Chapter 2 - Karaoke Night

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"Y/N, I'm coming in, please be wearing clothes." you hear Wanda say in a gentle tone from outside your door.

"You know I'm not~" you say in a sing-song voice. Wanda sighs and lets out a soft laugh. "Just give me a second" you shout to her. You put a comfy pair of joggers and a baggy sweatshirt on over your underwear, and sit down on your bed to put on a pair of fluffy socks. "Come on in."

"I still don't get why you only wear your underwear in your room, one of the guys will ending up walking in and seeing you."

"And I'm counting on it," you wink at Wanda and she sits down beside you. "It's just more comfortable, I don't see the need if I'm alone in my room." 

"I get it, but at least get a lock put on your door," Wanda suggests. "That's not what I came here to talk to you about," she says almost sternly.

"What's up" you say, worried by the slight seriousness in her tone.

"How are you feeling? You know after earlier, what was that all about"

"Wanda I'm fine, trust me. It's just that he, he read my mind. And he spoke to me through it as well like you do. I got frustrated and, did the trick where I pull the air out of your lungs."

"Y/N what did we say about suffocating the guests?"

"I know, I know, but I'm a private person okay? And I don't appreciate when random strangers invade my privacy."

"I get that Y/N, but let's try to come to a more peaceful solution next time, yeah?"

"Fine, but if he reads my mind at dinner, I'm going to stab him in the ass with my fork." You and Wanda both burst out laughing when she uses her powers to send you a mental image of you doing so.

"How about, if he pisses you off, you nudge me and I send you that mental image. That way no one gets injured, deal?" Wanda says through tears of laughter.

"Ok deal, what's for dinner by the way?" you ask as you finish laughing, unable to get that out of your head.

"I think we are going out, to celebrate Thor finally coming back and as a welcome to Valkyrie and Loki." 

"Why didn't you say so sooner, we have to get ready."

"One more thing Y/N, I think there's something off with him." Wanda says with a concerned tone.

"Wanda he killed 80 people in 2 days, there's a little more than something off with him."

"No I just mean, ok, well, you see-" Wanda stammers, trying to gather her thoughts. "When I tried to read his mind, just to make sure he wasn't planning on killing us in our sleep, I couldn't get in."

"Well he is quite a powerful magic user, he probably has some kind of barrier up."

"Exactly, but the barrier only blocked his thoughts. I'm a fairly powerful magic user too, I'll have you know. What the barrier didn't, or couldn't block, were his emotions. When we asked him about New York, I felt a strong sense of regret and hopelessness."

"So what do you think that means?" You ask, shocked that the 'god' could even feel anything.

"Well to be honest, I think maybe New York wasn't his fault, maybe he was being forced into doing it."

"Like as in, mind control?"

"Exactly. I mentioned it to Fury and he said he has access to a truth serum from a guy they arrested called Uzman. Loki is trying it now because he said 'some liquid from Earth won't be able to force to speak', if he's anything he sure is arrogant. We will find out if I'm right before dinner when Loki and Thor get back."

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