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MISSY: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 28

𝙏𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙖 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨, 𝙏𝙤𝙮𝙠𝙤, 𝙅𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙣

"And not only does I look great I smell like crap too", Missy huffs as she appears in a room that he didn't even recognise,

"Well yeah, Miss Saxon the smell is terrible but you know why I brought you here", Carmicheal walks around keeping the gun pointed at Missy,

"Depends on where I am as your a lousy vortex stewardess", Missy huffs looking at him,

"Take a look", Carmicheal smiles,

Missy looks at him as it looked dark outside as she approached the window. She could see the bright lights outside like she was at Las Vegas or Blackpool, as she looked a bit closer she  saw the mountian and the Japanese writing everywhere. She knew where she was and regarding thier conversation earlier and the puns about Mr Tanaka, she was at Tanaka Industries,

"Tanaka's place..", she mutters,

"Well it's good to see you haven't lost your mind or intelligence Miss Saxon and I have to say this device is marvellous", Rolls up his sleeve to show Missy the vortex malipulator he had strapped to his wrist,

"So you have a vortex malipulator", Missy huffs,

"Is that what its called but yer I do and I rather enjoy it, the same device you used to escape me the first time in Paris", Carmicheal smiles,

"But that's not mine", Missy looks at him curiously wondering how he managed to get hold of one,

"No it's not but I do know they have kept one safe at Unit thanks to Colonial Steward, she was willing to help so easily", Carmicheal grins,

"So is thats...", Missy tried to think,

"Yes Jack Harkness' vortex malipulator, isn't it marvellous", Carmicheal admires it for a moment,

"You really think highly of yourself don't you, I mean I could leave you both alone or maybe get you a mirror so you can admire yourself", Missy scoffs at him,

"You think I am vain, to admire the beauty of alien craftsmanship", Carmicheal smiles at her,

"I don't know what you are mate, but you really think your above every other human on this god forsaken planet", Missy glares at him,

"Don't you.. I mean I have seen your handy work, the thrill of the kill, seeing people suffer at your hands, isn't that your vanity", Carmicheal grins at her,

Missy was holding in her anger over Suki's  death but she had to ask calmy, "So why we hear to gloat for what you did to Suki",

Carmicheal paused as his face changed from grinning to confused, "Excuse me?",

"Don't give me that my shit don't stink look, you had her killed", Missy snaps at him,

"I can assure that,  I don't know what you are talking about Miss Saxon", Carmicheallooked at her for the first time he was a little bit confused,

"Yeah right you threaten me then had her killed, an assassin shot through the window, took her life as I held her in my arms, is this a warning or you get off on it dickhead", Missy steps closer to him in anger,

Carmicheal looks down, "I can assure you Miss Saxon that I want Miss Tanaka dead it wouldn't be through some low life assassin, besides I dont want her dead, not yet... I am very proud to kill people myself not using some assassin to do the job for me",

"Well she is dead, I can tell you when this all over with, you will be joining her", Missy glares at him,

"Prehalps, but still with didn't kill her or did I hire an assassin", Carmicheal looks down he actually felt bad for Missy,

Missy stared at him seeing his face, she started to believe him, "You don't know do you, you actually don't know",

Carmicheal shakes his head, "No I don't, I feel pity on you, I really do, it's too bad really as I would of want you to do it, rather poetic don't you think",

Missy ooks at him as he did know him well but he really didn't understand his true nature, "Hmm so I enjoy a kill, but let's get one thing straight, I don't kill, who I don't have to, I kill though who stand in my way and right now it's you",

"Indeed I am but I have to ask, who is the real villain here, you.. Me or the man through those doors the man who has lied to you, stolen your life engery and using it for his experiments, used his own daughter, the women you care about to send you in a mission for what.. Save the world, probably had his own daughter murdered", Carmicheal walks around her bit taking his eyes off of her,

"I care for no one..but why would he have his own daughter killed", Missy scoffs,

"Oh really, I beg a differ, I know you cared for Suki, you had feeling for her and that bulter of yours, such a loyal servant", Carmicheal grins standing behind Missy's back,

"What do you want?", a Missy grunts as she did feel for Suki but she is gone now taken before he had chance to explore them feelings for her, but Carmicheal was right about Wilson too,

"Simple but there is a trouble, we at the Illuminati have intelligence that Mr Tanaka is up to something regarding your energy, maybe a weapon, but we didn't know until after our conformation until Alexandria, he didn't want his beautiful daughter to know as she would disagree with him", Carmicheal speaks softly to her,

"Okay this sounds like rubbish, I don't believe a word you saying, I will find out what's going on but if your trying to get me mad... too late, I am pissed, so I won't kill him forget it", Missy gasps,

