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TW: cuts (not SH), blood, injury

Bold and Italics are the voices

Techno and I were silent. I suppose we were waiting for the other to make the first strike.

Tommy asked why we weren't moving or talking, but his father shushed him.

Techno's right foot dug deeper into the ground. My eyes locked on the movement and then, I blocked his first move.

Then from there, it was constantly moving. Nobody dared to stop. If one of us stopped, it was the end.

The voices were excited, I could tell, but they were silent.

Techno was very good, his footwork was surprisingly soft and swift for someone his size, but I knew he had had many years of practice. So had I.

The others were silent, Tommy making the occasional remark.

I parried a jab Techno sent. I jumped back as he lunged.

This was thrilling, I hadn't had this much competition in many years.

I was aware of the uneven ground and the slippery areas of stone and mud.

Techno's eyes were concentrated, his face was blank. He hid his moves but had tells that gave him away. The way his leg always moved a few seconds before he strikes, the whitening of his knuckles as he jabbed. I had tells too, but I had spent years lying and deceiving people.

I kept my face unreadable before aiming for his shoulder. He blocked it, but barely.


The Blood God

Kill him



The voices weren't the most helpful, only repeating phrases like kill and The Blood God. I flinched as Techno nicked my arm. It was fair though, I had landed several small blows on him.

Techno pushed harder, obviously not expecting that I would have lasted this long. I only mimicked his actions, striking faster, quicker, and trying to be as precise as possible.

I clenched and unclenched my hands as Techno prepared to strike. My left arm had a cut that was dripping blood. I ignored the sting and waited. Techno was fairly unscathed, I drew a bit of blood at his forearm, but it wasn't anything serious.

I decided to make the first move. I lunged but turned so that my sword pinned him right at the throat.

I kicked his legs, knocking Techno off his feet.

Techno laughed as I held him to the ground. I quickly got off of him and helped him up.

"Consider me impressed, you lasted much longer than I thought you would" Techno stated. "It's been a long time since anyone's beat me" he praised. I smiled.

"It was refreshing really, it's been a while for me as well," I replied. Techno smirked, putting his sword down. I did the same. Tommy was staring at me, wide-eyed.

Phil was smiling, congratulating me.

"I can't believe you beat him," Ranboo muttered as I drank water. I scoffed.

"Such little faith Boo," I simply replied. Ranboo shook his head.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that, it's just that Techno's a very skilled fighter" he corrected quickly. I nodded.

"I noticed, the way he moves, it's from years of practice" I stated. Ranboo nodded, adjusting the glove on his left hand.

"Come along, lunch is ready" Kristin announced. I walked side by side with Wilbur.

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