chapter 2: A flaming car ... wait whats a car ?

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y/n p.o.v

I have no idea where I am but I guess I should look around and see if anyone can tell me. I had been walking around for a good twenty minutes and nothing I decided to take a quick rest in a area the sign said parking lot but I'm not sure if that is what you call it. There were these things sitting all over the place inbetween these lines on the ground there were about 4 in the whole area and they were so strange they kinda reminded me of the cars in the city but like different. ( a/n pretend the cars aren't called cars just for the sake of this making sense) I was just looking at one while lost in thought until it went up into flames and exploded. "holy c-" I stood up as I was shocked by the sudden explosion and soon enough I looked over and saw a guy who by the smell of it was responsible. "hey! what the hell was that?" I walked over to him as he looked at me a bit shocked someone was here. "huh? what's it too you and hang on a minute... Did you escape a hospital or something?" he looked down at me as he pointed to my arm. "what? no I didn't at least I don't think I did" I shrugged at the moment I had no idea what was going on. "the hell happened to your arm" he raised an eyebrow at me curiously. "a train fell on it" I said blankly the males face went pale soon after the words left my mouth. "wait what damm that's quite the story for a broken arm" He laughed I just rolled my eyes and let him believe what he wanted. "so the hell is a pretty girl like yourself doing out this late" He asked me as he was quick to grab my none broken arm and drag me with him. "not much I'm actually lost but where the hell do you think you're taking me?" I asked as I readied myself to break free from him. "well you don't want to be blamed for that flaming car do you?" he pointed to it as the flames got bigger even though you were moving away from it. "ah your right that'd be annoying to deal with" I sighed as I picked up my pace to follow with his. "so what do you mean by lost anyway?" He asked as we ran around a corner. hmmm I can't just tell him what happened exactly that would raise to much suspension so for now make up a story and try to fit in until you figure out how to get back I thought as I tried to think of a reply. Ah that's it " I was sleeping I believe I don't know where I came from but I awoke in a nearby park and than I ran into you, that's all I remember" I sighed and pulled my best puzzled expression I mean I was still very confused but I'd have to pretend not to be or make a reason to be. "so what you're saying is you don't know where you are or how you got here, that sucks, so what's your name that is if you remember that" He finally stopped running as we stopped Infront of a tall building that had about 4 floors. "oh no I remember my name it's L/n F/n" I yawned as I hadn't slept since the other day when Rengoku died. "oh that's cool I guess so do you have a place to stay?" He asked as he started walking over to the stairs. "oh no I don't I guess now that I'm thinking about it" I laughed lightly damm I guess it's not that bad there's been plenty of times I've slept outside. I must of spaced out for a bit and finally snapped from my thoughts at the call of my name. "hey you coming you can stay with me I'm sure you'll pop up as a missing person and by next week you should find your way home" He motioned for me to follow him and so I did and I swear if he tries anything I'ma kick his ass. "you sure wouldn't it bother you?" I asked as I followed him up the stairs. "no and I'm sure my mum will be fine with it when I explain the situation we also have a spare room so it's fine" He laughed as we finally stopped on the 4th floor and infront of one of the many doors. "well fine if you're offering there's no harm in taking you up on that offer it'd be better than sleeping in a tree with a broken arm" I sighed as I let out yet another yawn. "alright for now I'll show you the spare room and I'll tell my mum tomorrow otherwise she'll get mad if I wake her up at 3am" he walked into the apartment and took his shoes off placing them in the shoe rack. I proceeded to do the same and followed him past a living room and a kitchen and down the hall to the room at the end. "here you can stay in here, just over there is the bathroom and that is my room that's the laundry and that one is my mums room try not to go in there ok" He opened the door and in there was a singular bed and some built-in robes it was pretty bland but I guess that's what a spare room is. "Well thanks for this I owe you one" I nodded as I gave a small smile I quickly shut the door behind me and was soon to plop myself on the bed and fall asleep man was I tired.

Baji p.o.v

I swear tonight has to be one of the weirdest yet and how am I going to tell this to my mum I mean I'm sure she'll be fine with it after explaining but still. Seriously what am I supposed to do also my mum will make me take her with me too when she finds out about the memory loss thing and since she won't be home because of work she'll want someone with her at all times. I thought to myself as I layed down in bed just how was the girl supposed to come to school with me too I'll figure that out tomorrow I guess.

The next day and back to y/n p.o.v

"Hmmm nrrg" I woke up to the sun shining through the small window behind me I felt refreshed after that sleep. I got out of the bed and headed to the door when I opened it I was hit by the smell of food man I was starving. I walked down the hall and into the living room and there he was the boy I ran into last night was sitting on the couch casually reading a book of some sort it was strange looking never seen art like that. "ah hey your awake" He looked over at me and gave a small wave. "ahh is she awake, hello dear oh you are so cute my darling little Kei told me about you I'm so sorry that happened you can stay with us for as long as you need" The lady had the same black hair as the boy and was wearing an apron by the smell she was the one cooking. "oh uh thank you sorry for bothering you and causing any trouble" I bowed as I thanked her for her kindness it's not everyday you find kind people like this the boy too his scent emmetts such kindness though it also has a wild smell to him definitely and out there type of guy maybe not nice to people he doesn't like but that's perfectly fine neither am I really. "hey so what's your name is it Kei or?" I looked over at him he knew my name but I didn't know his a little unfair. "oh Keisuke you didn't tell the girl your name how rude go on tell L/n your name" His mum hurried him as she skipped back into the kitchen. "yeah yeah I know, hey names Baji Keisuke" he said as he stood up and walked into the kitchen to join his mum. "ah I'm almost done, your lucky today is a weekend, now I'd like it if you and L/n could stick together if you leave you take her with you I don't want anything bad happing to her alright" The women smiled as she hand her son two plates of food and it was a F/b damm no wonder I woke up that quickly. (a/n f/b = fav breakfast) "yeah ok ma but what about school" the male walked out of the kitchen and placed the plates onto the dining table. "oh school I'll make sure to call them when I'm done with work and get her registered" the woman smiled as she took off the apron and instead put on a coat and her shoes as she was heading out the door. "alright have fun at work by ma" Baji waved goodbye to his mother as he sat down and started stuffing his face, man he eats like a pig but I mean if it's good I get it. I sat down and took one bite and I was on cloud 9 damm that was good. "so today I don't have much to do but in the afternoon I do have a meeting to attend to with my gang but that's it, all you have to do is stand there and look pretty and don't talk it'll be better for your safety" he said as he finished his food and me myself had already finished I kinda listened to him but man that food was good. "ah yeah so what about my clothes than I don't think they are casual wear by the look of it?" I asked as I grabbed my plate and his and walked into the kitchen to clean it. " ah yeah about that I'm sure my mum has something I'll get you something for now and when we go out later we can go get some more for you" He sighed as he followed me into the kitchen. "mhm ok the that meeting thing and clothes got it maybe you can show me around a bit it could help" I clocked my head to him as I placed the clean dishes in the drying rack.

Alright chapter 2 done I hope it's going ok so far and the twins should be in the next chapter alright seeing as you will be going to a Tomon meeting (if I spelt that wrong pls correct me) but yeah I'm going to start working on the next chapter right now because I've got nothing better to do and I wanna get to the twins part myself. ( also I don't really proff read so sorry about that I type rather fast and sometimes make spelling mistakes because of that)

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