Night School

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I have one arm in each of the boys hands as they drag my panicking ass back to the school. "Now is not the time to freak out!"

"And please don't scream because I don't feel like dying!" Stiles adds. 

Scott lets go of me and rips open the door as Stiles pulls me in so forcefully that we both stumble to the ground. In a panic, I jump up and rush to the door. "I need air!" 

"Not while there is an alpha out there trying to kill us! Did you see the way he chucked Derek?" Scott rips me back in and shuts the door. "Lock it! Lock it!" He yells to Stiles. 

"Do I look like I have a key?" Stiles Irritatingly responds, throwing his arms in the air. 

"Grab something! One of you!" 

"Like what?" 


Stiles and I slowly move our head up to look out of the window of the door. We stare at the bolt cutters that Stiles dropped in front of the steps of the school when he unlocked the entrance. Our heads carefully turn to face each other, and I nod. 

"...No." Scott mumbles. 

"Yes." I say, opening the door. 

"Maeve, no!" Stiles attempts to grab into my arm, but I slip out into the cold air and lean my body against the door. 

Instead of running, I walk down the cement stairs and make my way to the bolt cutters, trying to be as quiet as humanly - or inhumanly - possible. I grab them and am about to sigh in relief when I hear hands banging onto the door. 


"Maeve! Maeve!" 

their voices call out in desperate attempts to shift my attention, pointing at something in front of me. I reluctantly turn to face it, and for the first time, I see the Alpha up close - more substantial than I'd ever hoped for. A visceral fear fills my lungs, and I fight back a scream as I force my body to get up and sprint to the door. I rip it open with so much exertion that the handle on the outside bends. I shut it behind me and push the bolt cutters against the handles. 

"Oh my god!" I gasp, trying to catch my breath.

"Where is it? Where'd it go?" Stiles and I peer out the window after Scott's question, and look around the now empty parking lot. Scott looks down at the bolt cutters, flimsy against the metal handle bars, barely making a difference. "That won't hold, will it?" 

"Probably not." Stiles chews on his bottom lip for a second, while scanning the room. "The desk!" 

Scott rushes over to it and starts trying to move the counter, that is most likely bolted to the floor. "Stop, stop. The door isn't gonna keep him out." I say, moving over to Scott. 

He sighs, "I know." 

"It's your guys' boss." Stiles joins the conversation, resting his arm in the desk. 


"Deaton? The Alpha?" Stiles looks at Scott and I, painfully oblivious to his point, nodding our heads. "He's the Alpha. Your boss." 


"Yes! Murdering pyscho-werewolf." Stiles protests, while moving around his free arm around in circles. One thing I've never failed to noticed about Stiles is how much he talks with his hands. Sometimes I will forget to listen to the conversation and follow his flailing hands with my eyes. Just like I'm doing right now

I snap my head up and face the arguing boys in front of me. "Oh come on! He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" 

"It's not him." Scott says again, determination painted across his face. 

"He killed Derek." 

"Derek isn't dead." I say, crossing my arms on top of each other. 

"How would you know?" Stiles asks, cocking an eyebrow at me. 

"I just have this gut feeling." 

Stiles scoffs, "Blood was spurting out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next." 

"He's not dead." I repeat, glaring at Stiles; my crossed arms tightening. 

"Okay, just...." Scott starts rubbing his palms against his forehead, "What do we do?" 

"We get to my Jeep. We get out of here. You guys seriously need to think about quitting your job." Stiles stares at us for a second, waiting for us to acknowledge him. "Good?" 

I nod. " the hell do we get out here?" 

"Let's go in one of the classrooms." 

Stiles and I watch in silence for two good minutes while Scott fiddles with the edge of the windows, trying to open them. Finally, Stiles decides he can't watch anymore. "They don't open. The school's climate-controlled." 

"So you just let me-" Scott doesn't bother finishing his sentence. "Then we break it." 

"That will make a lot of noise." I sit down in one of the uncomfortable school chairs, still trying to slow down my heart from my near death experience in front of the school. 

"Then uh..." Scott bends his neck to the side and a loud pop is heard from it. He makes his way towards his hands, nervously cracking every knuckle. "Then we run. Really fast." He moves up to the window and looks out of it. I stand up from the chair and follow him, hoping we aren't faced with a wolf-demon thing on the other side of the window. "Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?" 

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong." 

I silently place my hand on top of my lips and stare at the mangled Jeep hood. Stiles is gonna be pissed. 

 "What, like, dented?" He asks, making his way to the window. 

", bent." 

Stiles gasps and clutches his hand over his chest like he just got the news that a loved one died. "What the hell?....that's my battery." He starts pacing around the room. "We have to move." 

"He could be right outside!"

"Oh my god, we're gonna die..." I start muttering under my breath, following Stiles' anxious pacing. 

 "He is right outside, you dumbass! Why do you think we're in here in the first place?" Stiles responds exasperatedly. 

Scott rolls his eyes at us and sighs. "Let me just take a look outside." 



"So..." I stare at them for a second, "We move now?" 

"Move now." 

A/N: Ahh I kind of completely hate this chapter! But, I wanted to post something for you guys. I know nothing really interesting happened but trust me, some shit will go down in the next few chapters. I havent been my best mentally so updates have been insanely slow and I feel so guilty about it but I swear I am trying my best to post as often as possibly. Love you guys!

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