Heart Monitor

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"You think he'll get mad at me?" I back into the closet and look over to Derek, who had climbed through the window while I was sitting on Scott's bed, waiting for him to get home. 

"Just be quiet! If you wanna scare him, you've gotta be quiet and hope he doesn't listen for heartbeats." 

I nod and quiet my breathing as I hear him open his bedroom door. He flicks on the light and jumps at the sight of Derek and I, silently standing in his closet. 

"Boo!" I yell while throwing my hands in front of me. 

He has a late fear response, and takes a full five seconds before saying, "You have got to stop doing that!"

"So what happened? Did he talk to you?" 

"What, you think the Alpha is gonna come out from the depths of the woods and talk to Scott?" I ask, rolling my eyes at Derek. 

"Yeah. We had a nice conversation about the weather." Scott responds, sarcastically. "No, he didn't talk!" 

"Okay...well Derek has been teaching me about getting scents off of people. Did you get any off of him?" I ask, moving over to his bed and lying down. 

"Anger...Not-not at me, but it was definitely anger." 

"He's probably pissed that I'm some sort of weird supernatural mess instead of just a powerful beta. Watch him him try to murder me or something." I start laughing, but quickly stop and gulp when I realize the high possibility of that actually happening. "Uhm...so, you're sure it was anger?"

"Oh yeah. I could feel it, especially when he drew the spiral." Scott explains, joining me on the bed, almost pushing my whole body off to get some room. 

"Wait," Derek has suddenly straightened his posture and twisted his brows in a confused expression. "the what? What did you say?"

"He drew this spiral on the window of my car, in the condensation, you know?" Scott's body language is full of leisure, expressing no concern. 

"Oh, so he can't have a conversation but can go doodle on your car window? What a weirdo." I look over to Derek, who is being concerningly quiet, blankly staring at Scott and I. "What? You have this whole, 'I know exactly what that means but i'm too afraid to tell you' look going on right now." 

"No. It's - it's nothing." 

"We can hear your heart rate, you oaf." I cross my legs and sit up, failing at trying to look more mannered and intimidating. 

"Yeah, wait! You can't just ask us to trust you and then keep things to yourself!" 

"It doesn't mean anything." He starts to get annoyed at us, rolling his eyes. 

"You buried your sister under a spiral." Scott says, "What does it mean?" 

"You don't wanna know." Derek jumps out the window and disappears. 

I get up and stick my head out the window. "Hey! We very much wanna know! I'm one hundred percent sure you can still hear me! You're probably hiding in one of the neighbors bushes!" 

Scott grabs onto my shoulders and pulls my head out from the window, closing it after doing so. "You're gonna freak out the neighbors! I bet you at least one is gonna call the cops about some strange man in the bushes now." 

"Oh they'll live. Let's just go to bed. The principle called my parents and said if I keep being late, I'm gonna get detention or whatever." 

"Okay, but if you kick me in your sleep again, I am making you sleep on the cot." He points to a folding up camping cot sitting in a the corner, which i've gotten all too familiar with. Turns out that after becoming supernatural, i've also gained some interesting sleeping habits. Those include sleep walking, talking, kicking, elbowing, punching, and slapping. All of which Scott has had to experience. 

"Still not talking to me?" Scott leans forwards in his chair while talking to Stiles. 

"He's pissed at you because of the whole ignoring us on Allison's birthday and then his dad getting hurt because of the mountain lion the same night." I explain for Stiles, who is sitting next to me with his arms crossed. 

"Can you at least tell me if you dad is okay?" 

"It's just a bruise, alright? Some soft tissue damage. Nothin' that big." Stiles doesn't turn around to face Scott while talking, and I watch his body tense up even more at each word. 

I cup my hand around his ear and start whispering, "You aren't still tense because my dad pissed you off, right? Because if that's the issue, don't take it out on Scott just because I don't want you telling him anything." 

"No, that's not it..." He unfolds his arms and turns meets my eyes with his, "Okay, maybe that's part of it. But i'm also just pissed at Scott." 

"What are you guys talking about?" Scott sticks his head between ours, and is met with two glances, one confused and the other annoyed. "Look, you know I feel really bad about it, right?" 

Stiles just sighs, and I look back and Scott and shrug. Stiles folds his arms back together and starts chewing on the inside of his cheek. 

"Okay...what if I told you i'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and that I went to Derek for help?" Scott continues talking, hoping for a response from Stiles. 

"I'm not talking to you...but I am talking to Maeve." He twists his body to face mine, "I would say that Scott is being an idiot for trusting him." 

I point at myself and mouth, "He's helping me too." 

"Okay, I would say both of you are being idiots for trusting him." He turns back towards the front of the class but sighs after a few seconds and turns back around. "What did he say?" 

"He's back!" Scott widely smiles at us. 

"Don't push it." 

"Can you guys please shut up?" We all turn to the teacher, and are met with him, along with all of the other students staring at us.

I clear my throat and look down at my desk, quickly putting a stop to my conversation with them. 


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