Part 6

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"By the time she wakes up, we will force her to be in our gang, right?" they said as Y/N heard muffled voices while she struggled to open her eyes.
"Yes we will." The person said.
"MRMRMRHHHH!!!" Y/N mumbled.
"Awe looks like she's awake, seems like we have to knock her out again." he chuckled.
"No! Remember what we said? We will make her join our gang, do you have memory loss or something?" he said.  They looked back at me, insulting my intentions, "You are so funny, look at you trying to speak. Stupid."  they chuckled.

Hearing what they said, y/n tried to break free.
They looked at her laughing because she thought she could get away and she couldn't, there is no way. There are so many people here.

How stupid could you get? Breaking a promise, falling for a trap, whats next Y/N? Leave Toman and coming back to say it was an accident? I mean, I wonder how you managed to get into Toman anyways. Maybe he likes you or something, or maybe he thinks you're cool!
You need to get yourself out of this.
You need to not fall for stuff too easily.
You need to be smarter.
You need to start thinking more about your future. What do you think is going to happen to everyone? Focus on the people you care about and the people you love or else.

The person removed the tape from your lips and gave a little smirk.
"You'll be joining our gang ok? You will listen to everything I say. If you don't, you will face punishment." he said with seriousness, looking into your dead (e/c) eyes.
"Now, you stay and don't go anywhere." he said walking away.
"Great, this is a great chance to escape. How will I get my hands free though?" 
Y/N had an idea. She shuffled the chair forward to a weapon left on the floor.
"BINGO! Look who's stupid now." she laughed in her head."But how am I supposed to pick it up??" she wondered. She realised but felt awkward.
"Can I not just call Mikey?" she asked, "Nevermind, I probably don't have my phone."
She sighs, wondering what she should do before they come back.
She looked at the entrance shocked, what a coincidence.
Guess who came casually walking through the entrance door.

How did he find me? Oh god, I broke our promise. What will he think now? How am I falling for things easily?

"Y/N..." he stared at her, "You lied to me... You broke our promise. I told you to not come here. "
Y/N looked at Mikey's serious face feeling guilty. You knew you shouldn't have done that. Will he forgive you?
He removed the tape from my arms and legs and grabbed my wrist and pulled me from the chair.
"WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LISTE-" he stopped himself. "I-I'm sorry."
Y/N looked at Mikey. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head into his shoulders and whispered, "I'm sorry... I should've listened. Yet instead I got myself into this mess. Trust me, I will not let it happen again." she said
Y/N broke the hug, "We should probably go before they come back." she said awkwardly.
"What do you mean? They aren't coming back, I already dealt with them."
Y/N looked at Mikey shocked, "You did?!"
He looked at Y/Ns shocked face and sighed, "Why are you so shocked for? Do you think I'm weak or something?" he asked.
"Huh?! Nonono, I don't mean it like that but-.." Mikey cut her off, "Then what do you mean?"

"Never mind..." Y/N sighed.

After they finally made it home. Mikey looked at Y/N like he had to tell her something important, but he didn't because he didn't want her to get hurt. But then, he felt like she could help and he didn't want to leave her alone after what she had done recently.
"Y/N we are having a meeting today, tomorrow... I've decided we are going to fight Moebius." he said.

Y/N was shocked. Don't you think it's to early? I mean we may be the strongest gang but imagine the amount of people there could be there. Stop, stop over thinking. It might go well don't you think?

"It's starting now by the way, so let's go." he said as he held y/ns hand and led her to his motorcycle. He sat in the front while y/n sat at the back wrapping her arms around his waist.
"Let's go."
They zoomed into the streets, as the wind blew on y/ns face. She tightened her hold and closed her eyes. For a few minutes, she ended up falling asleep.

"Y/N...wake up" he whispered, his voice was soothing, "Wake up, we're here..." he said again.
Y/N woke up and immediately gazed at the crowd of Toman members standing below the stage.

"It's time."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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