The library mess - 6

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You were at the library door when you saw Winter running to you like crazy

Winter: Y/n are you okay!? Where were you!?

Y/n: oh I was just uhm, a little lost

Winter: oh thank god, I thought you were being beaten
up by some mean people

Y/n: oh haha,.. ofc I didn't get beaten up..

Winter: well then c'mon,

Then Winter dragged you inside. The library was really huge

Y/n: so uhm what are we supposed to do here?

Winter: well the librarian, which is Mr. Hiiragi, just said that we just gotta be quiet and that's all,
we can do whatever we want!! *says in a loud voice*

Mr. Hiiragi: shhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Winter: oop- sorrrrryyyyyyyyyy *whispers shouts*

So then Winter brought you to a section where no one was at
And you guys started got talk

After a bit, a boy came

???: uh hello, sorry to interrupt but uhm have you guys seen 3 boys that uhm
1 taller than me that has light brown with a tint of orange, 1 shorter than me
that has  uh white-blond hair and uh 1 that is also a bit shorter than me that has brown hair

Y/n: uh no? I don't think so?

???: ah that's okay but if you guys see them please let me know! Thanks!! *runs off*

Winter: well that was uhm...a bit random..

Y/n: ..yea-


Then another boy ran in front of you guys and another
boy ran after the first boy that was running

Mr. Hiiragi on the library speaker: SHHHHHHHHHHH no shouting in the library please

Then you guys was just sitting there when Renjun suddenly came running

Renjun: oh hey Y/n and Winter can I hide here?

Y/n: uh *looks at Winter*

Winter: sure?

Renjun: okay thankss
Then Renjun hid behind you 2
After a bit, the first boy that came running came again

???: uh hi again uhm anyone run by here like 2 minutes ago?

Winter: uhm there was 3?

???: 3?

Y/n: yeah.. uhm a boy was running while the boy behind him told
the boy in front to stop running?

???: uhm okay did the boy call boy that was running's name?

Y/n: uh yeah? I think it was Jeongin?

???: oooh then that was probably Hyunjin, but uhm who's the 3rd

Y/n: oh that was Ren-

Renjun: HA you can never catch me Doyoung hyung!!
*runs off from behind you guys*

Doyoung: Oh my gosh!! Renjun stop running!! *looks back at you guys*
Eh, sorry about that heh..

Y/n: oh it's oka-

Winter: want us to help you!? :D

Doyoung: well if that's okay, then yeah

Winter: Okay! So who are we trying to get? *stands up*

Doyoung: well, Renjun, Sungchan, Shotaro, and Jeongin

Winter: okayyyy

Doyoung: thanks, I'm Doyoung btw

Winter: oh nice to meet you Doyoung:) I'm Winter and this is Y/n:)

Y/n: nice to meet you:)

Doyoung: ahh, Jeno's cousin?

Y/n: uh yeah? I think

Doyoung: okie

Then you guys went separate ways trying to find those people

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