Chapter 7 - A Mirrored Heart

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The quinjet finally lands, and the team is exhausted. Everyone immediately heads to their rooms, leaving you alone in the elevator with Loki as you reach your floor.

"I call dibs on the shower," you say, breaking the silence. The god always takes an unnecessarily long time in the shower, probably to do with his hair, and you're not going to wait an extra 20 minutes for him to get out.

"We could always just share it you know," he flirts back, why does he make it as difficult as possible for you to try and just be friends. You know it will only end in heartbreak, if you were to ever act on his suggestions.

"Loki," you turn to him, and look him in the eyes. "It's never going to happen" you say, regretfully, although you would never admit it. 

"Come on, even you don't believe that," he remarks dryly and scoffs. You know he's right, you probably will end up giving into the urge at some stage.

The elevator door opens and you walk to your bedroom to get a towel. As you walk back out of your room to head to the bathroom, he walks past you into his bedroom and smirks at you. How can he be so sure that you like him back, when sometimes you yourself can't tell.

You step into the shower, and wash away the sweat and grime from the exhausting day. Your mind wanders back to the dream you had of your sister, you hope she's okay. Then you begin thinking of how serious Peter's injury could have been. 

Stress takes over and you feel your anxiety building up. You find it getting harder to breath, and quickly step out of the shower, putting on your towel. You sit down on the floor against the wall, and try to focus on your breathing, in, out. 

It passes after a few minutes, and you recompose yourself. Standing up and looking in the mirror, you wipe away your tears. 'Be strong, crying is for the weak,'  your father's words ring in your head. You walk out of the bathroom in your towel to see the god leaning against the wall opposite the door.

"Took you long enough," he says mockingly, walking towards you. 

Loki's POV:

As I look down at her, I notice her eyes are slightly reddened. She's been crying. 

"Sorry, I had to wash my face," she says, trying to explain what took her so long, her voice betraying her.

"It's quite alright, I'm only teasing," I say softly, not wanting to upset her any further. I don't blame her for needing to cry, it's been a tough day. Although I'm sure my father would probably say otherwise. 

"You do that a lot," she mumbles under her breath.

"Do what?" I reply, confused as to what she meant.

"Tease, how am I ever expected to know when you're being serious," she elaborates quietly, dejection written on her face. She walks past me and to her room.

Regular POV:

"Y/N," he calls your name and you turn to face him. "Know that I have only ever been serious in my advances towards you," you look into his eyes, trying to detect any falsities within them.

"Well I've been told the same thing before, and it proved to be a lie. You're the God of Lies for the otherworlds' sake, how am I to believe you're any different," you respond bitterly, a chip in your shoulder from your past. 

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