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MISSY: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 27

The Doctor and  Mouse arrive  outside the jet in the hanger in the TARDIS as it materialised and the Doctor opened the doors with a sigh. They saw a fueling crew, fueling up the jet, Mouse was pinching his nose from a head ache from the rush and guilt of the things that transpired at the Four seasons hotel. The Assassination of Suki Tanaka the Kidnapping of Missy this was a bit too much for him to handle and he was just a thief, an conman he wasn't ready for this much heart ache.

Wilson stands at the entrance as he glanced seeing Mouse looking very sad with a slight numb expression on his face. He sighs noticing that his Mistress hasn't returned  but this Grey haired, odd looking man, which he thinks he knew who he was  but yet there is no Suki either and the sad expression he was giving made Wilson gulp like he was swallowing something that wasn't there.

Wilson had a bad feeling in his gut, just looking at the Grey haired man as he saw him sigh along with Mouse who's face looked like his whole world has collapsed around him, he knew he had to ask his lungs felt so heavy as so unprepared,

"Where is Miss Saxon..Where is Suki ?", Wilson looks at Mouse as he couldn't bare to ask the old man right now,

Mouse shook his head, "Don't ask, its been a hell of a night",

"Mouse where is he? Where is Suki, Wilson looks at him worried,

The Doctor looked at Wilson as it was clear to him Mouse was still surrouded by guilt. turned around sighing as he looked like Mouse was going to cry, as sad as it was the Doctor felt he had to take over, "Hello I am the Doctor Carmicheal took Missy and Suki Tanaka is no longer in the picture",

Wilson's face dropped, he knew something was wrong, his gut was telling them but he kept waffling his nose from their smell from them both. Wilsons didn't know what to say but he felt so sad and  in shock about Suki. Looking at the Doctor, he knew that name ans if the anyone could help them now it would be him,

"Suki is dead...", Wilson gulps with sadness,

"Yes, assassinated by who we do not know but yes she is", The Doctor looked at Wilson,

"Oh my God, that's horrible and Missy is she ?...", Wilson asked trying to get his words out,

"Taken by Carmicheal,  using a vortex malipulator for reasons yet I do not know but hoping you can fill me in as this young man had been staring at my TARDIS  walls for ages as we travelled here", the Doctor sighs,

"So you already him, the Doctor,  thee Doctor with the little blue box ?", Wilson wipes a tear from his cheek, he has heard so many stories about the Doctor and his TARDIS from Missy that made him.wonder if he really did existed or one of those legendary stories you hear from other cultures,

"Yes I am him, this is Mouse a... friend maybe a colleague of Missy's or the late Suki Tanaka", the Doctor added,

Reluctantly Wilson sighs, "He is a friend of Missy's, How did Miss Tanaka die, again?", Wilson asked,

"By a bullet, shot through a window probably from another building across the stress and into her chest", the Doctor looked at Wilson,

Wilson covered his mouth as reality started to sink in about Suki, "Then Missy got taken ?",

"Yes, we were about to escape when Carmicheal had us at gunpoint and took Missy", Mouse finally said something with his red raw eyes and tears streaming on the numbness of his cheeks,

Wilson gulped as he looked down as it was silence for a moment, "Well I know it's hard  but Missy will want her revenge that's for sure, but of your here to help I think I might be able too",

Mouse and the Doctor looked at him, "Well Missy gave me a assignment to do, and now I have someone here in dyer need of a confession",

"Good,  cause your right, Missy will be seeking out revenge but there one problem with that", The Doctor stared at Wilson,

"What's that then mate, I am so up for it, that bastard deserves it", Mouse grunts,

"People seeking revenge in time of grieving will get themselves killed cause they can't think rationally and knowing Missy the way I do, it will get her killed", the Doctor added,

Wilson sighed as he knew what the Doctor meant by that, "Well in that case I might have something in the jet thay might help us, we'll of we can get her to talk",

"Food ?", Mouse blurts out,

"Not food, you idoit", Wilson rolls his teary eyes,

"No I meant is there food inside", Mouse speaks quietly,

"Yes there is food inside but someone else, I will explain if you are to follow me gentleman", Wilson makes a suggestion with his hands,

They walked inside heading towards the lounge, when the Doctor pulled a face wondering what it was, but his face changed as they entered the lounge seeing the stewardess tied up and gagged with the pilot pointing a gun to her. Wilson sighed as he pushed pass mouse as he was too busy paying attention to the interior of the jet,

"Ah yes well, since Missy, isn't here, prehalps I can explain", Wilson smiles as he walks over to the pilot,