Carmicheal smiles, "Oh no, if we want him dead, we would of killed him ourselves a long time ago",

"Then what do you want?", Missy asks,

"The truth, you see there is conspiracy in the Illuminati, we know he is apart of it and so is my boss Roy Palmer, they are working together and your friend Mouse is about to find out the truth. There is a spy on board the jet, she planted a camera in Suki's bedroom, how do you think I got the footage of you and her together in bed, you assumed I took it, I didn't, the fact is I did hire her to watch her but Mr Palmer paided her more money to steal the stones and leave no evidence", Carmicheal walks around her again as he fills Missy's head with lies,

"So the theory of the spy is correct but what about the assassin ?", Missy gasps,

"Yes, I don't want to kill you, if I did you and Suki would be dead already a long time ago, however if what you say is true, you do have my word the assassin hasn't got nothing to do with me. NO,  I want to claim a place in the Illuminati, to change things for the good of mankind", Carmicheal smiles raising a brow,

"So you have been trying to kill me and Suki was you to save mankind and Suki paid the price ?", Missy feels a bit angre and confused,

"Yes, I told you that's before I found out the truth", Carmicheal smirks behind Missy's back,

"Just how stupid do you think I am, you feeding me this crap", Missy gasps,

"I don't think your stupid at all, in fact your extremely intelligent, you know I could of had you killed so many times but I kept you alive and right now, I am helping you save your friends they are in great danger", Carmicheal sighs,

"What do you mean great danger?", Missy asked,

"Well the spy has a bomb, while they are figuring out where you are which is beautiful loyalty, but there is a bomb on the jet and not much time, now I can help you and save them but this is the deal, you find out what Mr Tanaka is planning and I can find out the cancellation codes for the bomb. The bomb isn't my doing it's Mr Palmers doing, he plans to steal the relics for himself but I am afraid greed gets us all and I think Mr Tanaka is working with him", Carmicheal sighs as he speak directly behind her,

"What Mr Tanaka wouldn't do that, not to his only daughter, so its Palmer, Palmer had Suki killed", Missy gasps,

"Palmer that's wouldn't make much sense to me but he did hire your spy, so yeah you are very smart lady but first you need to find out what dark secret Mr Tanaka is hiding, so go and ask him what really happened to his wife", Carmicheal smirks telling her more stuff but his mind is thinking the same as Missy about Palmer,

"His wife?", Missy looks around at him,

Carmicheal sighs standing straight, "So Miss Tanaka didn't ever tell you about her mother ?",

"No..", Missy speaks quietly,

"Because she died not long after she was born, it was quiet tragic what happened, she was a lot like how Suki was now, now ask him how he went from almost losing his company until her death, then he got her life insurance which was worth millions, no sorry billions", Carmicheal looks at her straight in the eyes,

"You saying Mr Tanaka killed his own wife for the insurance money", Missy looked back with confusion and anger,

"What do you think?, listen Miss Saxon, we don't have much time, I have a chance to save your friends but I need you to find out what he has planned and together we can put a stop to it once and for all and you of course", Carmicheal smirks,

"Sounds like a hole load of rubbish to me, have heard yourself, sorry but no I won't, your talking to the mistress of malipulation, nice try Carmicheal but, you can't malipulate me", Missy grins and folds her arms,

Carmicheal was taken back by it, but he wasn't worried at all, but he actually admired Missy's reluctantly, "Okay but I wasn't lying and the spy isn't stupid but very deadly, there is a bomb and its been on the jet for a very long time, hidden in plain sight, since you play along, or I will kill your friends, I have it on that screen over there as I make you watch them suffer, but you can stop it, all you have to do, which you was right along and kill Mr Tanaka then I let you and friends go",

"Carmicheal you are a bastard", Missy grunts,

"Am I, well shall we see..", Carmicheal pulls out a control device with a red light flashing,

Missy face goes pale, "I won't do it..", she gulps a little,

Carmicheal almost pushed the button, when Missey grunts out, "Okay stop, I do it",

"See you are intelligent after all, very smart choice Miss Saxon, now go in there once it's done, I let them all live", Carmicheal smirks at her,

Missy sighs as she starts to head to Mr Tanakas office but turns her head around to look at her, "When this is all over, I swear to your gods I will end you",

"Look forward to it", Carmicheal smiles at her and walks off,

Missy heads to the office as Carmicheal walks down the stairs. Carmicheal heads to the security office as he opens the door to see a body of the Tanaka's security guard on the floor as he steps over it carefully to the man sitting at the monitors,

"It's already Sir", the man said,

"Good, when your done clear up your mess let's not alert the next security shift just yet", Carmicheal grins as he plays with the control in his hand,

"Yes Sir", the man looks at the screen,

Carmicheal muttered to himself, "He's such a trusting fool", he pressed the button and smiles,

Temp industries, United States of America all of a sudden the entire building blows up, while Carmicheal smiles as he removes the Vortex malipulator from his wrist and set it on the side as he sits to watch the screen of Mr Tanaka's doors opening up,

"You know what to do, keep the full copy of the footage and send it to my computer and when your done make sure Miss Saxon gets the vortex malipulator, after all she has love ones to get back too, well minus one which is ashame really", Carmicheal smirks as he get up and starts to head out the building with a smile on his face.

