Ending pt2 - 56

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Niki noticed you and quickly called the others.
Everyone was in panic since you weren't breathing.

Giselle called the ambulance to come to the library ASAP
NingNing called Karina and Winter. She also tried calling Jaemin but he didn't pick up,
his phone was on the couch and on silent mode.
Taehyun called Soobin and the others including Haechan and Jeno
Niki was freaking out not knowing what to do since this is the first time
anything like this ever happened in front of his eyes
And everything was just a mess....

Soon the ambulance came and they took you and rushed to the hospital
When the ambulance arrived at the hospital,
Soobin, Karina, Winter, Beomgyu, Haechan, Jeno, Yeonjun, and Huening Kai
Was already there and later, NingNing, Giselle, Niki and Taehyun also arrived.

The doctor told everyone to prepare for the worst, just in case if you don't make it..
Everyone was nervous and this time you fainting was way worse than before because, before, you were at least breathing and could at least say a few words but this time, nothing came out of your mouth, you weren't breathing, and there was no heart beeps, just... nothing....


After some time waiting outside of the ER, the doctor came out..
He was... silent.. but then he spoke...

Doctor: I'm sorry...but we tried...

Everyone cried.. even Jeno... Jeno usually holds it in and is the one to
comfort the others but this time.. he couldn't hold it in anymore....

Then.. the other doctors pushed you out of the room with you laying there
and your face covered with a white sheet of fabric

Everything happened so quick....


Everyone that was at the hospital could see you for the last time..

When Beomgyu saw you, memories of you with him and others flashed through his head,

The time when you helped him treat his wounds when he fell of his bike,
The times where you would stand up for him when he was being picked on for failing his grades,
The time where you nagged at him for always forgetting things,
And the times where you would tease him,
The times you would hug him and ruffle his hair,
And making him feel better when he is stressed or not in the mood for anything,
The times you made him feel confident about himself
and the times where you encouraged him with your words..
And lastly, the time when you and him celebrated his birthday, just the 2 of you guys,
because the other was too busy....

You were his everything..
Then more tears rolled down his face as he thought about all the times you guys have been together
The only girl he'll ever love, is now gone forever...

Beomgyu: Y-Y/n..I-I'm so sorRy for not protecting you..
I so s-sorry...

His voice cracked has he said the last sentence.
Then, he left..

Everyone had tears in their eyes when they saw you for the last time..


They tried calling Jaemin afterwards but he didn't answer so Aespa
and Beomgyu went to your house to see if her was there or not,
Soobin didn't want to come because he just wanted time to be alone.

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