for her

or 2 Souya who didn't know what time she left but was worried it was dark when she did and she could get hurt (also remember Souya reminds her of Genya so like 😞 )


word count: 1247

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