Fading - Tony Stark x Reader

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Prompt from Tumblr: Soulmate AU where your heartbeat is in sync with your soulmate. They both speed up together, and slow down together. They share every big emotion, and sense of calm.

And both hearts stop together as well.

Originally posted April 20th, 2016 on my Marvel Tumblr, thefinalexperiment


The pain came out of nowhere. It felt like a set of claws had latched onto her heart. (Y/N) wasn't worried, however. At least, not for herself. Her mind immediately went to her poor soulmate, whose heart was causing hers to miss every other beat.

Who are you? she wondered. Please be okay, wherever you are...


The shrapnel had caused Tony some major discomfort. And that was putting it lightly.

He pitied his other half. What would she think was happening to him? She couldn't possibly have known that her soulmate was currently trapped in a terrorist cave being kept alive by a car battery.

Wherever you are, I hope you're safer than i am.


Obadiah. Tony should have seen it coming. Now, he could feel his heartbeat fading as the shrapnel sliced through him.

He couldn't protect anyone from his dad's ex-partner. Not his company, not this city, not Pepper or himself... Not even his soulmate.

I'm sorry... I failed you.

Hadn't he always known it though? Deep down inside, he knew that his father was right. He was a failure, a waste of talent. No matter what he did, he could never be good enough. Not then, not now. Not ever, for that matter.

As the feeling returned to his body, he paused in his self-loathing for a moment to think about her. About how scared she must be right now, unsure of what was happening as they died together.

And in that moment, he decided that he had to live. If not for his own wretched existence, then for the sake of her life. He wasn't going to let her die, or anyone, for that matter.

Tony suddenly remembered that he still had that prototype down in the lab... There was no way he'd make it in time. It was an impossibly slim chance, but it was a chance nevertheless.


Something was wrong. Her soulmate's heart was fluctuating. And there had been an interesting set of black lines originating from her heart. They had started crawling up her neck, like a freaky jigsaw puzzle. It was really taking it's toll on her, and her coworkers noticed.

(Y/N) didn't work anywhere special, just a diner in downtown New York. And as much as she had tried to hide it, her boss, Janice, a kind elderly lady, had noticed that she was growing weaker and tiring out more easily. The woman encouraged (Y/N) to take some time off, saying that she knew how hard it could be to have a soulmate with "health problems".

So here she was now, getting ready to watch Justin Hammer present something at the Stark Expo. Earlier, she had unexpectedly gained some relief from the dark lines, but they were still going strong.

Suddenly, however, she felt a strange sensation in her heart, almost as if the muscle was being cooled in a refreshing bath. The menacing streaks slowly faded as relief washed over her.

I guess your doctor must be a genius...

But, at least she knew he was safe. And that was all that mattered.

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