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MISSY: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 36 Final Chapter

𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙩𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙚, 𝙀𝙣𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙

Missy's wrists were sore from her struggles and her heavy weight of his body that felt more like a dead weight from the exhaustion of being tired and dehydrated, with her chapped lips and dry throat leaving her unable to open her mouth to speak. She stumbled on the floor completely unable to move as her eyes blinked and squinted as the light from the doors flet like they were blinding her.

Missy was fully aware that if he was to be injected with her regeneration there was a chance that he could regenerate but that's the whole point of Omega doing it as it would be easier for him to have Missy pass on her regeneration to him as she be to weak to refuse.

Omega had thought it through she had to give him credit and with her friends dead, she had no reason to carry on anymore. She had no idea what was going on but she felt so light headed like she was in dream as she looked up being dragged from the floor and into the light.

Missy could hear the voices of not just the soldiers but Omega too, it was very distorted. She looked down seeing the left can of diet coke on the floor as she tired to grab it as they took him away but it was knocked over as it spilt onto the hard surface onto the floor. Her arms being hooked around two soldiers as she was took outside towards a white van.

The light was bright, it stung her eyes but she was soon chained up again and slung into the back of the van. Omega was standing there smiling as he watched Missy being put into the back of the van looking around ready to go,

"Right gentlemen it's almost time let's make sure the area is clear and guarded as this is one chance and once chance one or we have to wait another five thousand years", Omega smirks as he heads to his black car waiting for him,

The car pulled away with the military black ops vehicles with the white van in the middle as they moved out to head to stonehenge as according to the sky the planets were coming in line and the convergence was about to happen.

"Man I sure hope you know what your doing?", The Doctor sighed as he sat in vehicle as he looks at Kate,

"Me too, I am not happy about this as we don't know much about Omega but Missy, oh boy I have a whole file cabinet of files about her that's just here on Earth", Kate opens up the glove box and pulls out a gun,

"I Thought you were just a scientist", Cathy's eyes widen,

"I am but you can't be too careful if the information you both gave me is correct then it's better to be safe than sorry", She cocks her gun making it ready,

"Well we told you, she maybe this galactic menace, but she wants to save the world", the Doctor looks at her,

"And I told you I am not taking any risk, if at any point the Missy shows any kind of threat we taking her down", Kate looks at them both

Kate gets out the veichle as they are parked in the trees nearby as her troops with their tactical gear and automatic weapons making ready in standby. Kate has had so many encounters with the Missy, especially since had her thrown out a jet and left to fall to her death. She fell but was caught and saved by a cyberman left by her fathers grave.

To the Doctors frustration he was left and locked in the veichle with Cathy that felt really them helpless as they were suppose to be going to save Missy not betraying her with one of the government agencies that she had been avoiding hidding for years. The Doctor felt this was the best option as he looks at Cathy with a wink. Cathy grins back at him as she watches him taking out a vortex malipulator,

"I hope this plan works of yours this is very risky", Cathy whispers,

"Relax, it's exactly how I planned it and those idiots really shouldn't leave the Doctor unattended locked in a computer controlled vehicle", The Doctor pulls our his sonic screwdriver and grins,

"Well yeah, I thought they knew you better than this, so I will go get Suki as long as your coordinates are correct then I find her and take her to safety to your TARDIS", Cathy speaks fast,

"Oh yes, I suspect his main guard would be at the site  he would be less concerned about her than what's going on there, one thing about Omega his down fall is his own ego, that is what makes him vulnerable.  But whatever you do, please be careful", The Doctor taps the co-ordinates into the vortex malipulator and passes it to Cathy,

Cathy grins, "That you get for credit smart arse, but you promise you be careful too",

"Don't worry about me just get Suki to safety and let's hope we are not too late", The Doctor smiles as the buzzing sound of his sonic screwdriver is heard as he taps into the vehicle controls,

Cathy smiles then sighs, "But what if we are too late ?",

"Don't think like that, it's going to work", reassures Cathy as he makes the vehicle ready to move,

"Then let's do this...", Cathy winks as she hits the enter button on the vortex malipulator and vanish from the back seat of the vehicle.

