The Full Moon

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My knees are pushed against my chest, my head rested on them. Stiles' fingers are tangled in my hair, slowly combing through it. He's ripping through knots, making me want to wince in pain, but I can't bare letting him know that he's hurting me. Besides, once he practically brushes my hair for me, him combing his hands through my hair will be great. 

"How much longer do you think it'll take for him to start apologizing and begging for us to let him out?" My words are muffled against the fabric of my jeans. 

"Hmm..." he hums, letting out a yawn before continuing, "I don't know. Probably not much longer though. It's getting late." 

"I could tell. You've been yawning between every sentence for the past twenty minutes." 

He lets out a soft laugh before removing his fingers from my hair, and laying his head against mine. "I guess I am pretty tired." 

"Then take a nap." I say, shrugging, "I'll still be here when you wake up."

"Who's to say you wont woge and get all werewolfy or banshee-ish on me?" He snaps back. 

"Did you just tell me to not vogue? Because yeah, I can be hot sometimes but it definitely is not when i'm a werewolf."

"No -- woge not Vogue. It's German for 'wave' or something. Means change...or shift. I just thought we could use a cooler word for it." He explains, his words getting quieter as he continues. 

"Sometimes I forget how smart you are." I say, "But I will not remember to use that when someone shifts." 

"You have the IQ of a genius - you're one to speak." 

"Yeah, yeah," I shake my head, causing his to move with mine, "Just take a nap. I wont woge or whatever. You keep forgetting you're my anchor, smartass." 

"Oh yeah," I can feel him smile, "I should've known you were so, very, deeply in love with me when we learned that." He teases. 

"Oh shut up! Go to sleep, I will wake you up when Scott decides to--"

"Guys, please let me out." a desperate voice calls from the room behind us. "It's the full moon, I swear. You know I wouldn't do or say any of this on purpose." Stiles and I roll our eyes at each other. "Please, Stiles, let me out. It's starting to hurt. Maeve? Please?" 

"So much for that nap." Stiles whispers. 

Scott continues from the room, "It's not like the first time. It's the full's Allison breaking up with me...I know... that it's not just taking a break. She broke up with me. And it's killing me. I feel completely hopeless." 

I look at Stiles and whisper, "He's going at the five stages of grief completely wrong. Isn't anger and bargaining supposed to come before acceptance?" 

Stiles nods his head. 

"Just, please -- let me out." The sounds of the handcuffs against the metal radiator gets louder and more frequent, leading me to believe that Scott is actively trying to get free. "I can't. No no no no!" Scott starts screaming bloody murder, causing me to throw my hands over my ears." 

"Oh my god, why is he screaming?" Stiles yells over Scott's screams. 

"I don't know but it is horrib-- oh! He stopped." I smile for a second before dropping the expression fully, "Oh no, what if he fainted or something? Oh my god, Stiles, get up! I don't hear his heartbeat, what if he's dead?" 

"Scott, are you okay?" We jump up and open the door to Scott's room. I'm relieved to see no dead Scott on the floor, but equally as pants-shitting-terrified to see no Scott. The window is open and the handcuffs are broken on the floor. 


"Oh shit is right." I mumble. 

"What are we supposed to do?" Stiles is nervously pacing around the room, checking his phone every five seconds. This state of stress isn't foreign to Stiles and I, but now we have an actual reason. 

"Stiles, I'm sure he will be just fine. Scott hasn't hurt anyone..." Stiles side-eyes me, "anyone but me..." I correct, "and I doubt he will. I bet he will somehow come across Allison and the sound of her voice will--"

"Wait, wait. Shh" Stiles cuts me off and holds up his phone. I hear his heart speed up and can smell the arising anxiety. My first though is, oh shit, Scott actually murdered someone. The second thought is, oh shit, they're letting James Franco and Anne Hathaway host another Oscar's show. Obviously in a time like this, the first one is more plausible. 

"What is it..." he is silent for a second, staring only at his phone. "Stiles!" He snaps his head back towards me, away from his phone. "What is it?" 

"Oh, um... Two bodies found." He is busy dialing his dads number -- sending him a text at the same time that the phone is ringing. There is no answer, and he dials it again. No answer. "I can't reach my dad." 

I gulp, thankful Stiles can't smell my anxiety. Otherwise, we would be setting each other off, both of us going into full blown anxiety attacks. It would end with me heaving over the toilet and Stiles hyperventilating on the floor. What a pair we are. "Yeah, I see that. Where were the bodies found?" 

"Same place we got piss drunk the other night." 

"We're going." I say, wasting no time to grab onto his hand and drag him through the halls of the house. 

"You're starting to sound a lot like me." He comments, clearly trying to get his mind off of the fact that his dad could possibly be in a body bag. I appreciate the effort, know the car ride to the woods will be silent -- the air thick between us as we both imagine what we will do if we lose Sheriff Stilinski. 

I shrug, opening the front door. "You're rubbing off on me." 

A/N: I very much dislike this chapter and it's totally ass. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about how very leng buzzcut Stiles is and was actually having to hold myself back from writing some very non-PG-13 stuff, which would make for a disaster. (and don't ask, I will never write smut. I physically recoil at the thought of me doing so. It just turns out so bad). Also I have been sick and wrote this very short part in the span of a week because I have been forcing myself to write in-between headaches. If you understand what the 'woge' phrase is from, then ur either cool, or ur parents started watching Grimm (which is actually pretty bad lmao) and you just got stuck watching it sometimes. 

Anyways, hopefully you enjoyed (?) and don't be a silent reader. ILY!

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