I open my eyes and he's not with me.
My Shoku. He's not here.
I close my eyes and there he is. In a field, topless, with his arms wide open inviting me to fill out the space.
I open my eyes and he's with another. I close my eyes and he's with me. Never letting go.
He loves me like no other when I close my eyes but when I open my eyes he's in love with another.
He's here for me in my mind but in our bodies, he belongs to another.
He wants me when I close my eyes but when I open my eyes he wants another.
He belongs to me when I close my eyes.
So I close my eyes because I want it that way.
I close my eyes so that I can get all the love I want and wish to receive from him.
I close my eyes so that he would always be with me.I close my eyes to find him.
I close my eyes to own him.
I close my eyes to posses him.
He touches my soul with the sound of his voice.His words caress me I hear no others.
I shut my eyes to be with him because he owns me in my dreams.I close my eyes because I would have it no other way.