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MISSY: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 30

𝙁𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙤𝙧𝙠, 𝙐𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨
𝙏𝙤 𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙚

4 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚

Mouse was setting up the holographic mapping system for Greece as Missy walked in and sat at the computer. Mouse was using the touch screen to help use the geographical locations of possible excavation sites. He was having trouble as most of the locations were old ones dating back to the times of Alexander the Great.

Missy could see he was struggling as she sat at the computer and flicked down the screen. If she was honest she wasn't sure but this was going to be a needle in the haystack. This was the last relic to find since Carmicheal had found the third one already and keeps it on him like a trophy.

Missy kept on looking at the screen as she talks to Mouse, "When tried to search through the files on the Temp system, did you get anything at all?",

"No babes, trouble is, it's like down loading movies from the Internet, it only down loads in parts of each section and only forty percent came through", Mouse replies as he was concentrating on what he was doing,

"Is there any corrupted files?", Missy asked,

"No babes, none at all, it's hard enough as this whole jet is a damn spy trap which you be pleased that I was able to debug the system but when Temp got destroyed that ended the download like it had its own safety guard to automatically get rid of files but hey, do you think you know Roy Palmer was there", Mouse asked after he explained his theory to Missy,

"Yeah..", Missy sighs looking at her screen,

"Man that is creepy as I was only speaking to the fella hours before they blew it up", Mouse sighed,

Missy turned around to face Mouse, "You was speaking to him ?",

"Yeah, the old man, filled me in so I knew you needed my help to hack his files but a dude like that, he keeps it on his phone, so I was trying to copy the files from his phone to gain access to his server but then I found out it was  damn set up then it all went to crap", Mouse sighed as he flicked a few switches,

"That's when you burst in on myself and Suki", Missy laughed under her breath, then she sighed remembering it was was last time they were together,

"My bad babes,  I see you both was getting it on", Mouse grins at her,

"We was twice or three times, maybe just twice",  Missy sighs staring at the screen,

"Oh yeah baby, like I told you, to go ahead,  so tell me, what's it like being with a women than a bloke", Mouse looked at her raising a brow like he was loving hearing about his friends getting it on,

"Different but it always is, us lady's, we know how ans where to touch, you blokes need instructions", she glance over to him giving him a cheeky wink,

"Oh man, now I know your not talking about me", Mouse grins trying not to laugh at her,

"It don't matter anyways, I am old fashioned, I don't go around shagging any fanny or dick I take a fancy too or of I feel the urge, it's just not me, I am a lady so treat me as one", Missy flicks through the screen as she smiles,

"Missy, no way listen sweetheart, of course it matters, I seen the way you looked at her and how she looks at you, at my party, there was sexual tension between you both thay was sizzling. Yeah you both have a job to do but still what's the point of saving the world of there is no love", Mouse put his hands on the sides of the Mapping system,

"love isn't going to save us, we are going to save the world not love and I am not sure it truly exists anymore", Missy sighed refusing to look at him,

"You know that's crap man, you not that completely cold hearted, I seen you rushing around like the big hero yet you pretend your not", Mouse sighed looking at her,

"It's just hard when you got the templars knocking at your door, enemies sharing secrets and you know things that others do, I feel like I am being dogged", Missy scoffed,

"I get ya babe, you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders", Mouse nods listening to her,

"I guess this is how the Doctor feels", Missy mutters,

Mouse raised a brow, "Doctor.. Well the old fellow he knows his shit, ever thought you both could be like a force not to be messed with",

"It doesnt matter, let's just find this relic and get them hid away until the convergence is over", grumbles Missy,

"Alright man", Mouse nods as he looks at Missy,

Moment later Missy got herself changed into more comfortable clothing while they were on the jet flying to Greece. She had spent the better part of the day in an cocktail dress and smelling like a garbage dump which wasn't very flattering to say the least. She walked into the mapping room to give the guys some help if they required it.