Missy walks into Mr Tanaka's office she could see him standing by the photo of his dead wife. She didn't know what to say, as she had no weapons of any kind and if she was to kill him, she didn't know how she would do it. She paused as she saw him playing with a samurai blade as he had his back turned to her. Before she could sneak up on him Mr Tanaka speaks,

"So your the one, your here to kill me aren't you, did you kill my daughter too", Mr Tanaka speaks,

"I didn't kill your daughter and I don't have a choice", Missy speaks softy,

"I know you didn't kill her, I am not stupid  but We all have a choice but sometimes the choices we make, make it for us", Mr Tanaka answered her,

"Well I don't have a choice, this is one big conspiracy after another, your daughter was taken from us ans now my friends life's at stake", Missy gasps slowly,

"My daughter... Did you love her?", Mr Tanaka asks,

Missy doesn't answer shw didn't know how to answer that one as his mind was too conflicted with her past love and the women she was caring about deeply, but the other conflicts is the video footage of Suki's father doing somekind of experiment using his life engery. She glared at him for that but his resistance was the fact if she does kill Mr Tanaka, they might live if Carmicheal keeps his word.  Carmicheal had his friend hostage she felt she was in termoil over it.

Mr Tanaka holds the blade as he turned around, Missy could see his eyes were sore like he has been crying, "I can't answer that but whatever feelings I have for your daughter are real, I am sorry for your loss, I really am",

"You don't have to lie I saw you both, in each others arms", Mr Tanaka speaks,

Missy paused as it clicked that he has seen the footage for them kissing in bed, "I won't and we didn't sleep together, no matter what you saw",

"Don't lie to me Saxon, I saw it with my own two eyes", Mr Tanaka raised his voice,

"Carmicheal showed you the footage, I am telling you we did not have sex, not until we got to the Four seasons hotel....", Missy defends her actions,

"Do you think that matters Saxon, no it don't what matters is she is safe and happy, but that's not going to happen anymore, nothing does she was all I had left, I don't care if your human or not but lossing a daughter is losing apart of yourself", Mr Tanaka sighs as his hands were shaking,

The man was scared so very scared, "And you think I could of made her ?",

"Missy, can I call you Missy, Miss Saxon, I know you could of but this isn't about her, this is about the truth, the same truth why you are here you seek it, some of us need it", Mr Tanaka speaks out still playing with the blade,

"The truth huh, so explain to me about your experiments you stole my life engery I need to regenerate, how about that truth", Missy speaks angrily,

Mr Tanaka looked at her confused, "What your talking about",

"You damn well know what I am talking about, the vortex engery that regenerates me, I want it back", Missy keeps speaking in an angry tone,

"Please Missy, it's not true I don't have it, Suki got a sample from your vault at your home but only a sample, it's Carmicheal he has it, took it from you, I don't know what your talking about", Mr Tanaka looks confused,

"Don't lie to me Tanaka I too saw the footage, you was experimenting with it", Missy yells angry,

"I didn't.. What ever you saw was a lie, some kind of trick, prehaps fauderly", Tanaka pleds,

"Faud.. Yeah good one, I saw the footage of it, Carmicheal showed me", Missy snaps,

Mr Tanaka snaps and grunts turning around, "Carmicheal is a liar, you can't believe what he am says, he had been after my position at the Illuminati for years, it's him, he has some how used my image to make you think I am lying to you",

"Oh really, so tell me did you kill your wife", Missy grunts,

Mr Tanaka turned around this time he had tears in his eyes, "No I loved my wife you got to believe me",

"I don't have to believe anything you say, this.. All of this has been a lie, tell me did you kill Suki's mother for the insurance money", Missy gasps as she felt in her hearts someone was lying and right now she believed it to be Mr Tanaka,

Mr Tanaka paused as he looked at the picture of his wife putting his head down, "I was a different man back then, I was deperated to complete my research into extending human life, my wife had terminal cancer, she was dying and she just gave birth to my daughter",

