Chapter 18: Aesira

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"Looks like we've finnished off from here..?" Andrew kicked off an undead's body that came rolling to him.

Aesira stood above a pile of corpses, and her body itself was splashed with a great amount of blood.

"Oops, sorry about that.. But yeah I guess so??"

Aesira hopped down and came towards Andrew when he motioned for her to stop with a frown covering his nose.

"Don't. Don't you dare come any closer, wash yourself first!" Andrew handed a towel and pointed at the bathroom.

Both of them was fortunate enough to have found a hotel nearby. It has been a three days since they arrived and since then they hunted the undead non-stop, to the point that the undeads in their area greatly decreased, and both of them undeniably became stronger.

Andrew moved up to a higher floor and surveyed the view before him, he narrowed his eyes with discomfort.

'This is nonsense..'

A a days ago, while Andrew and Aesira wandered around the vacinity when they where attacked by an undead with much more speed than it's kind, but rather weak.

The speed could be explained due to it's small body.

'A child?'

Upon closer look, it was a child, there was a huge peice of it's meat missing on the child's legs and the supposed rotten body was perfectly fine.

The child was increasingly familiar to Andrew and dragged on the fight before deciding to just capture it.

It didn't take long until a sudden flashback reached Andrew's mind.

Under a big tree in a front garden, sat two young boys, the other one was much more younger. The two of them was exceptionally lively in contrary to the peaceful neighborhood.

'No.. Yuichiro?'

Andrew speculated this world to be his.


"Hey Andrew, I spotted people! Real people!" Aesira broke Andrew's chain of thoughts and dragged him down to the first floor.

Andrew had expectations swelling up inside him, but all were diminished at the sight of a group of 3 people in a large sofa.

Andrew couldn't help but be disappointed.

"It's my brother!!" Aesira was so happy she jumped in joy and ran to her brother like a child.

"Calm down, you'll attract the undead!" Her brother pinched her cheeks, and in seconds later he looked back up to the silent familiar face.

"It's you.. His highne-" Before Aesira's brother were to finnish Andrew cut in.

"Right, it’s nice to see you again Mr. Ryle Alfonso."

"Wait, you guys knew each other??" A girl with a short blonde hair looked at Ryle in confusion and disgust.

"Well, now that I think about it, you really are a disgrace in the Alfonso family. To think that you would actually bring in a lowly commoner instead of using them like how we, nobles should use them as baits in time of crisis!"  The girl moved to Andrew's side.

Andrew already knew what type of people this girl was, all the more reason to keep a distance from her.

'Characters like this are always the first to die..But, she could still change.'

"No, it was a matter of people's lives. More importantly we need manpower."

'Although I won't be trusting any of you.'
Andrew had closed eye smile in pair with his words.

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