Hawkeye is Awesome - Pietro Maximoff x Reader

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Request: Can I combine two? Marks show up on soulmate's body, and sharing skills and talents. Would appreciate it if Pietro at some point gets a tattoo and it thereby gets on the soulmate's body, I'm a fan of those.

Originally posted May 14th, 2018 on my Marvel Tumblr, thefinalexperiment


The first thing they should tell you when you join the Avengers is Never ever, under any circumstances, make a bet with Clint Barton (aka Hawkeye). As it so happened, Pietro was currently learning this lesson the hard way. Now, the details of this bet aren't particularly important... It's rather embarrassing, if he's being honest. Almost as embarrassing as the tattoo that he had just been forced to get.

Yep, that's right. Hawkeye is awesome was now permanently scrawled on his bicep in purple ink, underlined by an arrow (what else?). His soulmate probably thought he was some weird, obsessed fanboy. Maybe she'd write him tonight, asking what on earth he was thinking.

No, that was wishful thinking. They used to write back and forth all the time when they were little, but he had cut contact after his parents died. At some point, they had resumed, but they were never quite as talkative with each other as they had been. Then, before he had ever thought to ask her name, he and Wanda had given themselves to HYDRA. He hadn't heard from her since.

Today, they were doing a service mission in Sokovia. There was no attack, no super threat, but the Avengers had collectively decided to use their powers to help rebuild. It was time to get their hands dirty in a good way. Tony's suits were holding up heavy beams and pillars alongside Wanda, while he and Steve fastened everything together. Bruce and Vision were setting up the power grid with Thor, and Nat, Clint, and Pietro were tasked with clearing away the remaining debris.

As Pietro rushed a bucket of debris down to the dump site, he could've sworn that he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Too curious for his own good, he sped over to investigate. It was... a girl? She was moving at his speed, pilfering through the debris. Was she a scavenger? That's certainly what it looked like. She was dressed in a dirty tank top and ripped cargo pants, and her shoes were worn from running so much.

"Hello?" he called.

The girl went still. Pietro had a hunch, but he needed to look at her arm... Before she could think of running away, he sped to her side. She blinked in surprise, but didn't try to run away.

"Either you're a conveniently located mutant," she said, "Or you're the reason why I'm stuck with this thing." She showed him her arm, and sure enough, there it was. Hawkeye is awesome.

"Pietro," he introduced himself, offering his hand.

Instead of taking it, she grinned, and affectionately gave him a light punch in the chest. "(Y/N), but you can call me The Girl You Owe Big Time."

Pietro chuckled. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

(Y/N) pretended to think. "Hm... Don't cut out on me again? And explain to me what on earth this is about."

"I think I can agree to that."


"So really, the credit goes to me for getting the two of you together..."

"Not a chance, old man."

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