Chapter 14

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A lot of people had noticed many things over the past couple of days. One of them being how cold it was in the studio, even though the heating was on. The second was actually about Lin-Manuel Miranda. Lin had shown a lot of similarities between him and Alexander, which was first noticed by Eliza Hamilton Holly. "Hey, Mother?" Eliza asked as she and her mother were walking down the street to the Richard Rodgers. Esper hummed, glancing at her daughter before looking forward once more. "Have you noticed anything different about Lin recently?"

"I mean, kind of," she murmured as they entered the warmish building. "He has been slightly different. Reminds me a lot of your father, actually."

Eliza nodded enthusiastically. "That's what I'm talking about!" she exclaimed, holding onto her mother's hand. "Lin's reminding me so much of Father, it's kind of funny." Esper smiled, kissing the top of her daughter's head before going to where Lin was leaning on the wall.

"Lin, I have a question for you," she said, watching as his eyes seemed to be concealing an inner turmoil. In his deep brown eyes, there was an evident battle between love for one's lover and love for one's niece. Nodding, the man indicated for her to continue. "Are you alright? A lot of people have been mentioning how you've been acting differently. The children are saying you remind them of their father. You also remind me of Alexander. Is everything okay, Linny?"

Lin sighed, closing his eyes, and bowing his head slightly before smiling and looking at his niece. "I'm fine, Esper," he smiled, giving her a one-armed hug before walking off with a slight skip in his step. Odd, Esperanza thought but decided to leave it for now.

Chris watched from afar with Andy and Alex as they watched the two interact. "I haven't seen Hamilton in a while," Alex mentioned, turning to look at the two with him. Madison and Jefferson soon joined them, nodding in agreement.

"None of us have seen him either," Jefferson informed, trying to seem nonchalant about it but it was clear that this was bugging him. Alexander was the one who greeted him after he died. Not his wife, his mother, or his father. No, it was Alexander Hamilton.

Chris went to say something when Lin came over, glancing at Esperanza every now and then with a look that could easily be translated int 'hold tight, my love'. Chris raised an eyebrow as the man turned around, the man merely giving him a sheepish grin in response.

"Hey, Jeff? You know how we haven't seen Alexander in a while, right?" Alysha started, Jeff nodding in agreement. "What if we get a median in?" Jeff thought about it for a moment before smiling and nodding.

"That's a great idea, Alysha," he praised. "Would you be able to contact one at all?"

"I've been in contact with one for a while now, actually," the girl admitted.

"Alright. How soon can they get here?"

"They can be here by... 4 pm tonight."

"Perfect," Jeff nodded. "I'll go inform the cast. James, Thomas, let the spirits know, please?" the two ghosts of the past presidents nodded before walking off to wherever the ghosts were. It was two hours later when the median arrived, at 4 pm exactly. The moment they had entered the building and laid their eyes on Esperanza, a gasp escaped their lips, clutching at their chest as tears sprang to their eyes.

"Uhm, did I... do something?" she asked as the median rushed over, placing their hands on the girl's cheeks.

"I never thought I'd see you again," they murmured breathlessly, a smile on their face as they stared into Esper's eyes.

"How do I know you?" Esper whispered, glaring at the shorter person. The median chuckled, before looking directly at Esperanza once again.

"I don't know you personally, but I know those you once knew." Explained the median. "I've met them all before, each and every one. Hopefully, I'll be able to relay the messages that they have for you."

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