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TW: Manipulation, angst, mention of scars

Bold is the voices

It had been a few days now and I was currently on my way to the library in search of Dream. I had been preoccupied with watching the recovery pace of Ranboo that had forgotten the promise I'd made to my Piglin friend.

I walked to the library, smiling a little from the conversation I had finished with Niki right before. She'd been telling me little things about the special girl back at Gaminyth and was blushing furiously as she spoke.

I didn't know the whereabouts of the others, but I knew from Punz, the blonde guard who'd I'd recently associated with more, had told me.

I reached the library and gave the doors a push. They groaned and creaked much too loudly, but I strode into the room.

As I had been told, Dream was reading in an armchair when I spotted him.

"Dream" I called out. The king looked up from his book, smiling when he saw me.

"Lycoris" he greeted warmly. His mask was not on his face, it was resting on the stool beside the chair. I knew that as soon as someone unexpected entered the room, his face would be veiled in porcelain.

I walked to him, sitting in the armchair across from his own. I took off my cloak and mask, keeping my gloves on.

"Can I ask you something Dream?"I inquired, tentatively. He nodded, looking at me with startling focus. "What did you do to make the voices go away?" I asked. Dream stiffened. He rolled a dice between his index finger and thumb, pondering the question.

"To be quite frankly honest, I don't really know how I did it, Freya," he replied. "I wasn't completely certain that it would work" he added.

"But what did you do?"

"I told them to leave, I don't know how they obeyed or why, for that matter, but that's not important Freya, you're at peace, it will just get some adjusting," he told me. "If this is about your intrusive thoughts and thinking that it's wrong to" he started, but I cut him off with a shake of my head.

"This isn't about me, I was just wondering, for someone I once knew," I informed him. Dream's eyes narrowed in the slightest.

"Do you mind if I ask who?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I don't talk to them any longer, I just remembered that they had a similar problem to what I had, not exactly the same, but similar" I lied. I wasna sure if Dream bought the lie, I had never been good at keeping things from my old friend.

If Dream didn't believe me, he didn't show it as he nodded.

"I'm sorry if that wasn't much help, it's not much clearer to me than it is to you" Dream apologized. I shook my head.

"It was more than enough, thank you," I smiled. Dream nodded in response.

"Is Ranboo feeling better?" Dream asks, leaning back into his chair.

"He's practically back to normal, he just craves lots more physical touch from me now" I replied. Dream raised a brow.

"What do you mean by that?" he pressed, leaning forward.

"He likes to hold my hand, hug me, and generally just stays very close to me," I told him. Dream nods.

"Is that not normal behavior?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I'm not exactly sure, he barely talks about what he experienced when he was comatose" I explained. I looked down, thinking of the words Ranboo said to me when he woke up.

Did you stop him?

He was warning me about somebody in this castle. I had my suspicions, but I wouldn't act until I had enough evidence. Dream stayed silent, perhaps surrounded by his own thoughts as I was.

"Listen," Dream started, startling me out of my thoughts. "Let me tell you what I did... I wasn't exactly being one hundred percent truthful," he admitted. I waited. He had lied to me, but it made no difference, he would tell me. "I was able to get inside your head, I don't know how, but I could hear the voices," he told me. He faltered. "I don't know how you were able to keep up with that for over a decade Freya," he said quietly. "I commanded the voices... they obliged" he concluded.

The information that Dream provided was not as little as I expected, but with my newfound knowledge, I had no idea how to deliver it to Techno.

I sighed, leaning my head on the backrest of the chair.

I could ask Dream to call Techno here, but that would raise suspicions. The best thing to do was to wait for Techno's next meeting with Dream.

So that was what I did. I bid Dream goodbye and helped Niki train until Techno arrived.

For once in my life, luck had been on my side. Technoblade had come to the castle for dinner the following day.

Callahan and Bad sat with me and Ranboo was we stood at our usual spot in the dining room.

Although Technoblade knew who I was, I did not let that interfere with my job as Dream's guard. Bad was talking to me and Callahan about a visitor who was coming to the kingdom. He was Dream's ally in the past and would be staying here as Puffy, was taking her to leave next week. 

"He's apparently a drunkard, kicked out of Gaminyth for a reason I'm not quite sure of" Bad was telling us. I froze, nearly dropping a dagger I had been idly spinning. "Lycoris, are you okay?" Bad fretted. I touched my thigh absentmindedly, running my hand over a scar that ran much deeper than skin."Lycoris," Bad said again, his tone firmer. I snapped my eyes closed. 


The voices all chorused together. 

"Fuck," I muttered, dropping my hand onto my lap. 

"Language," Bad chided. I grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry," I replied. 

"Is everything okay?" Bad asked. I nodded.

"Fine, the news just had me thinking, that's all," I said, not completely lying. I was thinking... thinking about what I'd do to the son of a bitch when he arrived. 

A/N- Sorry for not posting in such a long time everyone! I was having a bit of trouble and wasn't sure how I wanted this story to go. I also might be switching to once a week instead of twice, because I was feeling quite burnt out. Hope you like this chapter, please comment and vote if you enjoyed it <3 Take care everyone. 

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