Chapter 14: As a beauty otaku, this can't go on!

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After enjoying the beach,they all went back home the following day.

And recently, Andrew noticed he wasn't using his merchant and adventurer privileges and his biggest problem.

'This can't go on..!'

Andrew nibbled his fingers flustered and frantically walking back and forth his room.

Andrew suddenly stopped and an idea came to mind. Andrew immediately set off to his father's room, currently it's 8 in the evening.

Andrew pushed the door open while calling out to his father.

"Pa, I want to talk to you about something.."

Lucas was half laying on the bed with a book on his hands, he looked at Andrew and motioned him over to his side of the bed.

"Papa, aren't you cold?" Andrew asked seeing his father wearing only loose and thin robe exposing his eight pack abs.

Lucas chuckled while Andrew confusingly sat on the bed trying to peek unto what his dad is reading.

"The mansion is equipped with temperature controling magic item, wether it's summer or winter, the temperature in the mansion will always be the same." Lucas ruffled Andrews hair now that his in his reach.

Dumbfounded Andrew stared at the book while Lucas closed it and put it away.
It didn't take long until Andrew came back to his senses and felt embarrased being dumb infront of his father.

Lucas pulled Andrew in for a hug and kissed his child's forehead, taking Andrew by surprise. Andrew who become fond of his new father naturally and obidiently hugged his dad.

"Son, is there anything you want to say to suddenly visit papa..?" Lucas looked at his precious child's innocent eyes blinking at him and hugged him more deeply.

"Papa, I want to go visit different kingdoms on this summer vacation, can I..?" Andrew puppy eyed Lucas defeating him in seconds, but even so Lucas was worried about his child's safety.

"Should I come with you?" Hearing this Andrew shook his head, and pondered for a while before shaking his head again.

"No, I want to go alone, can't I?" Andrew pretended to be sad to collect sympathy, and completely succeed.

"Alright.. But in one condition." Lucas pinched Andrew's cheeks irritating Andrew.

"What is it dad..?" Andrew tried to push the pinching hand as much as he could but, the hand was unmoving.

"Bring the maid tasked to take care of you." Lucas chuckled in satisfaction and finally let go of his child's cheeks.

"Ok, I guess that's fine.." Andrew rubbed his sore cheeks and glared at his father.

"Well, how about you sleep with papa tonight before you leave tommorrow..?" Lucas brought both his hands up motioning he surrender.

"Hmp. Fine, wait.. But how did you know I planned to leave tommorrow?" Andrew lay down on the bed while Lucas help him with his blanket.

"No more question, sleep." Lucas turned of the lamp a gave his child a good night kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight papa.." Andrew beamed in the love of his father that he never felt or dreamed of in his last life.

The two father and son slept soundly, the room was covered in a comforting atmosphere.



A warm current gently passes through my face, I opened my eyes to see that my father had already left to the imperial palace leaving a note reminding me to bring Ria.

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