Chapter 1: past and reincarnation

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"I said no! I'm not going to marry her! She already has someone, and I told You Dad! I'm GAY!!" a teenager boy shouted, he was slapped by the man whose face turned red from anger in front of him and shouted " You disgraceful son!! I wish you weren't born! I wish you weren't my son!! I should have left you a long time ago you disgraceful disgusting so- person from now on you are not my son!!!" these words left wounds on the teenager's heart, tears streams down his cheeks he covered his eyes with his sleeves and ran out of the house. The teenager stopped at the middle of the road as a light speed fast heading towards him, he already knew that there was no escape and gave up on escaping his death, he shut his eyes and bit his lips he embraced himself for the pain that has yet to come.

The bright light is coming nearer and nearer, BANG! a large sound of what seems like hitting something hard sounded around the neighbourhood that attracted a crowd of people. A ringing sound of a phone and screams for help made people around start to panic as a boy who seemed to be quite young is lying in a pool of blood in the cold ground, the teenager grasped for air but to no avail his efforts was wasted as he slowly lost consciousness and the breathing becoming weaker and weaker.

His eyes went cold with no glimmer of life, his heart stopped beating. A drop of water came from above and soon followed by a light rain, like the heaven and earth mourned the sudden death of the youthful boy.

'Damn it! Rin-san already have a girlfriend! And I'm gay dad! I'm not going to marry her! Damn it! Why is it that I can't freely do what I wanted?!'

"I said no! I'm not going to marry her! She already has someone, and I told You Dad! I'm GAY!!"


" You disgraceful son!! I wish you weren't born! I wish you weren't my son!! I should have left you a long time ago you disgraceful disgusting so- person from now on you are not my son!!!"

'Disgraceful. Disgraceful? Hah! Really!? I won many singing competitions! I studied hard to make you proud damn it! I even stopped doing things I love! I stopped cosplaying! I stopped crossdressing! I stopped baking and watching anime or manga! Seriously what have I ever done to you why won't you support me at least once! Dad I'm gay and I won't force myself anymore! Fine! You! Were never a dad anyway!'

I glared at the old man and dashed out of the house. I felt warm liquid flow down my cheeks, I tiredly gasped for air and felt my feet starting to ache from all the running.

Suddenly, I heard a large sound, and my legs went numb. I froze... My eyes red from the bright light rapidly advancing towards me. With no hope I lowered my eyes and looked down at my swollen feet with no shoes.

'Ahh, no wonder it hurts... I'm going to die aren't I...? After I just escaped that hell hole... Theres no way I can escape such fast-speeding vehicle, beside my body is frozen stiff, I'm tired Of this anyway I guess this is my fate, After this I will be free...'
Okeeee so introduction first before we continued the story,

Hello, my name's Anjin Akihira I live with my dad but not anymore! (⑅>ᴗ•⑅)y
*Ahem* anyway my gender is male and my sexuality is gay well originally straight because I thought I was.. but I found out I wasn't after a few experiments (。◕3◕。) and yeah, I'm an otaku for both anime and beauty I love cosplaying especially crossdressing! I like sour foods and my fav colour is orange! I also like to play music and to sing
And of course I can't leave out other info such as I was forced to marry a Lesbian who already have a gf (❛ั - ❛ั ) ... I was also forced to give up my hobbies and things I like... aaand~ studdy day and night
(*'Д`)=з I'm energetic, lazy and calm at the same time, I like being around nature like forest or seas! Well, that's all I can explain about myself...maybe?
"uuuuuu.... hmm?"
'where am I? So white and clean...'
I looked around my head full of haze and couldn't think straight.

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