Chapter 18

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It had been about a year since the birth of Aaron, Jasmine, and Sasha. Alexander and Esperanza got married three months after the birth of the triplets. The public were now well aware that Esperanza Washidoz was, in fact, Esperanza Martha Washington-Hamilton. It brought a lot of press to the show, on top of the press it had already gotten. The woman, who was now the ripe old age of 18 (her birthday was the day after the birth of her triplets), was still performing in Hamilton: An American Musical.

Each of her and Alexander's children had moved on to big things: Lillianna had gone to work as a nursery teacher, having found a passion for children after working with Sebastian and the triplets; Philip, getting inspiration from his father, proceeded to study law and become a lawyer; Angelica, much like her older sister, also worked with children; AJ went on to be a politician for New York; James went on to join the US military and became a soldier; John went on to be a lawyer, much like his older brother Philip; William went on to become a policeman on the streets of NYC; Eliza became a historian, specialising in what happened in her mother and father's generation; Philip continued to work behind the scenes on big plays like Hamilton; George had decided he wanted to go to college and university, moving to Seattle to attend the University of Washington, to study drama to become an actor like his mother; Maria had similar plans as George, being accepted into Julliard School in New York.

Everyone but Esperanza from the main cast had left the show after a year or so of performing in it. However, Esperanza had fallen out of contact with all but four of the original cast which was a shame. The four she stayed in contact with were Lin, Chris, Daveed, and Anthony. Lin moved on to do Moana, a beautiful Disney film her triplets loved to watch; Chris went on to do Moana as well, before doing Bull on CBS; Daveed went on to do Black-ish and Anthony went on to do Patti Cake$.

Even after all this time, however, her close friend Burr still couldn't seem to wrap his head around the idea that Esperanza had forgiven him after what he did to her husband and her family. He just never understood it, which was a shame, but Burr had a point. He had torn that family apart by ripping away their father, yet none of them blamed him. It was bizarre to him.

Years passed since Esperanza had last seen any of those she once knew alive and well. Though sad, she had lived to be the same age as she had in her past life: 100-years-old. Sitting in her rocking chair, she held her great-great-great-great-grandchild before the child's parents came to pick her up. After saying goodbye to them, she headed to her bedroom and lay down, feeling awfully drained. As she lay there, sleeping peacefully, she felt a dip in the bed beside her and smiled, knowing her husband was there with her. It was time for her to let go. Three hours after she fell asleep, she peacefully passed away with the spirit of her husband laying beside her, ready to bring her home.


"Breaking news," a reporter started as a live picture of Esperanza's funeral was shown on live television. "The last living founding mother, Esperanza Martha Washington-Hamilton, passed away in her sleep peacefully at the age of 100. We send our condolences to the family. May the Lord in his kindness give her eternal peace. You'll forever be in our hearts, Mrs Hamilton, and we thank you for everything you've done throughout your life." With that the TV was shut off as the world fell silent at the news of Esperanza's passing.


Gasping, hazel eyes snapped open to see a beautiful meadow. With a start like before, she recognized where she was – Old Oak Hill. Turning around, her heart fluttered when she saw him: long auburn hair, beautiful violet-blue eyes, and a provident nose. It was him, her Alexander. Running forward, the two met halfway, engulfing each other in a well-awaited hug. Pulling back, the two stared lovingly into each other's eyes before sharing a passionate kiss. They had finally found each other and for once, they were at peace.

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