Chapter 13 - Party Disaster

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Elsa P.O.V

I was swept into the ballroom where the party was already in full swing. "Queen Elsa, of Arendelle." I walked in, standing in front as everyone bowed.

"Princess Anna, of Arendelle." Anna ran in, waving to the crowd and stood about five feet away from me.

The announcer guided her over so that we stood right next to each other. She looked nervous, probably because the last time we talked, it didn't go so well.

I decided to break the silence. "Hi." I said quietly.

She pointed to herself. "Me? Hi me?"

I chuckled and nodded. "You look very beautiful."

She smiled and stumbled over her words, almost calling me fat but recovering and saying I looked more beautiful than her. I giggled and nodded although I don't think what she said was true.

"So this is what a party looks like." I said looking at all the dancing, happy people.

"Yeah it's warmer than I thought." She replied, just finding something to say.

"And what is that amazing smell?" We both sniffed the air and said at the same time, "Chocolate!"

We giggled and a duke walked up to greet us. He was old and ugly, not to mention very short and gangly. He asked me for a dance and I gracefully declined. Instead, I offered Anna.

I watched as he led her to the dance floor and she glared at me. "Sorry."

Anna P.O.V

Elsa handed me over to the duke of weasel town! She's the weasel! Ugh. I smiled  as he danced around me.

The duke started asking me a bunch of questions, like why the gates closed, I honestly had no idea.

When the song ended, I went back over to Elsa, wanting to scold her for what she did. Instead, we exchanged jokes of how uncoordinated the duke is.

I felt happy, being with Elsa, laughing. "I wish it could be like this all the time." I said.

"Me too." Elsa's face dropped and she turned away. "But it can't!"

"Why not?"

Elsa flung her hands out to show she was serious. "It just can't!" She was wearing gloves and I noticed when she put her hands back together she tugged on them to make sure they were on tight.

"Excuse me for a second." I left, not waiting for a response, and disappeared into the crowd.

"Anna!" I heard a voice yell. "Over here!"

I turned and saw Merida, Hiccup, Eugene, and Punzie over by one of the walls. I smiled and walked over.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

Punzie leaned over to whisper something in my ear. "We're trying to get Hiccup and Merida together!" She said.

I nodded and whispered back. "Ok, I'll do what I can!"

"So, Hiccup, what do you do?" I asked.

"I'm a dragon rider, my own dragon, Toothless, is the one that got me here." He replied.

"Merida, didn't you say you always wanted to ride a dragon?" I asked, turning towards her.

"Uh, yeah. Dragons are so cool!" She turned to Hiccup but I could tell she wanted to punch me in the face. I just smirked.

"I could take you for a ride if you want." Hiccup said.

"Mission accomplished!" I whispered to Punzie and she, Eugene, and I walked away, leaving the lovebirds to themselves.

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