The Devil's Eye - Geralt of Rivia x Reader

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A/N: I'm shocked that I haven't seen this particular concept done for the Witcher before! Maybe someone else has done it and I just haven't been looking in the right places, but I really thought this would be a more popular trope in this fandom. Be sure to let me know what you think!

Originally posted May 19th, 2021 on my multifandom tumblr, ouat-in-spare-oom-of-rivendell


Cursed child, they called her. A monster's mate.

You've got the devil in your Eye, child, an old woman had warned her as a young girl.

With a mother dead at birth and a father lost to a monster months later, she almost believed them when they told her she must be an ill omen, a harbinger of bad luck.

(Y/N) wasn't often allowed near a looking glass, but she had seen it a few times in the water down at the creek. The Eye that made everyone fear her.

Everyone was born with one eye of normal color, and one Eye, the color of their soulmate's eye. It was how those who were meant to be would find each other. At the first meeting of their gazes, the Eye would fade, leaving each soulmate with two eyes of their own same color.

She was born with a Witcher's Eye.

Witchers are monsters, everyone would tell her. He'll be more likely to kill you than love you.

But there were others who pitied her, tried to reassure her, saying it must be some mistake, some accident of Fate, Destiny, or the universe.

Everyone knows Witcher eyes only come in one color. They don't have a special Eye. It got stripped away from them, along with their humanity.

She didn't know what to think about that.

As an orphan that everyone believed was cursed, she could only work to earn her room and board, doing chores around the inn and tavern. It wasn't until the age of fifteen that she met a Witcher for the first time. She had been brushing down a guest's horse outside the inn when she saw him approaching. Her Eye really was a Witcher's eye in every way; it had sharper vision than her other, and it did come in handy sometimes.

He drew nearer, and she kept her head turned to the side so that he might not catch sight of her Eye just yet. She wanted to get a look at him first, and she easily got her chance to do so when he paused to read a notice tacked to the wall beside her.

His hair was a deep brown color, and he had a broad jaw. His shocking yellow eyes were unmistakable of course, even from a side glance. Of course, Witchers didn't really age, but he certainly looked a good deal older than her, and it did worry her a bit. She didn't feel ready to meet her soulmate yet. But maybe it would be a bond of strong friendship, or a familial relationship? She had heard of that happening before, and it would make sense with what she knew of Witchers and the Law of Surprise.

A medallion hung around his neck, with a wolf emblazoned on the crest. Two swords were strapped to his back, and she shivered at the thought of the monsters he must have felled.

Then, she noticed the scars that marred half of his face, and she turned her face towards him to get a better look. If he was the one whose Eye she had, she resolved not to let herself be frightened of him. She didn't believe the stories.

He caught her staring, but when he looked at her fully, it was his turn to pause and gape. Their eyes met, but she didn't feel that telltale warmth that everyone talked about. No, she figured her Eye remained the same.

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