chapter 9: the grave yard

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"hmmm now let's see ah the hashira are over here!" I smiled as I saw the 9 graves lined up at the end of the area sorounded by a fence so you can't walk on top of them. And then I noticed another section across from it there were 5 other graves there I could only assume that belonged to those guys. I started to read aloud out all the names of my comrades. "Shinobu Kocho, mitsuri kanroji, igrou obanai, tomioka giyu, muichiro tokito, rengoku kyojuro, himajime gyomei and sanemi shinazagawa" I paused for a minute realising there were eight not nine I looked left and realised were the other was, really a pink tomestone, Uzui's grave of course was surrounded by his wives it makes sense. "So these are it" Baji finally spoke as I gave him a nod. "Kocho was a fine young women master with medicine and poisens, mitsuri was a sweet girl who loved everyone around her no matter anything, obanai, obanai he was something. He also had the hugest crush on mitsuri I don't know if he ever told her tho" I smiled as I thought of the times I did my best to help him confess. "Really that was never mentioned in the history of demon Slayers interesting" Baji chuckled at the thought. "Then Tomioka he was the quiet one, muichiro the young prodigy he was my younger cousin actually, then rengoku he was my teacher I first learned how to fight with him, gyomei was the strongest of all of us and last was Nemi my big brother he well he was something..." I laughed a little as I turned to Baji as he just listened to me. "Come there are a few more I'd like to visit" I walked over to the other six. Just as I thought there they were "here are my other brother Genya, the kamado boy his sister, the yellow haired boy, kanao and the boy with the boars head" I stared down at my brother's grave as I said that, I wish I had of been there. "So you really knew all of them I wish I could meet them man, Hey who do you think I'd get along with the most?" Baji asked me grinning. "Hmmm let me think honestly I don't know why but I feel like you'd get along with uzui maybe my brother too but I'm still not sure on that" I laughed picturing Baji and Sanemi interacting with each other, honestly Baji was starting to feel like another brother to me. "Huh really that's Uzui's grave over there right, didn't he have three wives!?" Baji said as he pointed at Uzui's very very flashy grave. "Yep he did have three and by the way he'd always offer me to be his forth the flirting he did with me was outrageous he's lucky his wives liked me too otherwise well let's not get gruesome here huh" I loved Uzui and all but he couldn't take a no man he did not give up the amount of times Sanemi tried to kill him were outrageous. "Wait for real damm wasn't he like 30 pedo alert!" Baji made a disgusted face. "A what? But no he's 23" I had no clue what a pedo was but okay whatever I guess. "Anyway can I have a minute alone please" I ask as Baji nodded with a quick of course before he went off to pay his respects to all the other people buried here.

"Hey guys it's me, I know you haven't heard from me in awhile well turns out I time traveled to now. Yeah crazy I know but it's the truth, listen I'm going to try and find a way back to you but for now I'm here and I'll do my best to fit in. Genya I know it must of been hard and I heard about you dying in the fight against muzan I promise I'll make it back and change that, I promise. Tho if I do will this future change and if so what could possibly happen to the friends I've made here. Kamado I'm happy Nezuko was turned back and you defeated Muzan huh, that's Hella impressive I'm proud of you. You other three you did good to I'm glad to hear you all survived that battle" I finished what was on my mind I was about to get up but a strong gust of wind came and blew leaves all over me, I checked my hair and sure enough I pulled out a leaf. I was just going to throw it away before I noticed something, the leaf was in the shape of a heart unlike any of the others I felt tears slip from my eyes they heard me alright and they showed me that. I smiled as I got up to go back to Baji. "I promise next time I'll bring flowers and bring everyones favourite food even tho I can only eat it I still hope we can all enjoy!" I gave a final wave before walking away as I passed the hashira graves I said this. "You know all of you are great when I come next time I'll chat with you all, and Nemi I guarantee you died eyebrowless as expected rip to those invisible things" I chuckled but as I tried to walk away I tripped on a random ass rock that wasn't there before. "Hey asshole I know you did that!!!!" I yelled at Sanemi's grave as I stomped off with a small smile.

(Bla bla bla magically let's move to the spirt world)

Sanemi pov

I heard that stupid eyebrow comment and decided to place a present in her path the little shit is still a little shit. I watched as she walked off with the boy she had came with and jumped over the wall. "Man my little sister really just up and disappeared on me to time travel to a time where I'm dead pssh how rude" I hissed. "Brother please it wasn't her fault that this happened I'm just happy our little sis is safe aren't you?" Genya spoke up as he walked over from his grave. "OF COURSE I'M HAPPY IDIOT!!" I yelled what does he take me for honestly. "Keep it down shinazagawa me and kanroji are trying to have a tea party here!" Obanai hissed as him and mitsuri sat Infront of their graves using leaves and sticks as makeshift whatever. "Oh shut up snake boy you know what I'm leaving I'm following her Genya hurry up let's go!!" I yelled as I did my best to catch up lucky for me they were still on the other side of the wall talking. It was great because I didn't have to go over the damm wall just walked through it. I decided to mess with the little shits a bit. I quickly went over to my little sister and stood inside her body I loved doing this to people when they'd visit. Not many of us could wonder past our grave but as hashira and my brother and those other kids we all could probably because we were the stronger ones. But oh well doesn't matter "fuck it's freezing you feel that when did it get so cold" yn said as she shivered. "Really it's not that co-LD!" the other guy said but genya passed through him with a giggle. "So decided to join, hey let's stay attached to em while they make their way back otherwise we will lose them!" I said to Genya and he nodded to me in agreement. So we did and when they finally stopped we followed them into a home, wait is she living with this boy... She totally was I'm going to kill him if he tries anything!. "Nemi please calm down I'm sure nothing is going on with them!" Genya spoke up trying to reassure me. "Alright fine but I'm not leaving her side" I huffed as I watched the girl lay down in bed and go to sleep.

💅 I really hope you guys are still enjoying this book because the last part didn't seem to be that popular. I know I haven't been posting much and that's probably why but I really like this book and I hope you guys do to!

Word count: 1402

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