Deal - 30

30 1 0

Afterwards, you guys went to the park, cuz why not;)

You got to know about Soobin, the others and yourself more, you still weren't fully sure
on who you were before and what happened and stuff like that but you still learned a lot.

Then they walked you home since Karina is texting you like crazy.


After when it was almost to your house, you told them that they can go now,
and that you know the way. So then they left and you turned left and kept walking.
Not long after they left, you felt someone was falling you so you speeded up your pace.

After a bit, you looked back and the man was gone, and you were almost at the house
when someone pulled you by the arm and pined you on the wall while covering your mouth

???: hey little girl, let's make a deal okay?

Y/n: oemdnnkkenkwndowmooekmdmkw

???: if you agree on this, then I'll not kill you *lets go of you mouth*

???: so what's it gonna be? *smirks*

Y/n: w-w-what's the deal...?

???: hm, glad that your interested, if you be my girlfriend, then I won't kill you

Y/n: O-O nah, then go ahead and kill me, I give you permission to

???: do you reallly not want to be my girlfriend??

Y/n: mhm

???: ...*leans closer*

Y/n: *nervous as heck*


he kissed you..

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