Cathy stands firm on the loosen dirt just at the  entrance of what looked like an old brewery, she looked around for a moment as she stared walk forward as there was only one guard at the gate, looking at her in shock, she guest he had never seen a lady appearing out of nowhere before, to bad for him that this lady isn't what he thinks as he looked at her staring  her down.

Cathy smiled as she walked over to him , "Can I help you miss ?", the guards hand is getting near to his side arm,

"Yes please I am here for Suki Tanaka,  I was told she is here and I would like to see her", Cathy smiles sweetly at him,

"I am sorry miss, there is no one by that name", the guard smiles at her,

"Are you sure cause I could just go in and take a look", She smiles as she starts to move forward but the guard moves in her way putting his hand on the handle of his side arm,

"Sorry Miss I have to ask you to leave", the guard looks at her a bit suspicious of her,

"Young man, why you calling me Miss when clearly I am a lady, you addressing me in a prim and proper manner", Cathy looked at him, she really had no time for this small talk,

"Like what...", the guard looked at her confused,

Rolling her eyes she just couldn't help herself as with a swift kick she caught him in his privates making him groan in pain , but her movements like one of those female actions movie stars as she rolls over his back holding his arm as she slams him to the ground knocking him out. This alerted the other guards as they started to come out the door, Cathy just sighed as she smiled and put up her hair looking at them,

"Hello boys...", she winks.

They really underestimate her as she seem to fight her way through them they all with an ease, she may of took a few hits but it didn't even slow her down, the only thing that was bothering her was the smell of stale ale like the smell of a pub in the morning after a Friday or Saturday night, made her shudder. She moved quickly as the brewery wasn't that big and she could see by the tread marks of the vehicle tires where they came from so east for her to follow.

She fought her way pass some more guards ad they just didn't have a chance, Cathy was fast and agile as her movements were quick and precise when she struck her feet or fist, some may say of she was like a comic book hero she would be as deadly as the black widow only more crazier as she flipped trapping her thighs around a guards neck and twisted her body, making him fly to the ground.

Cathy got up and brushed herself off  then straight out her clothes, she always liked to look her best even during a fight as she watched this guard come out. He was a bit more tubbier than the others maybe in his later fifties as he stopped and stared at the amount of laid out guards on the floor, his jaw dropped, eyes widen at the site, then slowly looks at him with a wink,

"Poor dear, now I can see you are scared, which is good, so I give you an option, stand in my way or join them", Cathy smiles at him,

The guard gulped as he looked at them then at her as his heart was in his mouth, "SCREW this I quit", the guard push passed her as she started to run off fast,

Cathy smiles as she entered the building walking in casually looking around as she saw a door to the security room, she walked up to it slowly but quietly, listening out for sounds of anyone about or even someone crying for help. She couldn't hear anyone see anyone, she thinks that she may of took out the whole of the security guards single handed with left her with a smirk on her face.

She walks down the hallway until she stops hearing a banging on a door, she quickly looks around as she sees it's locked, she thinking it's Suki inside, she doesn't have a key to unlock the door so she grabs a fire extinguisher to bash the lock in. The door swings open as she sees a young women in handcuffs staring at her confused her knuckles are red and sore from what she guest was from her bashing the door,

"Suki Tanaka ?", Cathy  asked,

"Yeah... who are you ?", Suki looked at her confused,

"I am Cathy, I am here to rescue you, so let's go", she smiles,

"You are ?", she asked,

Cathy nods, "Yes why else would I knock out seventeen guards and break the door in", Cathy rolls her eyes,

"Good point...", Suki rose to her feet and walked over to her holding her cuffed hands to her,

Cathy stared at them shaking her head, "I don't have keys for them but let's get you to safely maybe the Doctor has something I can use to remove then, but you are to stay there until him and Missy gets back",

Suki's eyes widen, "Missy... where is she, is she safe?",

"Don't worry, the Doctor is going to get her back", Cathy smiles helping Suki out the room,

"Carmicheal is going to destroy us all...", Suki panicking as she trembled in her voice,

"Don't worry, the Doctor has beat Omega before he do it again and he will bring Missy back home and safe", Cathy  smiled  sweetly as she walked with Suki to safety,

"But We should help him save Missy, she needs us.... But who are you, I saw you on cam but I don't know who you are.. wait I do recognise you... your the stewardess", Suki turned to look at Cathy,

