Chapter 1

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Sapnap POV

It's been a few days since Dream has left to get the supplies that Sam has requested. At first everyone was relieved that he was gone. Even George and myself. Although, now we can't help but feel uneasy. George, Techno, and I can tell something is about to happen. I think the others have picked up on our uneasiness and are now feeling uneasy themselves.

"H-how long did D-dream say it would t-take for him to get back with the s-supplies" I hear a nervous voice say behind me. I turned around to see Tubbo fidgeting with a flower in his hand. He looked up at me with sadness and fear. "I don't feel safe without him here. I-I know I s-should be h-happy that he is gonna be g-gone for so long but I just don't feel safe." he started to cry halfway through his sentence. I give George a sad look before walking over to Tubbo and I pull him into a hug.

"He said he would be gone for several months to a year Tubbo." I say to him sadly as he just latches onto me tightly and cries. I hear George scoff at the minors behavior and I shoot him a look. "We'll be okay, Tubbo. But I need you to calm down for me" I said looking at the crying goat-hybrid in my arms. He nods shakily and takes a few deep breaths. He pulls away and opened his mouth to say something. but he is cut off from a shout coming from the gate of the garden.

"Hey guys. We have some new people for you guys to meet." Wilbur yelled while running over to me and the other two people in the garden with me.

Wilbur POV

I was currently on my way to go see Fundy when I saw a group of people hanging by our gate looking inside with fear and tiredness. As I walk over to the gate I see Fundy trying to get them to talk. The closer I got the more I could hear what Fundy was saying.

"Please just tell me why your here. We can't help you if you don't tell us why." I hear Fundy say with an irritated tone. Just by hearing that tone I could Tell Fundy was trying to get them to talk for a while. I walk up behind Fundy and put a hand on his shoulder.

" My son is correct. We cannot help you if you don't tell us why your here." I say calmly. I see Fundy give me a relieved look. In return I give him a small smile.

"Who are you?" I hear one of the newcomers ask. I turned my head to look at them.

"My name is Wilbur. And I am the leader of this town." My head tilts to the side as I answered their question. Soon after having introduced myself, the mysterious people had opened up and told us that they were kicked out of their village and needed somewhere to stay. I had noticed that they seemed very suspicious in the way they told their story. I turned to Fundy and whispered something in his ear. He nodded and made a motion to the newcomers to follow him.

With a sigh I turned around and went looking for George and Sapnap. I knew that Both George and Sapnap as well as Technoblade, had been having lots of feelings of uneasiness. I would have also gone to get Techno, but he had left L'manburg to go back home. So it was down to George and Sapnap.

It had been about ten minutes and I still haven't found them. There was one last place to check, and that was the garden. I stopped in front of the gate and stared in surprise. Sapnap was hugging a crying Tubbo and managed to calm them down. As he stepped back it looks like he was going to say something. I started to jog over and called out to them seeing all three of their heads turn in my direction.

"Hey guys. We have some new people for you to meet." I said breaking into a run. As I got closer I slowed down to a walk and then a complete stop. George tilted his head in curiosity.

"Where are they?" he asked. His eyes held excitement at meeting new people.

"Uhm... Currently they are in the meeting room with fundy. I wanted to bring you and Sapnap to meet them because they seemed suspicious when they were telling me and Fundy their story." I explained. Both Sapnap and George looked to each other and then back to me.

"well... What are we waiting for. Lets go meet these new people" Sapnap said. I give off a sigh of relief that they agreed to meet these new people. We started walking toward the meeting room. I could feel the anxiety coming off of both Sapnap and George. When we got to the meeting room all three of us froze in shock and fear....

And this is the end of the first chapter. Something seems off about these newcomers. Why did they not talk to Fundy, but when Wilbur came they immediately talk? Why are Sapnap and George anxious? What did they see when they entered the meeting room that caused them to freeze in shock and fear?

That will have to wait until next time. And remember dear readers....

The truth is never what it seems

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