Retrospect 1

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(n.) a survey or review of a past course of events or period of time.


September 1st, 1939

Those who have nothing long for change. They pray that they will, one day, have a life that they deserve, an opportunity they never received. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was their chance at a new life. It was quite despairing and morbid: 8 children, held together by threads of innocence and purity, all meeting for the first time, whilst being completely and utterly oblivious to their inexorable fate.

A cloud of doom loitered over platform 9 and 3/4s. The start of a new year, meant that all who were there, were frantic and erratic - trying to find friends, leaving well wishes to their families and avoiding missing the train: all an abundance of chaos.

One boy, in particular, stood out. Not in a striking way that was so blatantly obvious, you couldn't tear your eyes away, but more something so subtle, you just had to sneak a glance. He was alone, a small briefcase in hand, which did not look large enough to store even one set of robes, never mind the endless list of equipment a Hogwarts student needs but, perhaps, it had been charmed. Despite looking so well put together, excluding the scowl plastered on his face, his clothing was slightly worn: his jumper bitty, his socks too tight for his legs and his shorts way too long. The lack of parental figures beside him, indicated he was alone, potentially an orphan. But, nevertheless, the 11 year old boy wouldn't let a stereotype stop him, he wouldn't let anyone stop him.

He stepped onto the train with a fluttering heart, excitement lingering in the air as he travelled down the carriage to find an empty cabin. He slid the door open with caution, hoping that no one would join him. The seats in the carriage were coated in a burgundy, velvet fabric that had gold pins holding it in place. There were metal racks above the windows for baggage storage and drawers where your feet would rest. It was very ordinary, the boy was disappointed.

His name was Tom Riddle. Tom was skinny, as if he hadn't eaten much but his face didn't seem empty or hollow - it was perfectly carved. His hair fell naturally onto his forehead but it was so neat in comparison to his clothes, that you would've thought it was artificial. His eyes were dark, not so dark that they were black but dark enough to have you hypnotised by their beauty. He was an attractive, young boy, the kind parents would envy if their offspring weren't as pleasing on the eye. Tom marvelled in this. He enjoyed the fact that he was good looking and talented, it gave him a sense of power that he did not yet obtain. He plastered on his infamous, false smile as the door opened, revealing a platinum blonde boy.

"You look the only tolerable person in this place." He announced as he sat opposite Tom.

"Abraxas Malfoy."

"Tom Riddle."

They shook hands, allowing deeper observation. Abraxas was slim, like Tom, but not because of a lack of food, just due to genetics. His hair colour looked unnatural, though he presumed it was not - as that would be the type of embarrassment and shame a pure blood would not subject themselves to. Ah, a pureblood, one of the sacred 28. It was relieving, knowing his blood purity. In one of his obsessive cravings, Tom discovered the lineage of pureblood families and, oh, how he wished he was a part of one of them. But it did not matter, he would soon have more power than all of the families combined. However, that did not mean that he felt burdened by his Muggle name, Riddle. It was sickening. No matter if he wanted to or if he didn't, he was strapped to a Muggle bloodline, strapped to filth and it was revolting.

The creak of the door caused hairs to stick up on their necks as a girl stepped inside. She was beautiful. Her hair was a dark brown, tied back into a half up-half down hairdo. The wisps of baby hairs accentuated her small features making her face so much more prettier. And the rosie complexion on her cheeks and lips, added a hint of innocence. "Hi, I'm Rosary. Rosary Grail."

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