She walks in and smiles at Mouse who was typing away at the computer and sipping on his orange soda he loves so much. She saw a The Doctor was also at a computer doing some research as she sighs happily as she walked over to him and leant over his shoulders as she looked at his research,

"Hello Doctor, I didn't get much time for us to talk but doesn't  it feel weird we on the same side for once not fighting like cats and dogs", Missy grinned,

"Kind of like old times, back in the day at the timelord academy on Gallifrey you mean or you trying to take over the earth more than once", The Doctor huffed,

"Well yeah, what else would I be talking about dearest, but I never got the chance to ask you how did you find me, it was so random, you turned up right at the last second", Missy walked I her heels pulling a chair over next to him,

"So you want to know why I am here, which is very simple really when you think about it, I am here for the same reason as you are", The Doctor looked at her then carried on with his research,

Missy leans on the console looking at him, "That be the short version darling  no I want to know how you came to find me, I could of been anywhere around the world, heck I could of been killed a few times, but you managed to find me",

The Doctor stared at her then stops what he was doing for a moment, "Missy I know it's hard to take but not everything is about you",

"Oh ouch Doctor, break my hearts, but you avoided the question", Missy stares back at him with a half smile,

"I was studying the climate changes in Paris, trying to figure out how in the middle of summer time, the most romantic city on Earth came to be in the middle of the biggest snow storm in history. When suddenly two women magically appeared out of nowhere and stopped it. Then again in Egypt, so I tracked you both down until I realised it was you my old friend, I was very surprised to learn you was at the centre of it all, but how I didn't know", the Doctor explained calmy,

"So did you find me in new York ?", Missy asked curiously,

"Let's say someone was worried once their vortex malipulator went missing from London Tower and gave me a call, now I knew you had one, so it was easy to track the travel waves that lead me to you both, but during the travel I had learnt that the word had gone out that you was after the stones of power but to save them", The Doctor looks at her,

"Who ?", Missylooked more deeply at him,

"Mr Tanaka....", The Doctor looked him,

Missy's eyes widen, "Suki's  father contacted you?",

"Yes, you see... Once he heard that you and his daughter was somekind of an item, he became a concern father, knowing that you was being watched and feared for his daughter life. He has a friend on the inside of Illuminati informing him that a hit had been placed on him and his daughter so he reached out to me for help", the Doctor looked at her,

"So you came to our rescue and wow what a fail that must of been for you", Missy rolls her eyes,

The Doctor looked down, "Sorry I didn't have much informationinformation to go by, I was more surprised that you took this quest on, why did you?",

Missy smiled, "Oh come on Doctor darling, isn't it obvious , I love this world now, I was learning money, I had  blended in with your precious humans",

"I don't buy it, I think there is something more to it, I know you, you don't just wake up ans decide, I know I be the Earths saviour", the Doctor mocks Missy,

Missy just blinks and smiles, "Well I did",

"Still not buying it, there is something in it for you, was it money or power, love", the Doctor studied Missy's face,

Missy's face changed at the word love, "I guess we never know Doctor",

"Oh come on Missy stop the act, its love isn't it, because of the Tanaka's girl, no wait not her, no that's right someone else", the Doctor speaks like he was figuring things out,

"I don't know what your talking about", Missy knew the Doctor was fishing as she turned her back on him,

The Doctor smiled as this was new to him, for his old best friend, over the years he has never know the Master or Missy to fight for love, as he could sense and read her like a book, "So you been dreaming again haven't you, waking up night after night, sweating in ways I can never understand but you have",

"Just stop it", Missy snaps,

The Doctor stands up as he knee he was right, he was getting under Missy's skin, "You are feeling because your feeling for someone, someone that has had your hearts tugging like a puppet on a string, but who, who is it Missy, who has you bashing about like an animal in cage",

"I said leave it Doctor,  stay out of my head", Missy snaps seeing Mouse was listening in now,

"It's plain obvious Missy, you managed to open up your hearts and it's eating you up inside as you reacting to this new feeling of love, so much that you let it out on Tanaka's daughter, daring yourself to feel to hide your true feelings for this one...", The Doctor watched Missy try and walk away as he followed her,

