Chapter 7

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It's been a week since the paranormal activity had begun in the Richard Rodgers theatre and during that time there had been a lot more from the simplest of things like pockets of unexplainable cold air to more complex things like doors closing on their own. No one had any explanation as to why these things were happening, only that they were.

As Leslie sat down in his chair in the dressing room he shared with Daveed Diggs, he turned to look at the doorway thinking that someone had entered when his heart stopped, and he froze. Before him was a man dressed in a dark grey almost black suit with balding grey hair. Just as soon as he appeared, the man dressed in black disappeared. What?

Leslie wasn't the only one it happened to. Christopher Jackson who played George Washington in the play was talking to Alex Lacamoire about something or other when he glanced towards the right wing and had to do a double take. Standing there, watching with a slightly raised eyebrow, was a man dressed in the traditional black suit every president would wear with his hair powdered. Watching the man nod to him, Chris couldn't believe it when he suddenly vanished. The actor knew exactly who that man was: President George Washington.

Chris and Leslie weren't the only ones, not at all. In fact, there was one instance where everyone except Esperanza noticed someone on the stage with them, as if they too were acting out the number. They were rehearsing the scene where Alexander and Esperanza – or in this case Lin and Esperanza – get married during Helpless when it happened.

They had just completed the scene when Pippa's mouth fell agape slightly, nudging Emmy, one of the ensemble members, and pointed discreetly to Esperanza. When Emmy noticed what Pippa had seen, she couldn't help but let out a gasp. "What? What is it?" Alex asked, eyes wide as he surveyed the area when he, too, noticed the form on stage with them. "Good lord..."

"What?" Esper asked, hands clutched in front of her as Lin wrapped an arm around her waist in comfort. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all," Lin rushed to assure her, giving her waist a slight squeeze as he trained his eyes on the apparition before him. He had auburn hair tied back in a loose ponytail and was dressed in a pale green suit. Everyone there who could see him knew almost immediately who he was as Alex quickly snapped a picture, capturing a perfect picture of Alexander Hamilton. Lin stifled a cough as the apparition of Alexander Hamilton, his niece's husband, nodded to him with the half smile he wore in so many of his portraits before fading away.

After the appearance of one of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Alex quickly got everyone gathered around him to show them the picture he had captured of the short founding father who stood at around 5"5. Esper's eyes widened, immediately knowing that this was the man she fell head over heals for, her beloved husband, her Alexi.

"My Alexi," she whispered, smiling softly as she felt a ghostly hand caress her cheek, knowing fully that it was her Alexi who was caressing her cheek like he had the day before that fateful duel. Lin pulled the girl close to him, feeling a sense of love and adoration rush through him for his niece. The Puerto Rican man knew Alexander would be proud of her, of everything she's done and everything she will do. He also knew that she was proud of majority of the things Alexander had done, maybe fully if it wasn't for the Langdon and Reynolds Pamphlet. Then again, those two pamphlets were the fault of James Monroe who politically called out Hamilton in the papers and it caused the man to refute against the accusations Monroe accused him of. Either way, he knew wife and husband were proud of each other and themselves, as well as their children, grandchildren, and descendants.

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