The Party

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The music blares as people pile into my house in groups. I've made my way outside and found myself sitting at the edge of the pool, praying that no drunk teenage boys decide to push me in. I see Scott and Allison walk outside and I jump up and speed walk to them, my bare feet leaving marks on the cement. 

"Hey guys! don't worry I won't intrude on your date. Just wanted to say hi so you don't think I went all 'hermit' in my room the whole time." I shoot a playful glare at Scott and smile. 

"No it's fine! You look really pretty Maeve." Allison smiles, clinging onto Scott. 

"Thank you! Lydia picked out the dress... anyways, I'm gonna go get a drink, so I will see you guys tomorrow? Or later, maybe." I start walking towards the punch bowl, knowing it's probably already spiked by now. 

"Yeah!" Scott looks back at me and waves while making his way to the dance floor with Allison, but furrows his brow at something behind me. 

I turn back towards the punch bowl to see Derek, standing near the gate of our backyard, staring. 

"Creep." I mutter under my breath. 

I grab a cup and start to fill it up, but jump when a boy puts his hand on my shoulder and starts loudly talking in my ear. "Do you want a cookie?" 

"Who are you?" I ask, covering the ear that he just left ringing. 

"A friend of a friend. Anyways I brought cookies! Offering them to everyone. You want one?" he holds up a chocolate chip cookie and smiles. 

"I guess a cookie sounds nice, yeah!" I grab the cookie and take a bite, "Holy shit! These are amazing." I down the cookie and smile at the boy with a full mouth and chocolate on my teeth. 

"Just wait until they kick in." He turns around and holds up the container of cookies while yelling, "Pot cookies for free!" 

My mouth falls open and I stand in shock for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. "What cookies?" I choke out in a whisper, my eyes wide. 

"Stiles! Scott!" I run around the backyard, still barefoot, frantically looking for one of them. In the middle of my panic I spot a striped sweatshirt and a buzz cut. 

"Maeve? I've been looking for you everywhere. Scott just left - freaked out. I'm telling you guys I'm right. And you'll never guess what. That guy Derek? He took Allison home."

I stare at him, bug eyed and hyperventilating. 

"You are looking a lot like Scott did." He lets out a nervous chuckle and begins slowly backing up.

"Someone gave me pot!!! I took pot! or ate pot? I don't know!!" My hands are gripped around his wrists. 

"Ouuuuchhhh! Maeve you need to slow down your heart rate. Like now!" he leans his head towards me and whispers, "You're piercing me with your wolfy claws." 

"I don't have claws and I can't calm down! I need to go." I rip my hands off of his arms, which is accompanied by another yelp from him, and run into the house. 

My feet stomp up the stairs and I make my way to my bathroom while talking to myself. "Werewolf?! Really funny Stiles... Oh goddd this pot is gonna make me so paranoid! I've never done drugs! What if I die!?" 

The bathroom door nearly rips off it's hinges as I pull it open. Two people are in there making out against the sink, and whip their heads towards me. 

"GET OUT!!" I scream, sending them running. 

I slam the door shut and lock it, turning on the sink. My hands grip around the sides of it and I feel my nails suddenly press against the ceramic. "What the hell?" My hands are presented in front of me, with newfound claws. I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping it's just the drugs. When I open them up again, my eyes glow yellow in the reflection of the mirror. Right when I open my mouth to start screaming about the fact that the cookie was definitely laced with something deadly, I see fangs attached to my canines. My hand reaches for the faucet to turn it off, but instead, rips off the knob. "Oh my god!" I gasp at the sound of my voice, deep and charred, as if I'd just spent a few hours screaming at a heavy metal concert. 

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