Cathy sighs, "Look there is more to it than that, but I need you to trust me, who I  am isn't important, but saving Missy and stopping Carmicheal is",

"I know, I just want Missy back and safe", Suki sighs looking at her,

Cathy looks at her, "You really care for her don't you ?",

'I know who she is, I don't even care about that,  I have seen her heart, I have never felt this way before, especially for a women, its new but I love her", Suki sighs softly looking at  Cathy,

Cathy looked at her seeing the genuine sincere look on her face, she didn't know what to say to her, "That's sweet, let's go",

Cathy looked at her as she used the vortex malipulator to take Suki to the TARDIS, they soon flashed put of there and appeared inside inside the TARDIS, as Suki felt a bit dizzy like the last few times with Missy, but not so bad this time as her mind was distracted by the inside of the TARDIS. She walks around it fast with amazement like she has entered a world of science fiction as Cathy watched her with her hands on her hips,

"First time is very impressing, I know but you will be safe I promise you", She looks at an amazed Suki,

"It's amazing, I have not been an a space ship before", Suki's voice is high,

Cathy rolls her eyes, "It's not a Space ship, it's a TARDIS, Time And Relative Dimensions In Space", she walks to the console,

"Time... is this a time machine?", Suki grins,

"Yeah, this is a one of kind...", closing her words  carefully around her as she didn't wanting her knowing much about her or who she was,

"So... this is where the Doctor saves people and civilizations on Earth and other worlds, Sorry my father told me stories about him as a child, just never dreamed it was real until I met Missy", Suki grins,

Cathy watched her as she wanted to tell her more but she held it back as she knew what she had to do despite how painful it maybe, but it was the right thing to do, "Listen, you safe now, but I have to go, I have other matters to attend too, but before I do, please do me one favour", she sends a message to the Doctor,

Suki nods looking at her, "Anything  just ask",

"Take care of her, really good care, its rare to find someone you can really care for, so hold on to her okay", Cathy looks at her with a sigh,

"Okay, but how do you know Missy", Suki asks,..

"Let's say, I am an old .... friend", Cathy takes a deep breath,

Cathy looked as the heart of the TARDIS starts to thump hard, she knew it was time to leave, leaving quickly as she walked to the doors and opening them. Suki watched her as she was confused on why she had to leave, "Wait your leaving?",

"I have too this isn't much fight, besides Missy has everything she needs right here...", Cathy looked at Suki and smiled,

Cathy just turned and walked away closing the doors behind her a she watched as the TARDIS  disappeared from her sight, "See you around...", she whispers with a deep sigh walking down the street quietly.

Wiltshire, England

The veichles arrived at Stonehenge as the troops of Omega piles out quickly as Omega steeped out so relaxed and casual as he looked at the white van that they kept Missy in as the back of the van doors opened up by the soldiers with Omega watching them. The dusk light shone in the back of the van where Missy was chained up as she was slumbed out. They dragged her out in her chained but had to hold her up as she was too weak and tired to stand.

Omega nodded as they brought her over as they dragged her to the laid huge stone in the center, Omega grinned at Missy as he took a deep breath, "Miss Saxon my my don't you look so tired out, but don't worry its almost over with",

"This will never be over with Omega", grunts a very weak Missy,

"Oh but it will be, now watch Miss Saxon", Omega smirks at her,

"Let me know when your finished as I am so tired of hearing your voice", Missy bitches at him breathing heavy,

Omega smiles at her, "I wouldn't say that since my voice would be the last voice you will ever hear",

Omega grins as he touches the stone as this light shines out and the stone seems to lift up like a door. They watched as this cave like entrance opened up and the soldiers seem to run inside with lights and torches as Omega stands outside with Missy breathing out as he waited for the all clear,

"Amazing, isn't it, just to think that your friend was once here to collect pardoras box but never thought to check out its surroundings or the real purpose of the cave and its real secrets", Omega smirks as he nods to the Soldiers,

They dragged Missy inside with Omega following as they entered, Missy looked around slowly, struggling to keep her head up as she breathed heavily. She could see there was this ritual floor and what looked like circle and an alter with spaces for the relics.

