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All these months here she was never involved with such an out of box thing and here she was walking into the dead already and that too because she had insisted to learn from the best and was about to witness him at his worst.

Her brain reminded her curtly and she hugged the jacket close around her hoping that the feel of fabric would give her the needed courage to face this guy who had God knows what intentions at this very hour of the evening.

She wished to have a clone code of this guy named Raghav but with FUNCTIONS of her choice like it was possible.

Contemplating her meager choice availability, she purposely slowed down when she saw the guards wandering around the gates.

"Perhaps they were planning to close the doors." a relieved sigh left her breath. " but what if he needed someone to be with him, what if it was not intentional in the evening, what if he was misunderstood." in the very next moment the heart came with the set of questions meant to trouble her conscience.

"is it the normal pace, well I remember it was much faster the first time you came behind me." she nearly jumped with his voice,

Raghav had chosen to stand in the dark so when he walked towards her she took deep breaths silencing any kind of chaos that started hitting her full force the moment he crossed her space.

His clothes were the same from the evening with the small difference of his first two buttons undone and the usually well-tamed dark hairs creating a mess on his head. Other than that she could not make any difference in his demeanor and the most important -the sarcasm in his tone was already there waiting for her.

" did you walk here to comment on my walking pace..." she gave him back. It was as if the evening incident never existed and they were back to the rapport they shared over the last few weeks.

"No...I came to release my bladders here." his blunt retort made her uncomfortable and that's when she noticed a faint smell.

"Are you drunk?" sniffing the air around them she asked him. The smell was no doubt the alcohol and she looked here and there to make sure there was no one to witness them and most importantly at this hour of time.

"not something I cant handle." the arrogant answer was not something Pallavi was ready to handle.

"Oh... well we certainly are not the kind of friends you crash after one such evening, call your guys, and please leave from here," she told him before turning to leave.

"Does your father always poke his long nose in others matter or it was some latest software update, this evening?" his stern voice stopped her and it was confirmed he had come here to talk about the matter.

"Are you always this reckless in public or it was some kind of Built-in error I was not aware of..? she asked over her shoulders.

"let us call it a Runtime error...we did discuss that in the beginning, Coding.com." his voice was softer this time and she turned back surprised at the change and witnessed a small smile on his lips, his eyes seemed to fix somewhere else.

Perhaps The alcohol was starting to wane him otherwise this was not the kind of response she was expecting.

"Are you leaving or should I call the guards?" she asked him tilting to her right to have his attention.

"i had some issues with the other man, your father came in between us unnecessarily." in his mind the words got completed but in reality, he was cut mid-way.

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