Chapter 4> Finnaly sneaking out!

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   In the room, Andrew sat cross leg on the floor. He was still as a rock and was sweating non-stop, Yua and Yuri watched his condition carefully.

   Later a mana was finally condensed in the heart and formed 2 magic circles.

   "I didn't think I have this much mana stored in me.."

   When Andrew's eyes opened a clean white towel was prepared infront of him by Yuri.

   {That's normal for Dielas, they attract magic from their special physics. But it could be dangrous for children if not taken care of properly.}

   "Let me guess, the reason is mana

"Yuri, Yua are you guys ready?"

{•Hell yeah!•}
{Yuri, watch your language!}
{•oops- sorry Yua..•}

   Yua smacked Yuri's head again.

   'Ahh.. Yua has started scolding Yuri..
In the three of us Yua is the most responsible one and has become like a mother role to us.'

   'Yuri on the other side is the naughty little sister role while I become a brother who tries to cover up for his sister...'

   "hey, can you both be in human form?"

    {•I can but I don't wanna do it..•}

   "It's okay!"

    {I would like to stay as a animal cat as your pet}

   "Alright, but instead of cat how about a hamster?"

   I like animals but hamster is just too cute!

   {Why is that?}

   'Fufufufu~ so I can carry you around easier while watching you being cute!'

   "So it's easier"

   {... I see, ok.}

   Yua transformed into a hamster with a collar representing her owner.

  When Yua finished Andrew was already in the walkthrough closet and shouted.

   "I'll start dressing up!"

   Andrew bought a wig in the supermarket skills and found a maid outfit just his size while exploring earlier.

    'Hehehe~ I haven't crossdress for so long, this is gonna be fun!'

    After a while an unkown women came out of the walkthrough closet

    {•huh? Who are you where's Anne?•}

   Although Yua looks calm and quiet but deep inside she is confused.

   "hey, It's me Andrew who else?"

   Yua and Yuri was stunned and looked at her up and down and at the same time {{•Andrew?•}}

  "ofcourse silly." Andrew answered smiling and very amused by their reactions.

   {•Wait ta minute!•} Yuri said circling Andrew while Yua stayed silent looking at Andrew up and down. Andrew felt pretty awkwardly embarrassed.

   "so uhh.. Are y-" Andrew was cut off by Yua

   {I-Is this real?}
Yua poked the bulging thing on Andrews chest she showed rare rudeness.

"I-It's Fa-" Andrew was yet again cutted but it was Yuri this time

{•Whewww.. Thank goodness..•}

Andrew sighed.
"There is a potion in the supermarket, a gender bend potion." This sentence left Yua and Yuri choke on air but before they could say anything Andrew took Yua and puts her in his head and left the room and went to the garden.

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