Omega marched over as he clapped his hands and a soldier brought a box over and opens it up. It contained the relics in it. He took them out as he places each one in a certain space. Then he smiled as he walked around and pulled out the Axe as he grinned at Missy,

"Remember this, that's right the object you killed and stole for the Tanaka's, this is what you call a full circle, you see as you might of figured out it's not an Axe but the lever to allow the power off the convergence to power the stones", Omega smirks as he felt so proud of his achievements,

"I know but it's not enough", Missy gasps,

"Your right, you see before as I said before this place was powered by the Pandora box which was designed to regenerate the power for this place until your good friend the Doctor took it and used it to restart the universe but little did the fool know that the Pandora box wasn't the only thing that was down here, or who created this place. It was me, I created this place to continue my experiments to recreate the black hole nexus to harness the nearest star", Omega walks about as more soldiers came in with Missy's regeneration viles,

Missy sighs as her head hangs low with her hair hanging over her face, as Omega walks over and lifts her head, "Hey now, no dying yet timelord, there be plenty of dying afterwards so stick around",

Missy gasps, "You do know creating the blackhole using the earth's sun is a death sentence, this whole planet will die, it turn this world into a giant ice box, life on earth will become dark and cold with only electricity to keep them warm which isn't enough, billions of people and animals will die with no way to grow fruit and vegation",

Omega smiles at her and leans his head to her ear, "An acceptable loss for greatness".

Omega grins as he takes a jar of Missy's regeneration vile as he connects it to the injection gun as he looks at Missy, "Now all you have to do is power me up but you see how this works, the wires being connected require to the alter. However its not enough as I am too being connected, the regeneration will power the alter alone with the power of the convergence to create the nexus stone. Then I will be at full strength to create the blackhole",

Omega takes off his coat as two men hook up the wires as he preparing to be injected with the regeneration viles. Missy was having the same done to her, as time was almost here for them both the convergence was bringing the planets inline with the Earth. A solider stand by the lever as Omega checks the time, it was almost time as he nods as the soldier injects Missy and Omega.

The engery enters their bodies as they feel it cursing throughout their bodies, Missy could feel the change coming already as she gasped out scared more than ever as she knew this was going to be really hard and painful.

All of a sudden there was gun fire coming from outside as Omega who was gasping feeling the engery flowing through his body. He looks at the soldiers as he knew they weren't alone, "Get out there now kill anyone who comes near here",

The soldiers nod and go outsides the troops from Unit had begun their attack as gun fire was everywhere as men shouted out and explosions were sounded. The Doctor had hacked into to the vehicle using his sonic screwdriver  as he got this message from Cathy, letting him know Suki is safe. He had pressed a button to start up the TARDIS to bring it to where they were, as he drove the vehicle down the hillside. Some bullets hit the vehicle as he shouts,"Oh God this is crazy",

It was like a war zone outside but a voice over the radio came from Kate who was very angry with the Doctor stealing one of there vehicles, "What the bleeding hell are you doing?",

The Doctor used the radio to answer her, "What you think I am doing, I am going to save my friend",

"If you do this, you will be arrested and classed as enemies of the Crown", Kate shouts to him over the radio,

"Sorry you do what you have to but it's a good job I am the Doctor so no you won't but this is too save the world", the Doctor sighed as he drove the vehicle,

The fight was going on as he managed to get the veichle to the stones as there were a few bullets as he calculated the time in his head, as he had the count down of the convergence count down clock hit zero, "Times up", the Doctor muttered,

Omega heard that bullets were everywhere as Unit was closing in and soldiers seem to be preoccupied with the troops from unit. He looks at the circle and the main stone which was open wide as he sighs feeling his heart beating so heavy he found it hard to breath.

The soldier in the cave pulled the lever as both Missy and Omega screamed as their bodies glowed then without warning they started to regenerate as blasts of engergy flowed from their bodies as they screamed out powering up the alter. The ground shook as this blast of energy raised out the alter and the ground into the air heading towards the sun.

The Doctor felt the ground rumbled he looked as he did the unthinkable as he opened the door and ran to the cave. He ran into the cave as the light was bright enough to blind him. The Doctor saw Missy blasting out her engery as he covered his eyes as he shouts out,

"Don't worry, I can still shut it down", The Doctor shouted as he felt the ground shaking as he struggled to keep balance,

The Doctor saw the soldier get hit by a falling rock as he runs to it as he covers his face as both time Lords were still blasting out their regeneration engery like fountains of blast engery. The Doctor managed to grab the level as he pulled it and with an instant the engery blast stopped as Missy had finished and collapsed as did Omega who fell to his knees gasping out.