"I said leave it alone", Missy snaps,

"Who has you this wound up, who is she Missy, your fighting for love yet you will never let your pride admit it, so you keep on running, running and fighting to save your self from the pain of the truth. The truth that you might open up and possibly love this person and change", the Doctor continues his mental assault on Missy,

Missy snaps big time enough that everyone heard her, "I said let it alone, its not your business, so I dream about her all the time, she is in my head, she talks to me like a ghost",

"Who ?", the Doctor asked curiously,

Missy knew who she was, but always believe her to be dead, "You bloody well know who... you have always know, it was you who took her from me",

The Doctor's eyes widen, he knew who she was on about, this made him feel very uncomfortable as he gulped, "I didn't, but the point is, it's good to see you like this old friend",

Missy huffed as she walked unto Suki's room to be left alone, shutting the door. The Doctor walked off to go sit with Cathy who was getting bored flicking through the channels of the TV still tied up to her chair. He sits down and sighs as he stared at the floor not saying anything but think about what Missy had said and what he did know, apart of him felt for Missy like a screaming echo inside him of the pain she was concealing in her,

"I don't think she liked how you talk to her, she is a lady", Cathy piped up,

"Well I had to know", the Doctor speaks softy,

"Well ladies do not like to open up to men who put pressure on them", Cathy looked at him,

"I wasn't trying to push, I needed to know it's important", the Doctor huffs,

"But why is it important, so she is in love, her love of her life is dead, she feels so what, that's a good thing if she is as bad as I have heard", She looked at the Doctor,

"It is a good thing, a very good thing and you have no idea who she is and the things she has done and to see her like this is ...new", The Doctor speaks gently,

"Who is she then, because I don't believe you have ever mentioned her before yet you seem  so protective of her", Cathy flicks through the channels,

"She is someone from my past, but back then we were enemies", He sighs,

"Let me guess, she found love and a change of  heart ?", She smiles but pulls a face at the TV,

"Someting like this, please do me a favour, leave it alone, leave her alone, trust me there are so many complications I really don't want to explain", the Doctor sighs as he looks down knowing exactly who Missy is,

"Okay fair enough but I am going to find out one way or another, heck I might even begin to like this lady", She grins

The Doctor sighs rolling his eyes as she walks away mumbling to himself, "That's what I am afraid of....".

Missy laid on on the bed as she knew after the last time she was with Suki they went all the way and a apart of her enjoyed it, it was new and exciting but at the moment she still struggling with her inner termoil with the revelation that Suki's father had dropped on her right before he took his own life. She felt hurt of loosing Suki then with her father killing himself right in front of her it raised to many questions from the start of the down fall.

Missy started to dream as she drifted off to sleep remembering her last night with Suki  as They entered the suite as as looked at Suki for a moment as she wanted to ask her something but her eyes just sparkled at her and she found himself giving her a kiss. Suki kissed her back with a following warm smile, not understanding what's been going on the last few days between them. The only thing she understood was that was some serious heat and passion that's been drawing them both together that they are now exploring more with their bodies,

"I can get used to this", Suki looks into Missy's eyes smiling so innocently,

"Well I am not complaining either so that's a good start", Missy not the most of romantic gestures to come from her but she did manage to produce a smile, she looked at her as she was slipping in and out of his own consciousness, she had to do something, she cared about Suki a lot that with out thinking she grabbed her face and started to kiss her deeply. Suki gasps on her lips as she touched hier arms kissing her back not sure what was going on but she liked. The pair of them were in a tight locked embrace as they kissed clothes soon  started coming off she knew what was about to happen. There was moans of pleasure coming from Suki as they made their way to the bed, making love, stroking of the thighs and other body parts as they took their time exploring each other, rubbing their flesh on flesh creating a huge sweat as Missy gave herself completely submitting herself to Suki. Missy remembered it all, like it was going to be a marathon of sexual frustration between them both until they were interrupted by Mouse, then she saw Suki's chest explode as her blood splatter on Missy's face, she couldn't save her, she didn't see it coming.
Mouse was in the holographic room still doing research as he thought he found something and not wanting to disturb Missy he called out to the Doctor,

