Chapter 9

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Tonight was the night. Tonight was opening night for Hamilton: An American Musical. Everyone had worked so hard for this, hopefully the public took to it well. Although Esperanza knew they would, there was a little bit of fear and doubt in her mind. It wasn't like the musical she once knew, there were so many aspects that had changed. For example, she had replaced Elizabeth Schuyler. Not only that, but Eliza had replaced Maria in the affair section of Alexander's life.

Esper was sat in her room, looking at herself in the mirror. Was she prepared for the fame that was about to come her way? To be honest, she wasn't. if anything, she felt underprepared. This was her husband's legacy she was helping to preserve, she wanted so desperately to do it justice. Would she? Either way, she had to do something to help. America forgot him once, there was no way in hell she'd allow them to forget him a second time. Not after everything the man went through in his life.

Standing up and heading over to her bed, she picked up the beautiful long, v-neckline, strapped dress which had an ombre gradient of black at the top to a beautiful shade of blue at the bottom. Her hair was done up in a half -up-half-down look, the same type of flower that Alexander had given to her when they had first met after she was revealed to be George Washington's daughter when they were on the battlefield in her hair, a lovely red tulip.

"Are you ready for tonight?" her mother asked as she watched her daughter sort out her hair. Esper nodded, taking one final look in the mirror before turning to look at Ella. "You look beautiful, darling. Now, you best get going or you'll be late."

"You're right," she nodded, delivering a kiss to the woman's cheek before heading out the door and to the Richard Rodgers theatre where the rest of the cast were waiting. Upon arrival, butterflies exploded in Esperanza's stomach like they did when she first met Alexander, though this time it was nerves more than love or adoration. "Hey, Sydney."

"Esper! Hey, how are you?" Sydney exclaimed, hugging the girl tight. Esper smiled, breathing a sigh of relief as the man helped to ground her slightly. "Awe, sweetie. You don't need to be nervous; you'll be fine! Besides, you have all of us with you." Nodding, they noticed the paparazzi were arriving as were the reporters.

"Stay with me, please?" she murmured as the main cast started to walk down the red carpet. Sydney nodded, kissing the top of her head as the duo walked down the carpet together.

"We're currently seeing Esperanza Washidoz and Sydney Harcourt joining the rest of the cast on the red carpet. And I must say," the reporter said as the two came over to him. "You both look dashing this evening."

"Thank you," Esper thanked, a shy smile on her face. Sydney noticed, gently squeezing her hand before letting go.

"Now, a lot of people in the recent days leading up to today have noticed that you, my dear Esperanza, look a lot like Esperanza Hamilton." The reporter mentioned, watching a Sydney burst out laughing, trying to hide it behind a cough as Esper playfully glared at him. Sydney started to sober up slightly before nudging the sixteen-year-old beside him and pointing to where Oak was stood with a smirk on his face, making quotation marks whilst the duo laughed again.

Esper turned back to the reporter, immediately taking notice of the look on his face. It made Esperanza quite uncomfortable as the wide smile that was on her face slowly trickled away, leaving behind a small smile that clearly showed her discomfort, yet the reporter took no notice. "And I would like to add, my dear Esperanza, that it must be extremely difficult being sixteen and playing such an important role. Surely the stress must get to you, hm?"

"N-Not really," she stuttered, glancing to where Ryan was raising an eyebrow. She gave the man a look that begged to be saved and so he excused himself and made his way over to the brunette.

"You okay?" he whispered, wrapping an arm around Esperanza's waist protectively. This seemed to anger the reporter, Ryan catching on to what the problem was. Nodding to Sydney and motioning to a different reporter, they gave a nod of thanks to the reporter before departing to the one Daveed and Oak had just left. "You're alright." Esperanza nodded, watching as Ryan headed over to where Voltaire was looking concerned.

"Ms. Washidoz, Mr. Harcourt, it's a pleasure to meet you both," the woman greeted, a comfortable smile gracing Esperanza's face. "How are you both doing this evening?"

"We're doing good," Sydney said, smiling down at Esperanza who grinned back at him. He reminds me so much of Lucas, it's strange.

"That's great to hear. Now, Sydney, you're in the ensemble, correct?" asked the reporter to which Sydney confirmed by nodding. "Is it stressful being in the ensemble at all?"

"Not really," he admitted. "I mean, we have so many amazing people, such as little miss here," Esperanza blushed slightly at the nickname, remembering how Lucas used to call her that, "and we all look after each other. We especially look after the youngest of the crew, bless her little heart."

"Sydney! I'm sixteen!" she playfully complained, pouting.

"Exactly," Sydney chuckled, but there was a look of seriousness behind his eyes which made Esperanza realise what he was talking about. Their previous encounter with that reporter.

"So, Esperanza – are you comfortable with me calling you by your full name?"

"You can call me Esper if you'd like."

"Very well. So, Esper, you're sixteen and in a play that has this much traction already. Is that stressful at all?" she asked.

"It can be," she replied. "I mean we're attempting to preserve a founding father's legacy, trying to get America to remember about him as well as many others. It can be quite stressful in that respect." The reporter hummed, nodding in agreement. "But, like Sydney said, we have a tremendous cast and a wonderful crew that help with that stress and make it ten times easier on everyone."

"That's wonderful to hear," the reporter smiled before letting the two go and take their pictures before heading in to get ready to perform. Sydney, as a surprise for the girl, picked her up as they headed into the theatre, making Esper giggle slightly before he set her down so they could head to their separate dressing rooms. Getting changed and sorting out hair and makeup, Esper headed to the right wing where she would enter for the opening number. After the play was done with, the crew took their bows and headed backstage where they all started gushing about how well it went down and how well-received it was.

"You were amazing, Esper!" Lin gushed, pulling Esper into a hug as she hugged him back tightly. Neither let go of each other, just basking in the moment of uncle and niece (luckily not biologically related or else that would be quite weird). "I'm sure they'd be proud of you, little one." Esper nodded, muffling a small yawn against the man's black coat. Lin chuckled, hoisting her up and putting her on his back before heading to his dressing room with Jonathan following, chuckling lovingly along with Chris at Esperanza's sleeping form.

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