The Doctor ran to grab Missy and pull her out the way  a weaken Missy, but Omega yelled at them, "You fools you forget I am the creator of all of this...",

Missy, holding onto the Doctor, gasped as she turned her head looking at him, "And you forget, first time regeneration doesn't stop now for you until its over",

Omega looked at her as without warning he started to regenerate shouting out. Missy gasped as she hooked her arms around the Doctor as they ran out together, out the cave with her. There were soldiers running around everywhere as they ran with Missy to the nkw materialised TARDIS,

Omega yelled out as the engergy blasts consumed him as the area exploded around him and the cave entrance caved in on him, his face changed as the room went dark.

The Doctor opened the doors seeing Suki was inside but no Cathy, he didn't have time to ask as he was bringing Missy inside. Without saying anything Suki ran over and put her arm around  as she helped Missy laid down. A voice over the radio in the TARDIS  came from Kate Stewart was heard, "Doctor don't do this  we will find you, you may of stopped it but we find you, so please hand over Missy",

The Doctorhad already started up the TARDIS, "Kate, thanks for you help but you forget who I am, I am the Doctor  so you won't be tracking me anytime soon, so bye bye",

The Doctor switched off the coms as he made the TARDIS disappear as Suki was looking after Missy who was out of it,

"Will she change now?", She asked,

"I don't know, he shouldn't  but I think she was only the conductor only, but it's back in her system now so she still could regenerate, but let's get out of here", the Doctor sighed he just wanted to get them all to safety and away from the Templars and Unit that was still in battle when they left.

Meanwhile back inside the cave there was a light from a torch shinning as this oldish looking man looks at the man laying down on the ground. He smiles as he walked over to the alter and used the lever again but turning it around as this hole appeared and this bright blue orb appeared. He went to grabbed it, when out of nowhere this hand grabbed his wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, it wasn't ment to be touched by humans", this new voice spoke,

"So it's done, I am glad my friend", this posh speaking man turned to look at the man,

This Indian looking man grunted at him, "They may of stopped us this time but they failed to see the creation, its beautiful creation",

"Well my friend how about a spot of supper I am hungry", the man speaks out,

"Indeed Sir, I could eat now and get use to this body", the Indian looking man grinned,

"Then we eat and I wouldn't worry about your friends they are already being taking care of they just don't know it yet", the posh voiced man spoke,

"I take it the FBI and the authorities have the security footage of Mr Tanaka's murder", the Indian man spoke,

"They are going to be wanted fugitives there is nowhere to run... Lord Omega", the man spoke with a laugh,

"Shame really but I was beginning to like Miss Saxon and her friends, so noble", Omega grinned,

"Yes they were a good sport but don't worry, soon we have the machine up and running and nothing will be able to stop us".

Missy had woken up as she gasped out as they looked at her. Missy looked at them back as she got up slowly and looked for something shiny to check put her face she found something to looked into like a mirror checking her face out as the regeneration had healed her but not changed her,

"You okay Missy ?", Suki asked smiling at her,

"Yeah, I am fine, so you came back for me, you don't know how great it is to see you babes", Missy smiles as she looked at Suki,

"Yes of course, we had to improvised a bit  but we got you away from there", the Doctor explained a bit,

"I get it you did what you had to do right, trick those puppets at Unit", Missy takes a deep breath smiling,

"Yer sorry its the only way but bonus we stopped those dicks", Suki sighs leaning over Missy's shoulder as she rest her chin on her shoulder smiling,

"You know, we did it for you and how come you didn't change is a good question after a regenerationblast like that", The Doctor mutters as he thinks,

"I refused..", Missy grins as she touched Sukis hand, smiling as her head rests softy on Suki's head,

"You can do that?", Suki asked,

"We can but the trouble is once its started it can't be truly stopped", Missy speaks softly,

"So you can still change?", Suki asked,

Missy nods, "The process has begun I don't know how long I can hold onto this face forever, so for now I will relax and refuse"

"Before I forget now we are on Units radar so the new plan, we will find somewhere to all low", The Doctor spoke,

