First time in 14 years... - 17

48 5 1

Wednesday September 29

Jeno: so you guys ready?

Others: yup

Jeno: okay then, let's go

Jeno, and Haechan brought TXT to the hospital to visit you,
some of the others were already on their way there

At the hospital

They arrived at the 13th floor of the hospital, where you were staying.
Soobin was already very nervous and sad about the fact that he was the one that placed you in a position like this

Karina: oh Jeno, Haechan your here, and you brought friends?

Jeno: oh uh yeah

Yeonjun: hello, I'm Choi Yeonjun

Taehyun: I'm Kang Taehyun

Huening Kai: I'm Huening Kai

Beomgyu: hi, I'm Choi Beomgyu

Soobin: and I'm Choi Soobin..

Karina: your Y/n's brother?

Soobin: y-yeah..

Karina: and your the one that threw the ball and it hit Y/n on the head? *looks at Beomgyu*

Beomgyu: oop-

Soobin: you threw a ball and it hit Y/n!? On the head!?

Taehyun: shhh hyung this is a hospital

Soobin: oh- right, sorry, but Beomgyu, you better be careful next time okay?

Beomgyu: okay

Haechan: who else came?

Karina: oh NingNing just went to the bathroom, and Winter is currently in the room (meaning your room), Giselle went to pay Y/n's medical bills- don't worry, they split the money so Giselle isn't paying it all, and Xiaojun, Hendery, Jaehyun and Mark is probably gonna be here in any minute or so.

Haechan: ah okay

After a bit, Soobin went in
Soobin's POV

I'm nervous as heck, I went in and saw Y/n.. in 14 years..I saw her again..
I couldn't believe my eyes...I immediately broke down silently..

Soobin: Y-Y-Y/n im so s-sorry t-that I le-left you..I'll never leave you again..

End of Soobin's POV

Huening Kai: is Soobin hyung okay in there? He's been in there for a long time

Beomgyu: it's okay, let him have his time..I mean, it's the First time in 14 years since the last time he saw her..

Winter: wow..that's long...

Beomgyu: yeah..

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