Chapter 5

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Dream POV

I ran through the forest ignoring the shouts for me to come back. My heart was filled with fear of what they'll do when they catch me. Every sound I heard put my fear into overdrive making me run faster. I was panting as I made it to the other side of the forest. My pace slowed to a walk as I noticed they weren't following me. With shaky steps I stumbled up to a cliff wall hitting a hidden button. The wall moved away revealing a hidden house. I stumbled in collapsing on a couch as the wall shut. A small sigh came from me as I closed my eyes starting to fall asleep. 

Quackity POV

I watched shocked as Dream ran off into the forest

"What the fuck was that?" Tommy shouted in surprise as they all watched the forest in shock.

"I have no fucking clue" Sam said as he tilted his head "I've never seen him in that form" we looked at him. Sam shrugged causing me to sigh.

"Well we need to find him. Does anyone have a compass or something that could help us find him?" I knew it was probably a long shot that someone would have something that could lead us. It was silent for a few moments before I hear a shout of excitement

"We still have the compass from out manhunts" I hear Georges voice shout causing everyone to look excited. A smirk makes it way to my face

"Well then George, you and Sapnap will lead us to Dream" I said to which George nodded and started walking through the forest following the compass. The others started to follow the two in the lead. I followed shortly after them once I had taken a look around taking in all that Dream had managed to do in that form. 

"Honestly I'm surprised Dream never used that form in the wars or manhunts" Antfrost says. Sapnap hummed in agreement. The other SMP members looked between the people who Dream usually picked for the manhunts 

"What actually happens in the manhunts?" Tubbo asked curiously

Sapnap POV

I looked up at the young goat hybrids question. The other hunters looked at me and I sighed turning and walking backwards so I could face Tubbo.

"Basically in the manhunts George, Sam, Antfrost, Bad and me are all hunters. Dream is the hunted. The hunters job is to try to stop Dream from reaching the end and killing the ender dragon" I explained. The SMP peoples eyes widen in shock.

"Has he actually managed to kill the dragon?" Tommy asked with excitement and awe in his eyes causing the hunters to chuckle.

"Sadly yes he has" Bad said to which Antfrost groaned in annoyance.

"Remember when he used boats to cross the lava in the nether?" he said to which I sighed.

"Or when he destroyed the portal he made to lure us in that trap?" I replied watching as the other hunters kinda slumped as they remembered. We all stop as George did looking at the compass in confusion. "George? What's wrong?"

"The compass points at the mountain but it doesn't say to go up" he replied looking up at us

"What the hell does that mean?" Quackity asked annoyed. I could tell that everyone felt the same.

"It's saying to go straight into the wall" the short brunette said. My head tilted as I looked at him in disbelief.

"Give me that" I said taking the compass from him and looking at it as I ignored George's sound of annoyance. "What the fuck" I murmered looking between the compass, George, and the mountain.

"Well Sapnap? Do you believe me now?" George asked annoyed snatching the compass from my hands. I looked at the mountain before I looked back at the others.

"Maybe it's a hidden place?" Techno's voice says and we all turn to look at him. A small groan comes from Sam's direction.

"He probably would have another hidden bunker" he said annoyed. I hummed a soft sound of agreement turning and walking toward the mountain. The sound of the others footsteps following me came a few seconds later. As we neared the mountain I was able to see a small area where a button or lever could be hidden.

"Guys look" I said quietly so as to not alert Dream if he was in a hidden bunker in the mountain. The others looked where I was pointing and they all silently agreed that Techno would go over and look. With a grunt of annoyance Techno went over and looked. A few moments later the walls of the cliff disappeared revealing a hidden house.

"Well would you look at that" Techno said softly "Seems the homeless teletubby isn't homeless after all" he looked at us amused and we hear a laugh come from Tommy. We all shush him as we went inside watching as the walls closed behind us.

With quiet footsteps we explored the house as we looked for Dream. I looked down at my communicator seeing that no one else has had any luck finding dream. A sound like someone turning over in their sleep and getting comfortable comes from a room next to me. I hesitantly opened the door and looked in seeing what looks like a living room. And there on the couch was a sleeping Dream.

I opened my communicator and texted the others

"Guys I found Dream"

And that is the end of chapter 5. What will they do now that they've found Dream? Will they ask their questions and leave? Or will things take a different turn? Guess we'll find out in the next chapter. 

And remember as always dear reader....

The truth is never what it seems

Hey guys its the author. I'm debating on adding a ship. So let me know in the comments if you want a particular ship, or if you want me to do a harem.

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