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Larry:Ludwig! I'm scared!
Ludwig:You shouldn't be scared! You're fine Larry
Roy:Yeah! Stop being a wimp Larry!
Iggy:*Laughs Maniacally*
Lemmy:This is so exciting
Wendy:*Gulp*Let's get this over with
Morton:Lady Okay?
Regina:Yeah...just nervous...
Employee:Alright! NEXT!!!!
Regina:Alright everyone..we're next...
Bowser:Have fun!
Bowser jr:I want to get on to!
Ludwig:Whatever you say 'Dad'...
Bowser:Don't get smart boy!
Roy:Hey!! I'm Sitting Here!!
Larry:I Sat Here First!!
Regina:*Sighs*I'll just sit in the back...(She walks to the very back of the ride and gets in)
Ludwig:*Sighs*(Sits next to Regina)
Regina:Ludwig? I thought you was gonna ride in the front or sit with one of your younger siblings
Ludwig:I rather be your riding companion then deal with the others to be honest
Regina:'Don't know whether to be flattered or insulted'
Employee:Buckle up everyone!
Wendy:Great! Just great...I'm stuck with Roy!
Lemmy:Let's do this Larry!
Morton:Iggy Ready?
Iggy:Always! Hahahahaha
Regina:...Ready as I'll ever be...
(The roller coaster starts going down the hill)
Wendy:MY BOW!!!!
Regina:OH MY GOSH!!!!!!
Bowser:*Chuckles* Look a them go!
Bowser jr:On second thought...that looks scary to look at, but it looks awesome to be on!
(Regina and the Koopalings soon gets off the ride)
Larry:Ugh...I don't feel to good...
Regina:You probably shouldn't have got on without waiting 30 minutes after eating
Bowser:So? How was it?
Roy:It was AWESOME!!!!!
Ludwig:Of course you'd say that...ugh...
Wendy: I Hate It!!!!
Bowser jr:I don't see why not
Lemmy:Can we go see the circus here?
Iggy:Can we get on more rides to?
Larry: And have more to eat?
Morton:More Mini Games?
Wendy:And go see what they sell at the gift shop?
Roy:Can we ride again lady?
Bowser jr:I wanna join to!
Regina:Sure guys...sure... we go again...

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