"Go on you bastard talk tell me everything", Missy snaps as she didn't like where this was going,

"Suki... She isn't my daughter..", Mr Tanaka fell to his knees sobbing,

Missy was gobsmacked by this confession, "What..",

Mr Tanaka turned around on his knees crying, "Suki isn't my daughter, My wife was having an affair with someone I trusted very much, I was angry full of hate and was loosing funding from the same man I called my friend. After she was born I wanted revenge so I cut the brakes of his car, but I didn't know my wife was driving his car, I didn't know.. I swear, I loved my wife.. ",

Missy looked away hearing this confession not sure how to handle it, "You scumbag, you tried to kill your wife's lover but ended up killing her instead",

"Yes.. And he wanted revenge on me for it, they are trying to take my spot at the Illuminati", Mr Tanaka speaks whimpering,

Missy looks at him as she felt disgusted at him, her hearts were bleeding inside for Suki, despite Suki is now dead, she gulps swallowing her pride for a moment, "Who is the father, who is Suki's father?",

"ROY PALMER..", Mr Tanaka cried out,

Missy felt like she was caught up in someone that had run deep in this conspiracy. She didn't know what to say she just stumbled back as this was the truth she knew it, she believed it, it was making sense to her and yet Suki was innocent in all this, she gave her life for this and now she saw why Carmicheal said Suki was innocent in all this, he knew all along,

"Suki doesn't know?", Missy asked,

"No I raised her as my own, but Carmicheal found out, I don't know unless Roy found out somehow, maybe my wife told him about the pregnancy and that's why he wants revenge on me", Mr Tanaka looks down sobbing,

"But if Palmer wanted revenge, he wouldn't of  had Suki murdered, who would murder their own daughter, that doesn't make sense, of he didn't know that's blooming karma right there", Missy huffed,

"They would want to make me suffer", Mr Tanaka said,

"So they want you dead, Suki gets the seat in the high council of the Illuminati as father and daughter they would control half the councils assets", Missy huffs,

"Yes..", Mr Tanaka nods,

Missy doesn't know what to say, this was actually breaking her hearts for Suki even though she was murdered, this is one just power game going on. She looked as Mr Tanaka got up and grabbed the blade walking up to her, but he had the blade pointed at his gut,

"What you doing?", Missy looks a nervously,

"I am a coward and cowards must atone for their crimes, its to show respect and to resort their honour, which I have none", Mr Tanaka speaks looking Missy dead in the eye,

Missy  looks at him in disgust, "Your not a coward, you have confussed but you haven't told me everything, are the relics going to be put to use at the convergence?",

Mr Tanaka nods, "Yes I haven't lied about that, it's all Roy Palmer he is power hungry, he wants the power to control the weather and the Earth for his own selfish reasons and he wants me out the way",

"Carmicheal had the fire stone, there is one more, where is it", Missy creeps forward as if she could show her feelings for Suki, it would be to stop her father taking his own life,

"I don't know but I do know they been using funds to an expedition in Greece", Mr Tanaka keeps the blade pressed into his gut,

Missy was watching as she looked at Mr Tanaka who was going to kill himself, "Saxon please promise me, you won't let my daughter legacy in vain, finish what she started",

As Mr Tanaka pushed the blade into his gut deep, Missy tried to grab the handle as she shouts out, "NOOOOO", she grabbed it but it was too late the blade pushed deep into Mr Tanaka as he felll to his knees and took his last breath.

Missy stood up gasping as she saw blood on her hands, her head felt like it was spinning as she stepped back. Mr Tanaka was dead, he killed himself taking the truth about Suki and his wife with him. Missy watched for a moement as she stumbled walking out his office and shut the door behind her.

She didn't know what to do, she was lost as she looked around, she so wanted to kill Carmicheal and now Roy Palmer but her head was in turnmoil as he felt sick to his stomach, all he could think about was what happened  to Suki. She was the aire to her father's billions but now she was killed,like  her mother and he wasn't even her real father.

She walked as she was stuck as she looked around and then she stopped as she saw the vortex malipulator that Carmicheal had was left behind. Missy knew Carmicheal had did that on purpose but she didn't care, she had to get out of there as she grabbed it panicing and strapped it to her wrist.

Looking around she typed in the coordinations to where she hoped would take her to the hanger at the New York City Airport and get back to her friends. Missy just didn't know if they were still there and this was going to rip her apart knowing what she knows about the truth of Suki's father's death. Missy pressed the button as she vanished.

Carmicheal stay in the security room smiling, "Well well, looks like I got two birds with one stone afterall, once your done earse all footage of me being here and send the copies you made to me, this has been quite enlightening", Carmicheal smiles.

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