The Doctor looks confused about what's going on, "Please do, as I have had a bad evening already",

"Right, well Missy asked me to check on the flight chart to check on this young lady here, he didn't want anyone to worry, you but she had a hunch and I am sorry to say she is right", Wilson explains,

"So what's she right about?", Mouse comes in and looks at the girl tied up and gagged,

"Mouse shush please I am explaining to you both", Wilson said in a stern voice,

"Oh right sorry pops, I thought by the way your talking, your like going for the scobby doo ending, my bad... carry on", Mouse rolls his eyes as he carries on but there was something odd about this women that was tied up,

"Any way I did some digging around and as your computer is linked to Tanaka Industries there was a report of a death of young lady, found dead in her appartment block, an air line stewardess. So it got me thinking and while I pretended to leave the jet I followed her to the cargo bay, but I lost her for about an hour, but where she takes a shower once in awhile and while I was there I found her wig", Wilson explains some more to them both,

"That's doesn't make no sense could be a number of reasons why she has a wig ?", The Doctor said staring at the women,

"That's not all, No... have you heard the expression a fox in the hen house ?", Wilson asked,

"I take it she is the Fox ?", Mouse raised a brow,

"Oh no young sir, so much more, I did a back ground check on her and there is no record of her being a stewardess or in fact no record of her anywhere like she doesn't exist, so anyway yes on her return about twenty minutes ago I knocked her out and tied her up and check this out", Wilson digs in his pocket ans pulls out an cheap looking phone,

"It's a phone ", Mouse huffed,

"It's It's burner phone, a phone well people use for somekind of criminal activity then destroy  it after they finished the job, you know to destroy the phone and sim to cover their tracks", Wilson explains,

The Doctor didn't look impressed by what he has been told, "So who are you..?", the Doctor bends over looking at the women,

Mouse shakes his head listening in, it was really like the longest CSI case ever that was boring him as he walked over and stood over her. The women's eyes widen as they seem to stare at him, Mouse looked at her face as he huffs and looks at an very angry Doctor and concerned Wilson,

"Yo I got this, man pops you really just have to stop with the CSI, Miss Marple crap, just pull off the wig", Mouse pulls off the wig as a dark haired women who was looking at the Doctor directly at him,

"You know this women?", Mouse looked at the Doctor,

"Not completely sure but then again I have met so many people over the years it's hard to say", he smiles at them both but they had no clue who she is,

"Well shouldn't we find out", Wilson looked at him gone out,

"Fuck yeah we should I mean of this women is a spy or a killer, shouldn't we find out as anyone one of us could be next", Mouse keeps staring at the women,

"A spy, she could be but I don't think us staring at her and guessing for ourselves is the best idea", the Doctor folds his arms,

"She could be a grifter", Mouse said,

"What's a grifter Mouse ?", Wilson looks at Mouse confused by that term,

"Basically a grifter is a failed actress turned con-artist, goes around putting on their best performance to.. well basically conning their way around to make money from a poor sucker then stealing from them, taking the money after they get the highest bidder", Mouse gasps as he looks down at her,

She makes a muffled noise, as the Doctor, who was not in a good mood looks at her, then reaches out for the pilots gun. The pilot  gives it to him as he tossed it behind him. The women's eye widen as she rocks in fear back and forth but Mouse gets in the way,

"Whoa Whoa, what you doing ?", Mouse yells at him

"Watch me...", The Doctor glared at Mouse,

"Why what you going to do, snap her neck or something?", Mouse pleds with the Doctor not really sure what he is up to,

"He is right, if this Cherry knows anything about Missy's where abouts it's her", Wilson sighs as he really didn't want to see any more blood shed, he knew about the Doctor but only what Missy had told him,

The Doctor sighs as looks at them both, "Kill her I think not, no I am going to take a look into her mind to see what I can find",

"Wait so you people can read minds, on dear lord I swear I didn't hack into those porn sites...", Mouse closed his eyes and glup,

"It's a timelord trick of combining minds", the Doctor looks at them both,

"Why can't we just ask her ?", Mouse suggests as he removes the women's gag from her mouth as she gasps out as she spilts out the taste of whatever is on the rag that was used for her gag, looking at Mouse she glares at him,

"Twat..", the women blurts out,

Mouse points to himself, "Who me?",

"Yeah you, a failed actress am I? You all should be afraid or at least worried", the women snaps at them,

"Well I didn't see you at the Oscars did I", Mouse replied to her in a sarcastic tone,