"Yo.. So check this out ya, I am not sure of this good enough but this dates back to Alexander the Great, the man conquer the world and he was also know to collect so many treasures that he had them safetly locked away in his like vaults and stuff, however it was also claimed that he sort out treasures of power too but them he kept hidden in his temple of the God's", Mouse explained to him,

"And this temple he hid away certain relics", the Doctor asked him,

Mouse nodded "Yeah I think so I know there was reference to Pandora's Box and a few other items and a statue of atlas",

The Doctor looked at Mouse, "Ooo I know this Titan condemned to hold up the celestial heavens or sky for eternity after the Titanomachy. It said thar he created the first Celestial Sphere",

"It's a Statue I dont get it", Mouse looks at him confused,

"The statue.. Its in the statue, Alexander the Great was indeed a great man, he knew that the relic was too powerful for any man to possess so he hid it in the statue of Atlas, what a genius", the Doctor grins at him,

"Are you sure?", Mouse looked at the Doctor,

"Oh yes very very sure", the Doctor nods with grins,

"That's great but there is one tiny problem", Mouse looked at the screen,

"Okay what's that?", the Doctor asks,

"Well according to the reach search papers the temple was destroyed by an Great earth quake and is said to be trapped under the caves in the ocean", Mouse cringes,

"What!", the Doctor looks at him,

Mouse sighs as he brings up the map as he points to the rough area of the map where the Temple used to be. He then brings up the blue holographic image of the ocean and highlights the area for them both to look at. He looks at them as he zooms in more around the area and puts a marker,

"Now I am not a hundred percent sure but that's where it suppose to be, they had a temple near the ocean to pay homage to Poseidon, but it sank and I don't know if it down there",  Mouse explains,

"Well we going to need a boat and  diving gear and go look for the temple or its remains", the Doctor sighed,

"We don't have any on here but  am sure there is a place to hire out some gear and rent a boat", Mouse spoke out loud, "Well that be just you both going cause it be hell of I am going",

"You owe me, your going as we need someone to man the boat while me and a volunteer go down there", Missy walks in after hearing Mouse speaking loud,

"Say what.. Listen man I have a doctors note saying I can't go, take Wilson man", Mouse looked very nervous,

Missy looked at him, "You going and that's final",

"But what I get eaten by a shark..", Mouse sighed, Mouse sat down to grumble as Missy  walked to the lounge seeing Cathy was tided up and staring at her while Wilson was watching the news.

"I take it you have some good news for once Missy", Wilson asked,

"Why yes actually, we think we have located the final relic and we know where it is", Missy grinned,

"Excellent", Wilson smiles at her,

Missy looked at Cathy who was staring back as she felt a bit sorry for her and walked over to talk to her, "Now as you been good, I set you free but any false movements and I have the pilot lower to three thousand feet and I will personally throw you out the jet with no parachute, do I make myself clear?",

Cathy didnt know what to say, how could she refuse, but she was going to behave anyway as she was fed up with working for Carmicheal and she knew these people were trying to save the world. A bit odd for her to comprehen at the moment but she just looked at Missy and nodded.

Mike undid her bonds and sighed, "Hungry?",

Cathy nodded, "Yeah..",

"Okay, well you sleep in here and Wilson will make you a sandwich or something to eat, just remember your at my mercy now and if you do exactly what I tell you to do, then you have my word, I get you back home, if not then...", Missy grins as she looks towards the main door of the jet.

