The Silver Script - Lambert x Reader

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A/N: This is mostly written with Show!Lambert in mind, but for the purposes of this one shot, he has yellow eyes like in the game.


Every day, Lambert cursed those damn words inked in the silver script of unbreakable magic on his arm. He just knew was gonna end up just like Vesemir, the poor old bastard, whose soulmate had run screaming when she heard her Words spoken. Slamming back another tankard of ale, he cursed that bitch ten times over for hurting the old Wolf, growling softly as the alcohol burned its way down.

Though momentarily distracted from his own inevitable tragic fate, his mind soon returned to the silvery ink on his arm. In front of the other Wolves, he'd always laugh it off, say it would probably wind up being some two-bit whore, just his luck. But in his heart, if he even had one beneath all that ale, he knew that wasn't the meaning of the Words.

From beneath the curls that had fallen into his face, he glared down at the magical scrawl, wishing the plague upon the Convergence of the Spheres for cursing even Witchers with soulmates, who of course were Destined to spurn them.

What are you going to do to me?

The first thing she would ever say to him.

He could just picture her now, some waifish little thing (a hoity toity princess, with his luck) with wide eyes, brimming with fearful tears, shrinking away from his evil, Witchery gaze. She'd be so afraid of the big, bad mutant monster hunter, and that was when she'd ask that question. Probably right after he'd saved her life too, just to add insult to injury.

And then, he'd be mopey and sad about it forever, just like Vesemir.

The tankard cracked down onto the bar with much more force than necessary, though he didn't care. There had been a wyvern contract on the notice board outside. Maybe killing something would take his mind off of it.


Every day, she lived in fear of the silvery writing along her wrist. She just knew that her soulmate was going to kill her, though she didn't know why. There were horror stories of things like that happening, every once in a blue moon. Whenever it would happen, whether the words be direct or subtle, it would either be a tragic accident or a soul so twisted by darkness that not even their Destined one could pull them away from it.

Such things were extremely rare, but not unheard of. And by the words on her skin, she knew what her fate would be. That writing had cursed her from the start. Ever since she was born, she'd been kept under lock and key. Being born to a noble family as good as dismissed any hope of ever having the freedom to truly romance one's soulmate in the first place, but her father was especially strict with her, not wanting to risk any danger to his beloved child.

He was so careful with her, and though she understood why, it could be stifling at times. His protectiveness had only worsened once her magic made itself known. When the mage came, offering a hefty sum for such raw power, he turned away every offer for fear that the chances of meeting her soulmate would only rise in a place filled with Chaos. And so, she tried her hardest to suppress that part of her, to lock the thrum of Chaos deep inside a locked box within her consciousness, so as not to attract any more unwanted attention. Some days were more successful than others in that pursuit.

A few years ago, her pleas to be allowed to go out into town were mercifully met. Of course, her father had taken every precaution. Through a strict process, he scrutinized mercenaries and knights and ordinary farmhands to try to find an honorable man with the necessary skills to act as her personal guard. A man by the name of Tobias had been given a line to say to her for the first time, to ensure that he wasn't the one, and once her father was satisfied, she'd been permitted to occasionally be escorted to a market or a fair. Of course, her guard was tasked with making certain that no one spoke to her. If she wished to buy something, she would speak only through him. He was her voice, for all intents and purposes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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