Little Fools

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"Are you implying that they're dead...?"
"Huh? Did you not hear me Y/n? I said it's not specified that they're dead yet, but maybe."

"Hm, I see ."
"...-AND WE WILL DEFEAT MOEBIUS!" The crowd cheers and y/n leaves. Takemichi tries follows Y/N but loses site of her for a second. 

"I'm fed up of this. I need to know where my parents are."

"Y/N CHAN!!"
"Who's calling my name...?"
"Y/N CHAN! Wait!"
"Huh... is that? Takemichi?"
"Takemichi what are you doing here, you're not in Toman are you?"
"No but...- be careful of Moebius."
"Why should I? Takemichi are you ok?"
"Then what's your problem?"
"It's just that. It will be dangerous."
Y/n chuckles. "Takemichi, don't be so pessimistic, we will definitely win!"
"There is no way I can convince her... can I...?"
"Oh well, ok I'll see you later. I guess." "Hmm. Bye."

As y/n was walking home.
"Is it me or do I have a feeling. Someone is following me... aahh I'm just gonna walk home quickly..." As y/n was about to close her door. THAT PARTICULAR PERSON blocked it. "M-Mikey?! Why are you following me. Weirdo... "
"Can I stay here, please." "That's a straight up no."
"Oh come on, fine. Just for one day, ok. Ask me that question again and you'll sleeping on the streets in not time."
"Ok y/n chan! *wink wink* Y/N covers her face embarrassed and blushing. "Oh man..."

Some moments later
"So y/n..." "Hm, yes?" "I'm bored." "Oh really.."
"Uh, well maybe we can watch a movie or something.. ."  "Good idea!" "But what movie?" "Y/N can choose!"
"Aaah- I would but I don't know...?" awkward laugh. "I know what... instead of a movie...! How about..." Aah! It sounds weird, he's too cute."

Mikey gets closer to y/n's face, looking curious. "Hey, Y/N. Why does your face look like that. Like you're fangirling. OH, let me guess, you fell in love with me! ♡"."N-no! I just... uh.-" Y/N impatiently waiting for an excuse."Well you see, I was just thinking about someone... N-not you!" That was the worst f*cking excuse you could ever come up with. "Huh. You were what?" said Mikey as a dark face and tone appeared.
"Why do you look so mad?" Y/N bursts out laughing. "OH PLEASE! ARE YOU JEALOUS OR WHAT!" "Y/N chan is my best friend! No one will interfere with our 'friendship'" said jealous Mikey.
That kinda hurt but whatever I guess... (T_T)
"From now on Y/N, you are mine and MINE only!" Mikey leaped and hugged her tightly around the waist."
Y/N feels super embarrassed and happy at the same time.
"Mikey... you can let go off me now."
"No, I don't want to!"
"I have somewhere to be. Soon, I don't want to be late!"
"Then I'm going with you."
He's so cute...but please let go off me I can't be trapped here forever.
"Either ways, where are you going Y/N chan??"
"Meet up with someone."
"Who." Mikey said with a jealous look on his face.
"That won't be important."
"Oh come on! Tell me please, Y/N chan?!"        "Is there a reason for you wanting to know so badly??" "YES! I wanna protect you y/n chan."
"I don't exactly know who it is but I know they can help me find my parents."
"That's unsafe, you can't go alone, let me take you there!" Mikey pleaded. Y/N ignored him.

"Oh, Y/N chan~"
He said as he tried to somewhat 'annoy' her. "Stop!" She said in an embarrassed way. "You can come...!" "Aww, are you blushing...!"
"Stop or I'll kick you out, don't forget we are in MY house still!"
"Ok ok I'll stop."
"Also, if you're alone. How are you still in this house.
Y/N replied,"Good question, my parents owned a gang, it used to be one of the top gangs and we earnt a lot of money. We still have some money and are still earning it but, not really the top gang anymore I guess. Since they 'disappeared.'
"Oh."                                                   "Just oh?"                                             "Well I don't know what to say?" Y/N looked at him in a disappointed yet confused way as in, B*tch, you literally just asked the question and your gonna act like that?
Y/N checked the time "Oh poor you, it's your bedtime now."           "And if I refuse?" Y/N pointed outside of the house giving him a clue of what will happen if he refuses. "You are rude Y/N chan."

After a while, Y/N finally got him to sleep and she also felt tired. She yawned and put Mikey in a comfortable position so he feels better tomorrow morning. Soon Y/N fell asleep as well.

The next morning Y/N woke up discovering Mikey clutched on to her. Man this boy is so clingy, huh? "Good morning Y/N chan~"
She slowly turned around to see Mikey right in front of her face smiling. Her face turned red and she swiftly moved back.

"W-what are you doing?!".             "What? I'm trying to greet my beautiful Y/N!" "B-BEAUTIFUL?!" She almost fainted.
"Did I frighten you?" He said along with a sad facial reaction.
"No... Anyways I'm leaving for school."
"WHAT?! But I want to stay with you." "Dont worry I'll come see you later."                                            "Is that a promise?"
"Yes." My lord I feel like I'm baby sitting right now. "Yay" , he ran to hug Y/N. Y/N chuckles.

After she finished getting ready she allowed Mikey to walk to schl with her and as she got to the entrance of the school she waved goodbye to him.

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