Larry:Ludwig! I'm scared!
Ludwig:You shouldn't be scared! You're fine Larry
Roy:Yeah! Stop being a wimp Larry!
Iggy:*Laughs Maniacally*
Lemmy:This is so exciting
Wendy:*Gulp*Let's get this over with
Morton:Lady Okay?
Regina:Yeah...just nervous...
Employee:Alright! NEXT!!!!
Regina:Alright everyone..we're next...
Bowser:Have fun!
Bowser jr:I want to get on to!
Ludwig:Whatever you say 'Dad'...
Bowser:Don't get smart boy!
Roy:Hey!! I'm Sitting Here!!
Larry:I Sat Here First!!
Regina:*Sighs*I'll just sit in the back...(She walks to the very back of the ride and gets in)
Ludwig:*Sighs*(Sits next to Regina)
Regina:Ludwig? I thought you was gonna ride in the front or sit with one of your younger siblings
Ludwig:I rather be your riding companion then deal with the others to be honest
Regina:'Don't know whether to be flattered or insulted'
Employee:Buckle up everyone!
Wendy:Great! Just great...I'm stuck with Roy!
Lemmy:Let's do this Larry!
Morton:Iggy Ready?
Iggy:Always! Hahahahaha
Regina:...Ready as I'll ever be...
(The roller coaster starts going down the hill)
Wendy:MY BOW!!!!
Regina:OH MY GOSH!!!!!!
Bowser:*Chuckles* Look a them go!
Bowser jr:On second thought...that looks scary to look at, but it looks awesome to be on!
(Regina and the Koopalings soon gets off the ride)
Larry:Ugh...I don't feel to good...
Regina:You probably shouldn't have got on without waiting 30 minutes after eating
Bowser:So? How was it?
Roy:It was AWESOME!!!!!
Ludwig:Of course you'd say that...ugh...
Wendy: I Hate It!!!!
Bowser jr:I don't see why not
Lemmy:Can we go see the circus here?
Iggy:Can we get on more rides to?
Larry: And have more to eat?
Morton:More Mini Games?
Wendy:And go see what they sell at the gift shop?
Roy:Can we ride again lady?
Bowser jr:I wanna join to!
Regina:Sure guys...sure... we go again...
Babysitting the Koopalings
AdventureWhat is the life of a woman named, Regina, when she babysits the 7 koopalings for 15 years? Let's find out as they go on multiple adventures and who knows...we might find out something behind they lives either in the past and present. Btw...these ar...