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-Modern AU


    Andrew sat holding a microphone singing in the karaoke room with Nathan.

    Nathan suddenly took the mic from Andrew and saw him stay silent so suddenly, Nathan grinned and kissed Andrew.

   "Ngmmmh~!" Andrew blushed red and gripped a fist full of Nathans clothes.

   "Don't pout at me, it makes me want to tease you more~" Nathan pinched Andrew's chin enjoying the view.

    "We- We where here to celebrate christmas..!" Andrew pushed Nathan and grasped for air causing an erotic expression.

   "---!" Nathan felt a strong force beneath him, his eyes darkens and licked his lips like a hungry beast.

   "W-Mm!" Nathan kissed Andrew more passionately then previously, he slowly undressed each other.. His eyes darkens more and more, he looked at his prey below him.

   "C-Calm down Nat, N-not here!" Andrew felt the danger, and happens to see Nathan's buddy.

   'Holy Sh-t' No matter how much Andrew sees it he will never get used to seeing such inhuman size!

   Andrew whimpered.

   Nathan, licked Andrew's addams apple to his cherry and slowly entered one, two, three, four... Five fingers in, Andrew moaned erotically.

Quelch.. slick..

   "Ugh! ha" Nathan bit and sucked, he teased Andrew's cherry more and more.

   "P-Put it in already, don't tease me.." Andrew gasped and moaned, he started playing with his buddy.

   "Hnng.." Daniel inserted his buddy and started to bang and thrust.





   Slick, sluck




  Andrew rolled his eyes and stucked his tongue out of pleasure, he moaned and c-mmed.

    'Hnng, feels so good! I don't know how many times I've c-mmed..'

    "Ugh, more, faster.... NAT♡ C-M INSIDE ME♡"  Andrew seduced Nathan even more.

    Nathan on the other hand got harder, he thrusted harder and faster.

   Nathan c-mmed along side Andrew, Nathan kept c-mming and c-mming inside making Andrew feel even better by the warm sensation.

    Both of them grasped and panted, Nathan took out his buddy and loads of c-m oozed of Andrews anal and buddy.

   Both if them smiled.

   "Merry Christmas love."


A/N: Nathan booked the whole building just for this. I'm not that good at this things but, special occasions is special occasions!

I also got busy from Baby-sitting my baby brother who's only 9month old, he's birthday will be during january though.


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