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TW:  angst, screaming, crying, injury

Oddly enough, I woke up to screaming. 

It wasn't my own. 

I whipped my head to Ranboo, instantly on my feet. 

My mask and cloak were still on me from yesterday. 

Ranboo, oh gods. He was screaming, his back arched as if he was in pain. 

I ran over to his side. 

"Ranboo!" I yelled. "Ranboo please, you're safe" I pleaded. 

I had no idea how early or late it was, but I ran out of the room and went up to Sapnap and George's quarters. 

I quickly made my way up, barely making any noise. 

I finally made it to George's door. I didn't care how mad we were at each other, having been studiously ignoring him, I needed his help. 

I knocked on the door. 

It was about two minutes before George opened the door. He wore simple sleepwear, his hair looked a bit messier than usual, but it didn't look that different from how it normally did. He had his glasses on, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. 

"Lycoris?" He asked utter confusion etched into his voice. I let out a breath of relief. 

"George, it's Ranboo, I don't know what's wrong with him" I explained quickly "He's in his bedroom, I woke up to him screaming," I said urgently. George's eyes widened as he followed me quickly to Ranboo's bedroom. 

All of the tension between us was forgotten as we entered his room. 

"Is he in pain?" George asked, making his way to the screaming halfling. 

"I'm not sure, I think it has something to do with his condition" I shrugged. George looked up from Ranboo with worry. 

"Stay here, I will go and get Puffy" he stated. I nodded. He ran out of the room. My eyes lingered on Ranboo. 

"Ranboo, I'm so sorry" I whispered. Ranboo's screams turned into pained yells of agony. My head throbbed at the loud constant noise. 

"Freya, what happened?" Puffy demanded, entering the room. 

"Puffy, I have absolutely no idea, I woke up to him screaming" I explained anxiously. Puffy checked Ranboo's temperature. 

"His temperature is high, abnormally high" Puffy informed darkly. "We have to get him treated quickly" she stated. 

"What's causing his pain?" I asked. Puffy looked unsure. 

"It's not very clear if I'm being honest," she answered reluctantly. "Help me unbandage his wounds" she ordered. She looked at George "Go get Clay," she told him. George nodded, quickly exiting the room. 

Puffy quickly showed me how to take his bandages off, telling me to do the same to all except the big one on his stomach. 

"Puffy" I warned, looking at the unbandaged wound in front of me. Puffy turned. She grimaced and winced.

"Fucking hell" she muttered. Ranboo's skin had turned a disturbing shade of dark purple at the edges of his wounds. "What was he hit with?" Puffy asked nobody in particular. "We've got to put some sort of ointment" she stated. I nodded. 

"Does the castle have a medical room?" Puffy asked. 

"We would have to ask Dream, I've never been so I'm not very sure" I replied. Puffy nods with worry. I fidget with my thumbs as Puffy manages to quiet Ranboo's screams. 

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