Cathy looked as well but smiled, "I be good, I swear I can even help out, I am good in the kitchen you know",

"Let's stick to being just a free to roam around hostage for now", Missy grins at her,

Wilson sighes as he watched Cathy moving about the the lounge as she had been tide up for hours now and needed to stretch her legs a bit. Missy looks at the Doctor who just walked in seeing Cathy has been set free, as he was surprised at Missy's sudden change of heart or in her case changed of hearts. He didn't know what to say but he trust her judgement against her own for now,

"Well okay, if you think it is wise setting her free, I can keep watch", the Doctor smiled,

"Sweetie relax at over four thousand feet, it be hard for her to try anything", Mike gasped out with a hint of urgency in his voice,

"I suppose your right, I will leave it for a few hours but we do have to sort out who does what when we arrive in Greece", He smiled at Missy,

"We figure that out soon enough what to do...", Missy signed as she saw Cathy sat down near Wilson to watch the television then she looked at Missy who was heading near the bedroom,

"So what's going on, I do love a good adventure, besides I can't take any more Britain's got talent, its driving me insane, with its a now from me or three yes's, I haven't seen a good programme in years", Cathy waffles,

Wilson shakes his head, "If your going too moan the rest of the trip please tell me now so I can pretent to fall asleep",

"Oh jeeves what will I do, I need some one to piss off", She winks,

"Behave you,  your free for now be grateful", the Doctor glares at her not really comfortable with her loose with Missy walking around,

"I am behaving, just a buzz kill", She huffs,

Missy listened to them bickering as her hearts were beating hard as she felt sick to her  stomach like sharp pains in her head as she had to do something. She felt like her body was telling her something like alerting her to someones else's presence as he stared hard at Cathy, but she was then distracted by a hand touch his shoulder to turn him around to look at him, "You alright you look pale?", Mouse asked softly,

The Doctor took notice as he smiled at Missy, "You should rest, here have a drink", he passed Missy some bottle water,

Missy took it and had a few slips as she forgot what she was doing as she turned away from Cathy and sighed, "Your right I think I better lay down",

"Good Doctors orders", the Doctor smiled.

Mouse came into the lounge to sit with Wilson and Cathy, when he looked at Cathy noticing she wasn't tied up anymore as he shook his head and looked at the television set. Wilson looked for Missy as she seemed to gone back to her bedroom,

"Don't bother man", he whispers to him,

"Why, why what she doing?", Wilson asked,

Cherry saw mouses face, "Well, she went to bed duh",

"You could of said that ", Wilson asked a bit confused,

"Don't worry pops, I think she need a bit of a rest time", Mouse sighs,

Wilson looks at him as he kinda knew what Mouse was talking about it just didn't help that Cathys remarks were so dry and humourless made it sound so much worse,

"Then I leave her be....", Wilson pulls a face,

"Oh come on Wilson, we have what ten hours to kill and it's all kind of sexy, the thrill of the chase, bullets flying around the thrill of the chase don't you think...", Cathy looks at him,

"Really don't, people are dying, I really don't see the thrill in it all", Wilson whispers,

"We got this dude, yeah sure it's upsetting but what we have done so far, we have saved a whole city, averted a Astroid shower thats pretty cool in my book", Mouse reassures Wilson,

"Yeah what's the worse that can happen", Cathy asks,

"Why you say that, never say that man, you know when someone says that, somethjng bad always happens", Mouse grunts at her,

"Like what, we are flying in a jet to Greece", Cathy looks at Mouse.

𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨, 𝙏𝙤𝙠𝙮𝙤. 𝙅𝙖𝙥𝙖𝙣

Mean while at Takana Industries, Mr Tanaka's assitant comes into the office holding a cup of coffee. She grabs the mail and set it on her desk read to open them. She then walks over to make Mr Tanaka his cup of coffee when she noticed a flicker of light coming from Mr Tanaka's office.

She knocked on the door assuming Mr Tanaka was inside and she waited but then there was no noise or sound as she opened the door and sniffed as she could smell something horrid. She took a few small steps but her eyes widen as she saw the body of Mr Tanaka lying down with the blade through his gut.

She screamed out as she ran to get help, tears rolling down her face as she reached the security room and opened the door and gasped out seeing the body of the security guard on the floor. She screamed out as she ran to her desk to call the police for help, she knew foul play had happened here as he accidentally knocked her coffee onto the floor shaking in fear as she dialed the number for the police.

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