Magic Bullet

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I watch intently as tests are placed onto every students desk. Once the teacher gets to mine, he grimaces and flips it upside down before placing it on my desk, doing the same to Stiles who is seated behind me. "Oh god." I whisper to myself while slowly flipping over my test. By the time I am met with the grade, Stiles is already whining about the 23% he got. Mine isn't nearly as bad - a 54%, but still a failing grade. "Seriously?" 

The teacher has made his way to the row to the left of me, doing the same with Scott's paper as he did with mine and Stiles'. "I got a 60%." Scott frowns and turns his head towards me. I turn my grade towards him, and he shakes his head in solidarity. 

I feel a finger tap on my shoulder, nearly making me jump. "If Derek isn't the Alpha...if he's not the one that bit you guys...then who did?" His mouth is extremely close to my ear, as he lacks the main ideas of personal space. 

I shrug and look over to Scott, who is chewing on his lower lip. 

"I don't know." 

Stiles sighs and pushes his body against the seat, thinking for a second. He then leans back forward and lightly backhands me in the back of the head.  "Did the Alpha kill the buss driver?"

"Probably." I rub the back of my head with one hand, while taking a red pen and turning the 5 in 54% to an 8. 

"I don't know." Scott is clearly annoyed by Stiles' questions. 

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"

Before I can give him an answer, Scott yells, "I don't know!" 

This brings the attention of the entire classroom to him, as he tries to nonchalantly look out the window and play it off. 

"Jeez." Stiles taps his pen against the desk, while I fiddle with a rubber band. 

Scott looks at his test and then back up at us. "I'm studying with Allison after school today." 

Stiles reaches across the desks and pats him on the back while smiling. "That's my boy!"

"Hey, way to go!" I say, joining in on Stiles' excitement. 

"We're just studying.." Scott rolls his eyes at us. 

"Uh, no, you're not." Stiles scoffs.

"I'm not?"

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you! If you got to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god, I'll have you de-balled." Stiles is pushing his body across the small isle between the desks to be closer to Scott, blocking the path for anyone who wants to get through. 

"Okay..just....Stop with the questions, man. And Maeve, don't pull any of your weird remarks about how hot Allison is. Or her dad." He looks at me and glares. 

"Sorry for having taste." I mutter under my breath. 

Stiles nods, "Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha, or Derek....especially Derek...who still scares me..." 

"I don't know..Derek doesn't really scare me anymore. The way he yelled at me yesterday was kinda-"

"I swear to god, Maeve, if you call that man hot." Stiles puts his lips next to my ear again and whispers, "I will personally murder you." 

"Harsh." I whisper back, smiling. 

"I'm going with you today, since Scott is gonna be at Allison's." I push open the doors along with Stiles, as students pile out of the school. 

"You know you don't have to tell me, right? I pretty much give you a ride every single day." He pulls his keys out of the small pocket of his backpack and aims them at his car. 

"Yeah, yeah. It's not my fault Lydia and I share a car. She is literally always using it." 

"Speaking of Lydia.."

I place my hand in front of his mouth and stop his sentence. "Don't even." 

"Yeah, Okay." He opens the Jeep door, throwing his backpack in the car seat. I do the same, chucking a little too hard, causing the backpack to fly past the back seats and end up in the trunk. 

I climb in the passenger seat, and look down at my hands while Stiles begins pulling the car out of the parking lot. I look up to see Derek suddenly appearing in front of us, pale and swaying, with one arm stuck out. 


He slams his foot on the break and exhales, "Oh my god!" 

I look across the parking lot to see Scott running towards us, muttering, "No no no no! Not here!"

"Dude, he's gonna pass out! Look at him!" I point at Derek, who is swaying, his body going in small circles. Right as Stiles snaps his head back towards him, he collapses on the pavement in front of the car. 

Stiles throws his arms in the air and looks at me in disbelief. "You've gotta be kidding me. This guy's everywhere!"

"We need to help him, hello?" I push Stiles towards his side of the door and he opens it as I jump out of the passenger side, running over to him. 

"What the hell?" Scott is standing over Derek, confused. He kneels over him and asks another question, "What are you doing here?" 

"I was shot." Derek pulls down the sleeve on his left arm and holds it up in front of us, a gunshot wound exuding black goop. 

"Oh yuck!" I turn my head away from it and cover my mouth. 

Stiles does the same, except his reaction is accompanied by a gag, and I push him away from me. "If you're gonna puke, respectfully, do it as far away from me as possible. Or I will kill you." 

He takes a deep breath and looks back at Derek, who has covered the wound. "He's not lookin' so good." 

Derek is laying on the asphalt, his skin so pale that it's almost translucent, his veins slightly showing through the skin. He is extremely clammy, and has nearly red eye bags. To put it in easy words, he looks dead. 

"You look like you're dying." 

A/N: Sorry if this sucks! I am pretty sick right now lol. Hopefully you enjoyed it though. Don't be a silent reader! 

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