chapter 10: who tf is this smiling bitch?

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Sanemi pov

I waited around the house yn was staying in until the sun rose up and she woke up. She got up and ate what the boys mother cooked her, damm I wish I could eat food again. For a good hour the boy just showed my sister how a television worked I myself still didn't quite get it so it was interesting to learn too. "Huh Bro this is kinda fun and seems sis made new friends man I'm jealous" Genya spoke from next to me, I had almost forgot he was there. "Mhm whatever you say Genya" I nodded as a sudden knock on the door rang through my ears. "God damm who is knocking so loud at 8am!" The black haired boy growled as he went and stomped his way to the door. "What!.. tf do you want Smiley!?" He opened the door revealing a peach fluffy haired boy, his eyes were small almost appearing as if they were shut. "Where is she, yn is she here!" He barged his way past the other boy calling my sister's name. "What the hell of course she is?" The boy said as he shut the door and followed the peach haired boy. "Oh hey Smiley!" My sister waved at him- I don't like this guy. "Oh you're ok good! I woke up and you were gone I thought something had happened to you" he sighed as a smile appeared on his face. "Huh gone what's that's supposed to mean?" The black h- wait no his name was Baji right- I think?. "Oh well so you know how I was late well that's because I fell asleep at Smiley's place and he kinda fell asleep on me so I didn't wanna move and wake him and then I fell asleep and yeah!" Yn said while making all sorts of hand gestures. "WHAT!?" I screamed and so did Baji we did it in unison with one another. "Geeze calm down mum it was just a small nap, tho when did I get into my own bed? I woke up there but don't recall getting in" Smiley asked somewhat as he pondoured on the thought. "Oh well it's simple I c- you must of sleep walked hehe" yn stopped herself midway as if she were about to say something bad. "Yeah I guess well anyway come on!" Smiley shrugged as he smirked and grabbed yn by the arm, lifting her up. "Woah woah wait a minute" Baji stopped him and pulled him back with a glare. "What!? I wanna hang out with yn" Smiley hissed at Baji, even tho he was smiling and eyes closed he was still able to glare. "We already have plans one and two ain't no way I'm letting her go with a freak alone!" Baji almost like a dog let out a low growl at the smiling boy. "What the hell that's supposed to mean HUH!?" Smiley barked back at him. "Uhhh Bro are they about to fight?" Genya spoke up "probably but all I know is Baji better win!" I said if he does I'll let him hang around my sister as long as he doesn't try anything funny. The two boys tried to start throwing hands before yn stepped in. "Alright enough you two, smiley I do have plans today with Baji but how about later after the meeting you guys have this afternoon I hang with you and Angry then you drop me back off here, sound good?" She said as Smiley let out a reluctant grunt of a yes. "Arrg whatever fine!" Baji sighed out "WHAT DON'T LET HIM NEAR HER!" I yelled right in his face but of course he couldn't hear me. "Bro calm down I'm sure this smiley guy ain't that bad" Genya spoke up, what did he know because obviously nothing. I know a not worthy of my sister guy when I see one. I watched as the guy left the apartment flipping him off as much as I could, tho he wouldn't be able to see me.

"Well what now?" Genya asked as he looked over at me. "What now? We keep an eye on her and I swear to god that smiling bitch does anything I will take control of his body, possess him and haunt him for life!" I said as I watched my sister sit back down. "Uh huh... that's great" Genya sighed as he also looked over at his sister. The two brothers watched their little sis throughout the day. She stayed in the apartment with Baji all day talking about different types of modern inventions that were common like phones. So she would understand how they work and know what they are and not be clueless about em.

Omg an update, now no promises I'll be updating this regularly or anything but currently I'm obsessed with the twins again so like :) gotta write for em.

Word count: 826

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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