"Still a Twat..", She glares at him then at Wilson then glared at the Doctor,

"Calm down, I saved your life, no need for such hurtful words and why would you work for a douche bag like Carmicheal", Mouse looks at her,

She sighs, "Look I didn't know what was going on, this guy hired me to work here, find out what they were doing and report back to him that's all",

"What about the dead girl?", Mouse asked as he leaned next to her, as the Doctor listened in as the women freely spoke out,

"I swear on my mums grave, I didn't know much the dead girl, I was doing my job ", the women said calmy,

"That's all.. Are you sure, did you or shall I ask, did you kill Suki Tanaka", Mouse widens his eyes at her,

"Oh that, no comment,  but you do know your playing with fire,  you have no idea what you people are into", the women sighs,

"Listen to me, I think it's in you best interest to keep quiet and answer my questions, you talk about playing with fire but innocent people are at sake, not to mention one dead, one missing", the Doctor leans down looking at her,

"Come on Doctor, you should know about this stuff and they will die one way or another but these objects won't be used to hurt people, I won't allow it", she huffs pouting,

"baby, you can't lie to me, these people are on a mission to save the world, their not the bad guys in this, alright Missy is a bad lady but a bad lady doing a good thing to save the world, hear what I am saying", Mouse explains to her,

The women gave Mouse a glared, but looks the Doctor, "That's what he says, he says you lot are the bad guys trying to destroy the world, he was convincing and you.. if you call me baby one more time I will cut off your manhood",

Mouse looked at her curiously, "Who... Let me guess tall, blondy great slicked back hair husky posh British voice?",

"I don't know him as my client is not English but American", the women looks keeps looking at the Doctor,

"What do you know ?, you are covering up to protect your client, but  it seems words have been twisted like one of us is confused but I am betting it's you",The Doctor looks at her lowering down to stare into her eye's,

"It's you lot trying to steal the stones to destroy the Earth, let's not beat about the bush", the women doesn't break eye contact with the Doctor,

"Oh no, you been lied too, sweetheart,  we trying to save the Earth, Palmer, Carmicheal and their goons they want the stones for power", Mouse rolls his eyes,

"Palmer....?", the women sighs looking at Mouse,

The women made them pause as they noticed she recognised that name, Mouse suddenly realised if she recognised that name then they could be on the right track to finding out who assassinated Suki Tanaka. They had this feeling that it was most likely that Wilson has uncannily caught the assassin, however of she has been on the flight all this time why hasn't she taken them out already and took the stones already, this was something to question,

The Doctor bends down looking into the women's eyes, "Let's start at the beginning, I am the Doctor, what's you name ?",

The women's eyes widen as she looked at him like she recognised that name, "The Doctor? as in the Doctor....",

"Yes the Doctor...", the Doctor answers her,

The women sighed and gulped, "You are supoose to be the great protector of this planet, why are you working with these criminals",

"These criminals, as you put them are trying to save the planet and I am guessing someone is lying but I can tell you it's not them", the Doctor stares hard into her eyes,

"How can you be sure?", the women asked,

"Because I am the Doctor,  I have seen into the hearts of these people and now I am going to look into yours", the Doctor glares at her as she knew what he was going to do as she tried to move her head out the way but his fingers touch either side of her temple,

"No please stop that, please don't do it", the women struggled,

"What's he doing?", Mouse looked at Wilson confused,

"Well if he is doing what I think he is going to read her mind", Wilson nods,

The Doctor closed his eyes as he took his mind ans linked it with hers as their eyes met, he went in a deep trance with her as they moved together. His words were quiet as it seemed like she was fighting him with a struggle but them his eyes widen like something hit him from behind, gasping out. He soon let go as the womens eyes looked like she was about to cry, letting the Doctot stumble back mumbling to himself but out loud,

"Nooo it's can't be...", the Doctor grunts,

"What, what is it?", Wilson looks at his face like he has entered a state of shock,

"I told you no to so it but your so bloody stubborn", the women said with a wink,

"Okay whats going on, dude, stop holding back", Mouse looks at both the Doctor and Wilson,

"I haven't got the foggiest,  Doctor care to enlighten us", Wilson looked at the Doctor,

The Doctor sighed as the women smiles, "Well call me Cathy but I did see into your mind and ...",

"Be quiet... ", the Doctor snaps, as he walks away for a moment to think, as he leaves the room,

Mouse looks at Cathy, "So Cathy, nice name by the way, care to share your thoughts ?",

Cathy smiles as she looks up to Mouse giving him a cheeky wink, "If he isn't sharing then neither am I, so no but I would like to know more about Missy, she is really interesting character",