"Not yet I have something I must do first", Missy sighs as she felt Suki's and held it,

"Were on the run and you want us to stop somewhere?", Suki stared at her,

Missy looked at her back, "Yes I want to visit the graveyard in London, there is something I need to do, then we will go, but the question is are you sticking around Doctor?",

"What you want to go to the grave yard... Why? To pick out our plots, your kidding right, but until you are safe, yes I am sticking around", the Doctor pulls a face at seeing Suki and Missy getting all mushy with each other,

"Not joking there is something I need to do you don't have to come, just let me do this then we will go ten minutes tops", Missy gasps as she stares into Suki's eyes, so happy to see her but as she did she noticed something odd as this swirling gold energy seem to be in her eyes, but remembering what Omega told her, now she was more connected to being open to her time lord empathy she would be able to sense them.

The Doctor and Suki looked at each other as the Doctor move the TARDIS to where Missy asked, he didn't want to upset Missy any further since the most painful forty eight hours of her life, with the death of Wilson, Mouse. He looked at Missy there as he agreed to as they entered the graveyard and land the TARDIS there.

They didn't get the chance to say anything to Missy as she kissed Suki and as soon as the TARDIS landed she got out so fast and shut the doors, as she was already walking fast away from them. Missy walked as fast as she could as she looked around she had to know if Omega was telling the truth a she closed her eyes taking a deep breath. She felt something as she walked faster in the direction she was feeling something but what it was she just didn't know.

Missy carried on walking until there was this feeling a heavy sadness like a someone was tugging on her hearts. She wasn't one was such sorrow but this was new like an inner scream, her mind was like seeing a guy being hit by a motorbike, an women sitting by his bedside trying to take care of him. It felt like love, this was a different kind of love, one that she had never experienced before.

She looked down at a headstone she touched it as she closed her eyes, feeling like could see  through her eyes. Stumbling back with a gulp like he had a lump in her throat, she studied her face as she questioned himself and muttering,

"Your alive, how?, you was happy and inlove, did you forget about me, why didn't you come to find me, what is it this human had that I didn't, is it cause he could love you better than I could. But I see you felt something I never could, I feel your anguish and pain, it's in my head, my Lords you need me,. Your soul is screaming and for years I have been deaf, blinded by my own selfish gain. My love I will find you cause you need me", Missy gasps as she wiped a tear from her cheek,

"Compassion and pain I feel, I hear you now, I am coming for you, because you need me", Missy wipes her tears as she turns around and heads back to the TARDIS,

Missy walks back as she see the Doctor and Suki waiting for her there, she wasn't angry at them for doing what they had to do. Missy knew what she had to do, how? She didn't know but she knew one thing she had a small group of friends yet one he was having feelings for, thought she found it hard to give her what she wanted the most, she had to step over her bounds to get what she wanted,

"So you okay?", Suki walked to her and held her hands looking at her,

"Yeah now I know what I have to do", Missy spoke gently to her blinking as she smiled at her looking her eyes,

"Well first we need to regroup and start thinking ahead somewhere ", The Doctor smiled at her,

Missy smiles back at him with a sly grin on her face, "Revenge..Well as long as there is no more nasty surprises to come along",

Suki leaned her body into Missy's as she snuggled into her, wrapping her arms around Missy as Missy did the same feeling rather happy, but the Doctor noticed something odd about Suki's hands as they started to glow,

"I wish you just didn't jinx us Missy", he said staring at Suki's hands,

Missy turned  her head giving the Doctor glare, "Oh shut up and what are you staring at?",

The Doctor stares more at Suki's hand, "Suki your hands....",

Missy let's go of Suki as she pulls her hands to his view, her jaw drops as Suki pulls away looking at her glowing hands. She was really scared as she looks at them glowing as she gasps out breathing heavy, then starts at them both with fear in her eyes, "What... is happening to me....",

Missy steps back and looks at the Doctor, "This is impossible... isn't it",

"She is huma... n.... but she is... ", The Doctor walks over using his sonic screwdriver on her taking a reading,

"What's going on, I feel like I am melting, baby help me....", as the glow starts to move up her arms,

The Doctor looks at Missy who is staring helplessly at Suki, "She is regenerating...".

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