Baseball - 26

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You were sleeping peacefully when you suddenly got woken
up by something heavy on top of you

Y/n's POV

I suddenly woke up cuz I felt something on top of me,
i opened my eyes and saw Beomgyu..
literally 4 centimetres away from my face.....

Beomgyu: good morningggg!!

Y/n: o-oh uhm good morning to you to..? O_________O

Beomgyu: ..ohhhhh you probably want me to get off you right?:)

Y/n: *nods nods*

Beomgyu: OKIEEE well, we'll be going to school in 31 minutes:)

Y/n: o-okay..

At school

The way to school, Beomgyu was either teasing you about things or tryna trip you..
You actually didn't really mind that because it kinda brought your mood up a lot

As soon as you guys stepped onto school grounds, the others (meaning Aespa) running to you,
And then you and Beomgyu waved goodbye to each other and then Beomgyu ran off

Karina: so, how was your sleepover?:)

Giselle: did anything exciting happened??:D

Y/n: uhm well I just slept i guess?

Winter: did he hurt you????

Y/n: nope

NingNing: did you sleep on the floor?:DDDD


NingNing: ...ouh.. it's okay:)

Karina: well I think we should go to class now:) it's already uh idk, I guess 8:20?

Others: okayy


Gym aka P.E class

Today the coach told you guys that you guys are going to be doing baseball today,
Everyone got put into pairs by the coach aka Mr. Li, and you got paired up with Jaemin.

You guys went outside, there was 2 teams,
one will be working on the hitting the ball with a bat and
the other will be working on the passing, you and Jaemin got put to the passing.

Aisha & Yoshi
Sunghoon & Wooyoung
Kun & Mingyu
Y/n & Jaemin
Minhyuk & Yunho
Sungchan & Jackson

Heeseung & Beomgyu
Niki & Yuta
Giselle & Ten
Jay & Huening Kai
Jisung & Jungwon
Soyeon & Chaeryeong

You and Jaemin was just passing the ball to each other when
suddenly you heard the coach and others yell

Coach Li: Y/N DUCK!!

Heeseung: Y/N RUNNNN!!!!!!!

Jaemin: *Gasp!* Y/N *Waves his hands to the right trying to tell you to go to the right*

Beomgyu: Y/-

Y/n: wha-

Then you felt hard thing hitting your head,
it didn't hurt THAT much but it did make you unstable.

You without any balance, landed on your butt, and then you saw
Coach Li, Heeseung, Beomgyu and Jaemin running to you

Y/n: *when the ball hit you* AHH! *falls*

Jaemin: *runs to you* arE yOu oKay???? *kneels down to your level*

Y/n: O.O *still tyong to proceed what just happened*

Coach Li: Y/n are you okay? Do you feel dizzy??

Y/n: uh, uh n-no?-


Heeseung: what number is this?! *holds up a 3 with his fingers*

Y/n: uhm 3-

Beomgyu: Waaaa thank god your okay *hugs you*
Soobin would kill me if something happened to you:(((

Y/n: wait so what happened?

Others: *looks at Beomgyu*

Beomgyu: uh I- I accidentally hit the ball and it flew to your direction and hit you...:(
I thought my aim was good though...

Y/n:'s okay, I'm fine:) *nose bleeds*

Jaemin: *gasp* Y/n your nose!!

Y/n: huh? *touches your nose* *sees blood on your fingers*

Coach Li: uh Beomgyu could you bring Y/n inside to the nurse room please

Beomgyu: uh yeah sure

Y/n: bUt iM fiNeEEeeE!! i likE blOoD *Gone a bit crazy* :D

Beomgyu: i- uh- ey- uh let's go Y/n..

Y/n: okAyYYy BeOmiEeeEeEe

Jaemin's POV

I don't know why but I feel weird and jealous when I see Y/n with another boy..
I shouldn't be, cuz I have Dahye....but why am I not feeling the same
as I did before when I'm with her....ughhhh why does everything gotta be so hard..

Heeseung: so you and Dahye fought? *wants tea*

Jaemin: what? How do you know??

Heeseung: it's written ALLLL over your face:)

Jaemin: '-'....

End of POV
No one's POV

Beomgyu took you inside, making you guys' way to the nurse's room.
You were acting very drunk like, you weren't really sure why seeing blood makes
you act weirdly and you don't notice it either.

Y/n: ahh Gyu~~ do you have girlfriend~~~

Beomgyu: uh.. no I don't

Y/n: owwwh~~ that's saad~ but I'm also singlee:D

Beomgyu: o-oh uh th-that's great?

Y/n: so who's Soopid Soobin?

Beomgyu: Oh stupid Soobin:) he's your brother:)

Y/n: nahh~ I'm the only child in my family:D

Beomgyu: bu-

Y/n: now where is my Haechanie:) *turns around and tries to walk away*

Beomgyu: uh not yet, let's go to the nurse's room first! uh- Yeah! *awkward smile*

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