Mouse huffs at her and grins, "If your not sharing then me either",

"So no one is sharing, so no one is getting anywhere and Missy is missing, your lovely Suki is dead ans your all in her private jet in which her father pays for, who doesn't even know she is dead yet while your all living it up with his money and this beautiful jet", Cathy takes a deep breath with a smile,

"Oh shut up, not a word... I deal with you later", the Doctor sticks his head from around the corner,

"I be good for now, but shouldn't we share information", Cathy asks,

"Not right now,  I don't know who you are... anymore", the Doctor grunts,

"Yes you do, but hey I can play nicely but how you going to explain it to them all, who I am", Cathy shouts back at him,

"I am not....", the Doctor huffs and dissappears,

Wilson walks over to the Doctor as he wants to know what's going on, he was upset about Suki's death, more for his Mistress mental state and her whereabouts and if anyone can find her it be the Doctor. But this sudden change in a turn of the table he knows more than he was telling them and he wants to know what it was.

"May I have a word", Wilson asks quietly to the Doctor,

The Doctor glances at him, "Please do",

Wilson nods as she came in and leaned on the wall looking at him, "You know who Missy is, how can you be so calm yet secret at the same time ?",

The Doctor shook his head, "You know she is in serious trouble, I don't know who these people are and she is in over her head this time, but now it's alike this family gathering,  where no one can get along. Believe me I I.not alright about this cause in there, tied up is one of the most dangerous assassin of all time, second after... ",

"MISSY...but Missy isn't an assassin, a killer maybe but not an assassin, so who is she ? ", Wilson nods as he looks at the Doctor,

"You know Wilson, this isn't the time to reveal the truth as knowing what I know wouldn't be good for her, If Missy finds out the truth it would rip her apart in ways that destroy her ", the Doctor gasps,

"So it's bad I get it, so who is she should we be afraid ?", Wilson asks,

"Ah no not at all.... yes be afraid be very afraid", the Doctor looked at him sternly,

Wilson gulps slowly, "Then we should take care of her, of she killed Miss Tanaka then she us a threat to us all",

"Like you wouldn't believe,  however we will not kill her, she is my responsibility I will deal with her", the Doctor looked angry at Wilsons suggestion,

Wilson wasn't the quickest of thinker  but he picked up a vibe from the Doctor, "Who is she too you ?",

The Doctor took a deep breath then leaned I to whisper something into Wilsons ear that made Wilson's face go extremely pale and swallow his pride. The Doctor leaned back and stared at him, "She can never know, its important that we keep them from knowing if she finds put it could jeopardise this whole mission, do you understand",

"What will happen of they do", Wilson whispers,

"That's what I am afraid of", the Doctor whispers.

"Listen to me, I know my mistress, I know her so well that he does care about things of her past but he ha been dreaming about her for months now and nothing would stop her from getting back to you if she finds out you have lied to her for all these years, she would never give up on anyone he loves and that's a promise", Wilson reassures him,

"Well for now shw can, in fact they both can't know ever", the Doctor grunts,

Wilson sighs, "You are palying a dangerous game Doctor a very risky one",

"Yeah..I know but of this goes south, then we are going to need her and her skills to help stop this Carmicheal from collecting all the stones, which I assume is still here", Doctor nods,

"Yes they locked away and safe probablywhy we still alive, but why would she help us at all if she has been working for Mr Palmer ?", Wilson looks at the Doctor as he questions him,

"Because she was led in a lie, she wants the same as we do, she isn't a bad person, like Missy just little lost", the Doctor sighs,

"Well you gave up on Missy, so why should I believe you", Wilson nods as he speaks to him,

"Ah I didn't, Missy is a hard case but she still have potential to do some real good in this world, so can she in there ", the Doctor points in the direction of Cathy,

Wilson starts to smile,

"Come on cheer up, we will find her and get her back, I promise you this", the Doctor looks at him,

"Okay..", Wilson smiles as he prepares to leave him to go back to the room, where Cathy and Mouse was,

"Oh before we do, do me a small favour", Wilson smiles at him,

"What's that?", the Doctor asked with a little smile,

"Take a shower", he smile at him, "infact both you and Mouse need a shower you smell like you crawled out a rubbish bin,

The Doctor sniffs himself and pulls a face as Wilson was right, he smelt really bad from going down the trash shoot in their clothes. He shut the door of Suki's room so he could take a shower. Wilson takes a deep breath and heads back to Mouse who was still staring at Carthy like the pair of them was having a staring stand off. Mouse who started to pacing up and down as he was deep in thought about something, Wilson watches him as he puts his hands on his hips, he could see Cathy was looking at him as he just had to ask her,

"What is he doing?", Wilson asked her,

"He is thinking, this is what he does when he thinks I think, its giving me a head ache watching him, please make him stop as he stinks", Cathy replies,

"Thinking?, well to me I call it wearing out the carpet with his pacing up and down", Wilson huffs,

"Well good luck stopping him, he does it all the time, it's just how he copes with the stress of certain situations I guess but he really stinks like baby nappies stink", Cathy watches Mouse as he paces up and down,

"And how do you know this?", Wilson asked her,

"Well I maybe a little crazy to you but I do know what stinky nappies smell like", Cathy said,

Wilson couldn't help but huff out an amused  smile, "Fair enough, but good news we are not going to kill you, but we are going to need your help",

"Yay, great so you going to untie me then", Cathy rolls her eyes,

"Ermm No", Wilson shakes his head,

"No?  So you wankers keeping me tide up", She huffs,

"Yes until you become useful", Wilson folded his arms,

"What if I have to go for a tinkle", Cathy sighs,

"You can use a bucket", Mouse piped up,

Wilson looks at Mouse sighing, "No, you can use the toilet with escourt of course",

Mouse grinned, "Hey I do it",

Wilson looked at him with his brow raised as Cathy gave Mouse a dirty look, "Erm No, the Doctor will take care of that",

"Yes thats fine as he seems a bit of a pervert",  she glares at Mouse,

"And your a psychotic bitch", Mouse snaps at her,

"Why thank you..but still a lady so please be nice to me then I don't have to keep imagine different ways to kill you", Cathy smiles at him,

Mouse gulped changing the subject quickly,  "Easy there, I need a kick ass computer with tracking system and I think I can use the hidden camera too, it has a cellularnet system built in and all we do is ride the net work right to its source",

Wukson smiled, but then he heard about this hidden camera, "What camera?",

Mouse gulped as he forgot to mention what Missy told him, "Did I forget to mention, our girl here planted a hidden camera in Suki's room",

Wilson looked at Cathy in disgust, "You put a camera in her room",

"I am sorry okay I didn't know this Palmer or Carmicheal was a bunch of perverts, I just did what I was told", Cathy sighs", Mouse laughs,

Wilson and Cherry give Mouse a look, "Listen  you put it in there,  that's why they been a step ahead all this time, probably watching them doing stuff but okay I can trace the sign  back to the source then bang I can hack in",

Mouse raised a brow, as Wilson smiles, "Well good then you should make a start of that right away but first of all, take a shower as Cathy is right you do stink",

"Wouldn't you if you landed in dumpster", mutters mouse,

Mouse watched as the Doctor joins them  as he rubs his head with a towel, he was listening  in as he heard Mouse talking  and followed Wilson and Mouse to the mapping room. He follows them so curiously to where they were taking him. Once he stepped inside his jaw dropped as he had never seen a holographic system before, he read about it in a scientific magazine but not before his eyes. He sees Wilson smiling as he points to it,

"Will this do..?", Wilson asked Mouse,

Mouse nods like a drooling fat man seeing the most delicious desert ever, "Oh my god this is gorgeous, this is a dream come true, come to daddy",

Wilson laughed as he watched Mouse seem to hug it like it was the best birthday present ever, "So about this camera?",

"Behind the mirror in Suki's room", Mouse explains,

The Doctor grunts as that means Carmicheal has been watching him while he took a shower this whole time, not only that there could be more thay was planted by Cathy or by anyone that has had access to the jet. Wilson huffs as he switched the system on for Mouse, then walks out the room to go to Suki's bedroom to find the camera.

"Well Mouse get to work, if you have time see if you can hack into Temp Industries and find these files", Wilson nods,

"Yeah yeah sure, I crack on it", he cracks his fingers grinning.

The Doctor needed to talk some more to Cathy so he threw the damp towel on Suki's  bed and headed back to her to try and talk some sense into her. Wilson goes to Suki's room to find the camera.

"That bastard been watching the whole time, he saw every thing", Wilson muttered, "So he would of saw them with the sex,...", Wilson sighs shrugging to mention the word sex, as he looks for the camera,

They were on the case as the Doctor talks to Cathy to find out more information and hopefully reach to her about her involvement with Palmer and Carmicheal as well as some hidden personal issues between them but refusing to tell her who Missy really is as had told Wilson to keep it quiet but did he have other motives, no one knew but they trusted him to take over while this crisis was going on, hopefully they would be able to save Missy and the stones to save the Earth.

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